NEWS General Excellence Louisiana Press Association National Newspaper Assn.
& The Leader
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Thursday, January 12, 2012 • Vol. 15, No. 1 • 16 Pages • Circulation 11,000 • centralcitynews.us • “Like” Central City News on Facebook
Council Says ‘No’ to Loop Thru Central Central Takes Official Position
City Council Vote Could Block Loop Crossing City of Central
Central Hunters Won’t Let A Little Disability Stop Them C.E. Smith, Shane Smith, Trey Wax, Alan Wax, Nuet Hebert, and Bull Hebert
INDIAN MOUND — Not many people who have been blind from birth have had the opportunity to go deer hunting and kill not one but two deer. But Shane Smith of Indian Mound has done just that. Shane’s dad, C.E. Smith, an avid hunter, said it was an experience that both he and Shane will treasure for a lifetime. The opportunity for Shane, 29, and many other youth and adults with various handicaps to get out-
doors and go hunting is provided by a national organization called Hope Outdoors. Dan Robichaux, chief administrative officer at Neighbors Federal Credit Union, is state president of Hope Outdoors, and he loves the chance to make a difference in people’s lives. Dan was inspired to get involved because his own son has had three kidney transplants, which has limited his normal phys-
CENTRAL — In a major setback for the proposed Baton Rouge Loop, the Central City Council Tuesday night voted to disapprove the Loop from crossing Central. The meeting began with an explanation by City Attorney Sherri Morris that no toll expressway can cross the City of Central under La. R.S. 48:2020 without the approval of the City Council. Some members of the audi- Wayne Messina ence and two members of the City Council said the Loop should continued to be studied. But Councilman Wayne Messina said the Loop has been studied for five years at a cost of more than $6 million and that it was time for
the City of Central to express its disapproval of the project. Gene Baker, chairman of Neighbors in Action, a Livingston Parish group that opposes the Loop, said he came to the meeting to seek Central’s cooperation with Livingston in defeating the Loop. Baker said Messina’s timing was perfect, because the Federal Highway Administration has given citizens until Jan. 23 to file comments on the Loop. After that, the FHWA could give the project Tier I approval. Now is the time for CenSee CENTRAL on Page 3
How to keep up with Central between issues of the News: Join Facebook and “Like”
Court of Appeal Hears Central Case Can Privatization See A HANDICAP on Page 13
In Central Defeat Citizens’ Right to Public Records?
BATON ROUGE — A three-judge panel of the Louisiana 1st Circuit Court of Appeal heard arguments last Thursday on a suit for access to public records brought by the Central City News against CH2MHILL, the $6 billion Colorado corporation which formerly had the master privatization contract to administer city government in Central. The case could break new legal ground and decide whether privatization of government services can be used to defeat access by the public to public
Central City News vs. CH2MHILL is an action under Louisiana’s Public Records Law.
Central City News
records in the hands of a private company. The action stems from a Public Records request by the Central City News after CH2MHILL, which provided virtually all city services in Central, ran a political ad in the name of the “City of Central” one day before the city’s municipal election in March 2010. The newspaper sought all records related to the ad. The topic of the ad was “Setting the Record Straight on Permit Fees.” Appearing to come from the City of Central, the ad attempted to explain that permit fees in Central were reasonable. It appeared to be a direct answer to an ad run the previous week by candidate Jr. Shelton, which was entitled, “Setting the Record Straight.” That ad had argued that permit fees in Central were too high. Under its See PUBLIC’S on Page 13
2 CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2012
CENTRAL CITY NEWS and The Leader • Vol. 15, No. 1
13567 Hooper Road Central, LA 70818
Post Office Box 1 Greenwell Springs, LA 70739
Phone (225) 261-5055 • FAX 261-5022
Email stories and photos to centralcitynews@hotmail.com Published 2nd and 4th Thursdays, January through July Weekly from 2nd Thursday of August through 4th Thursday of December. The Leader was founded April 30, 1998, and the Central City News was founded April 21, 2005. They merged May 4, 2006. The Central City News also publishes the Central Community Directory & Yellow Pages and numerous special editions throughout the year.
Editor & Publisher Business Manager Graphic Artist Business Specialists
Woody Jenkins Candi Lee Terrie Palmer Shara Pollard, Jolice Provost
Member, Louisiana Press Association, and National Newspaper Association
Deadline for news and advertising: 5 p.m. Mondays
Photo by Woody Jenkins
No. 310
$40 a year by subscription in advance • $50 a year outside East Baton Rouge
Country Living in the City
STATE REP. VALARIE HODGES (R-CENTRAL) was greeted at Saturday’s Republican Legislative reception by State Rep. Hunter Greene (R-Baton Rouge). Hodges is the first woman to be elected under single-member districts to represent Central or Livingston.
Loop Vote: Central Wants to Stay Central Woody Jenkins
1,000 Central residents file comments against Baton Rouge Loop — The Central City News compiled comments by citizens of Central and presented them to members of the City Council Tuesday. Copies will also be presented to the FHWA, EPA, and CAEA.
Editor, Central City News
CENTRAL — Building the Baton Rouge Loop across Central is about as popular in this community as turning Central Middle School into a land-based casino. Only one person in Central has been willing to say he’s for the Loop — Wade Giles, the chairman of the private Central Economic Development Foundation. On the other hand, more than 1,200 Central residents turned out against the Loop Woody Jenkins at a public meeting at Zoar Baptist Church. In addition, more than 1,000 Central citizens have written letters or other comments against the proposed Loop. As citizens have filed comments with the Capital
Area Expressway Authority, they have sent copies of their letters to the Central City News, and we have compiled all of those letters into binders. We presented them to the Central City Council at Tuesday night’s Council meeting and
showed the Council copies of the bound volumes we will present to the Federal Highway Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Capital Area Expressway Authority. The Central City News will also present copies of these volumes to other key officials, so that they will know the sentiments of the people of Central. At Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, Councilman Wayne Messina offered a resolution to state the official position of the City of Central as opposing the Loop — something that had not heretofore been done. After a long debate, the Council voted in favor of Messina’s resolution by a vote of 3 to 2. Those voting and speaking in favor of the resolution were Mayor Pro-Tem Ralph Washington and Councilmen Messina and Tony LoBue. Councilmen Louis DeJohn and Aaron Moak forcefully spoke
and voted against the resolution. So, with such overwhelming opposition from the public, why was the vote so close? The opponents of the resolution said they weren’t for or against the Loop. They said they just wanted more time to study it, to see if there’s anything good in it. That’s truly amazing. The Capital Area Expressway Authority has already spent more than $6 million and five years “studying” the Loop. Their “study” has shown several things: 1) The Loop would cost $4.6 to $6 billion, 2) The tolls collected would pay for only a small portion of the cost of construction and operation of the Loop, and 3) Their own traffic studies show the Loop would result in no significant reduction in traffic on I-10 or I-12. The staff of the Loop is very adamant in telling anyone who will listen that the only feasible route for the Loop is straight across the heart of Central. Meanwhile, the State of Louisiana has a backlog of $12 to $14 billion in unmet highway transportation needs, which have been documented and placed in DOTD’s Highway Priority Program — which the Loop is not part of, because DOTD has never thought it worthy of being included. The Parish Presidents of Livingston, Ascension, and Iberville parishes “studied” the Loop for four years as members of the Board of the Loop. Then they threw up their hands and said this is a boondoggle that should not be built! Yet, some people want to fiddle around and “study” the Loop further. The study has already been done! Now, we are at a critical moment — The Federal Highway Administration will receive comments on the proposed Loop only through Jan. 23, 2012 for Tier I approval. Now is not the time for more endless study but for taking a position — before the FHWA grants approval for the project. With the tremendous public opposition to the Loop in Central, the failure of the Council to pass Councilman Messina’s resolution would have been a statement that it doesn’t really matter what most people want or believe. On the other hand, the passage of the resolution is a reaffirmation that Central wants to retain its lifestyle — Country Living in the City. Our congratulations to Councilmen LoBue, Messina, and Washington for representing the views of the overwhelming majority of the people of Central.
CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2012 3
City Council Votes 3-2 to Oppose Baton Rouge Loop
Central Exercises Its Option to Say ‘No’ ‘Base’ Corridor for Northern Loop Proposed by Capital Area Expressway Authority NORTH
Continued from Page 1
tral to take a stand on the project, Baker said. Realtor and former mayoral candidate Jr. Shelton said if Louisiana law gives the City of Central the right to veto the project, the Council should do just that. After a two-hour meeting and more than 20 speakers on both sides, the Council voted 3 to 2 in favor of the resolution to disapprove the Loop. The Central City News presented a binder with more than 1,000 letters and other comments by Central residents in opposition to the Loop. Kim Ellis, representing Young Adults of Central, presented 130 signatures from individuals who said they thought the Loop should not be rejected but “left on the table” for further study.Several other young adults took the same approach, saying they were not necessarily for or against the Loop. However, Messina said the looming FHWA deadline required the Council to take action now.
If Central Can Veto Loop from Coming Through Central, It Used That Power At Tuesday Meeting
How Central City Councilmen Voted BASE CORRIDOR FOR NORTHERN LOOP through Central. Another route farther north is the northern by-pass.
Voted to Ban BR Loop from Central
Councilman Dr. Tony LoBue
Councilman Wayne Messina
Voted to Keep Loop Alive
Mayor Pro-Tem Ralph Washington
Councilman Louis DeJohn
Councilman Aaron Moak
Your Neighbors are
Gr wing with Central Neighbors is proud to announce the grand opening of our newest branch, located at 10338 Sullivan Road in Central. Stop by and visit us at our new and improved location. The staff and management of Neighbors looks forward to assisting you with all your financial needs.
Trisha B. Prilleux, AVP Branch Manager
Visit your Neighbors at 10338 Sullivan Road in Central (In front of the Sullivan Rd Walmart Shopping Center)
City Council Disapproves BR Loop 4 CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2012
Speakers Who Asked Council to Block Loop thru Central
Jr. Shelton, Realtor Ex-candidate for Mayor
Mike Mannino Supervisor at Exxon
Ted McCulley Retired
Dr. Kim Fralich Veterinarian
Buddy Wicker Retired
Gene Baker Livingston Anti-Loop Leader
Tim Lazaroe RV Cams
Ex-Councilman Lucky Ross Ross Tire
Wayne Leader AA Mini Storage
Beth Freneaux Fussell Publisher, Central Speaks
Dave Freneaux Editor, Central Speaks
Kim Ellis Chair, Young Adults
Speakers Who Wanted to Keep Loop Alive and Study It More
City of Central A RESOLUTION DISAPPROVING THE BATON ROUGE LOOP PROJECT WHEREAS, efforts continue to move the Baton Rouge Loop Project forward; WHEREAS, millions of taxpayer dollars have already been expended towards the Baton Rouge Loop Project; WHEREAS, the Capital Area Expressway Authority, which is the legal entity established to pursue the loop, continues its effort to pursue the loop project despite a widespread loss of support for the 4.5 billion dollar project; WHEREAS, public hearings are scheduled to be held, which is one of the final requirements of the project’s environmental impact statement, prior to submission for approval to the Federal Highway Administration; WHEREAS, the Baton Rouge Loop Project is overwhelmingly disfavored by the citizens of Central; WHEREAS, the Baton Rouge Loop Project will likely transect the City of Central creating a disruption to all or part of the city’s rural nature; WHEREAS, the Baton Rouge Loop Project will likely increase the flow of traffic within the City of Central creating more of a burden on the City’s infrastructure, particularly roadways. WHEREAS, the Baton Rouge Loop Project will likewise create a negative impact on the City of Central’s social and economic environment. WHEREAS, the City of Central seeks a commitment to form its own study group to determine the City of Central’s transportation needs; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Central City Council does hereby express its disapproval of the Baton Rouge Loop Project as proposed. This Resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: For: LoBue, Messina, and Washington Against: DeJohn and Moak Adopted this 10th day of January, 2012. Mark D. Miley, Central City Clerk
Louisiana Senate Capital Area Expressway Authority 9100 Bluebonnet Centre, Suite 301 Baton Rouge, LA 70809 As the Senator for District 13, I have witnessed much unrest and uncertainty appertaining to the controversial Baton Rouge Loop. In 2012 Regular Session of the State Legislature, a request in the Capital Outlay Construction bill (HB-2) for additional funding to continue studying the Loop was introduced in the House chamber and subsequently defeated in Senate committee and in the Senate chamber, later added back into HB-2 through last-minute tactics via conference committee action and, finally, vetoed by Governor Bobby Jindal due to division and lack of consensus among the local Baton Rouge area legislative delegation. In addition to intricacy with the Baton Rouge Loop, I formally request to halt all monies to further study the Loop Implementation Plan for several reasons: • This study is the third study for a Loop around Baton Rouge and nearly $6 million has already been spent on this third study by the Capital Area Expressway Authority, yet, to this date, no definitive route has been established. Certain routes that are refused from deletion will destroy neighborhoods and divide the City of Central and the community of Watson. Plans for the South Loop have been abandoned due to significant opposition, indicating there is no longer a “Loop” in which to study. • There has been too much misinformation surrounding the costs, routes, and state-funded participation from the Authority, which has caused three of the five Parish Presidents (members) to resign from the Authority. • The “two-man (parish)” Authority has now embraced only the North Loop, which, as mentioned above, without the South Loop indicates there is no longer a “Loop” in which to study. Additionally, DOTD communications director, Jodi Conachen, has stated that “under state law, the Authority cannot undertake construction in areas that do not participate in the Authority.” Thus, by virtue of Livingston Parish President Mike Grimmer’s resignation from the Authority, the North Loop, or shall we now say North “by-pass,” must only affect East and West Baton Rouge parishes ... such an affect is much too costly and ineffective. Newly-elected Livingston Parish President Layton Ricks has also publicly denounced his support of the South and North Loop through Livingston Parish. • With a sprawling population of 800,000 people, Baton Rouge Metropolitan Area has waited too late to embrace building a Loop around Baton Rouge. Doing so today would cause thousands of people to actually lose their homes, their neighborhoods, their schools, their churches, and these quality of life issues that are so near and dear to their hearts. Consequently, immense opposition against both the South and North Loops has advanced to an organized manner in which thousands of concerned citizens have signed a formal petition against the Loop. • Finally, DOTD is currently upgrading and improving our existing infrastructure and examining alternative routes, such as the LA 408 (Hooper Road) extension, to mitigate the traffic congestion besieged by our local commuters. Because there exists no clear direction from the legislature regarding funding for additional studies for the Baton Rouge Loop project and fierce opposition from concerned citizen groups against the South and North Loop routes, I respectfully and formally acknowledge my opposition to funding additional studies for the Loop project. Continued funding of a third study within a metropolitan area of 800,000 people, is truly wasteful spending of taxpayers’ monies. I thank you for your attention and serious consideration to this very important matter that would adversely impact thousands of concerned citizens. Sincerely, Dale Erdey, State Senator, District 13
CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2012 5
Health & Fitness GUIDE Legendary Coach George Allen Offers Advice on Having a Great Workout CENTRAL
Roxanne A. Atkinson
What Is a Workout? by George Allen
Aerobics by Roxanne
Becoming Fit For Life
It takes a decision to change a habit and a decision to start a habit. I can remember so clearly when that “something” clicked inside my brain and I decided to not be as I was any longer… I would become a better me… a healthier me. The decision took but a moment, but it was a ‘life changing’ moment, and it continues to impact my life to this day. Since 1980, exercise has been a part of what I do for me. It is one habit that has benefitted me and as a bonus, allowed me to encourage others. It became a part of my day… a ‘no brainer,’ because when something becomes a habit, it is not necessary to think about it much… one just does it! Nike’s logo of Just Do It, became my mantra! I “Just Do It” everyday just like I brush my teeth, get dressed for the day, eat when I’m hungry, and rest when I’m tired. I recently came across a newsletter that I had written in 1989, for my aerobics classes. The featured article was an essay that was given to me at an International Dance Exercise Association (I.D.E.A.) conven-
A workout is 25 percent perspiration and 75 percent determination. Stated another way, it is one part physical exertion and three parts self-discipline. Doing it is easy once you get started. A workout makes you better today than you were yesterday. It strengthens the body, relaxes the mind, and toughens the spirit. When you work out regularly, your problems diminish and your confidence grows. A workout is a personal triumph over laziness and procrastination. It is the badge of a winner…the mark of an organized, goal-oriented person who has taken charge of his destiny. A workout is a wise use of time and investment in excellence. It is a way of preparing for life’s challenges and proving to yourself that you have what it takes to do what is necessary. A workout is a key that helps unlock the door to opportunity and success. Hidden within each of us is an extraordinary force. Physical and mental fitness are the triggers that can release it. A workout is a form of rebirth. When you finish a good workout, you don’t simply feel better. You feel better about yourself! GEORGE ALLEN coached the Washington Redskins and the Los Angeles Rams. He was the 3rd-winningest NFL coach of all time. tion in San Diego. It was written by legendary football coach George Allen of the Washington Redskins and the Los Angeles Ram. At that time he was the Chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and the National Fitness
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Foundation. The essay (reprinted above) sums up so well how I feel about my workouts. I get some of my best ideas while working out… It fires up the brain cells and for one hour I am just me… I compete against myself, no one else… I challenge myself
to work through the desire to quit and call it a day… to finish what I started by successfully reaching my target heart rate and sustaining it there for 30-35 minutes. Quitting is not an option. The classes I teach hold me accountSee HOW TO on Page 8
6 CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2012
CI:Healthcare Opens Doors in Health Careers
CENTRAL — Central Louisiana Area Health Education Center (CLAHEC) and Our Lady of the Lake College in Baton Rouge presented the “CI:Healthcare” program last Friday for high achieving high school juniors and seniors, including five from Central. This unique program was a oneday interactive experience that provided students the opportunity to explore nursing and allied health fields. Students rotated through different departments to gain experience from a wide variety of medical career choices. More than 50 students participated in health care fields such as nursing, clinical lab science, surgical technology, radiologic Technol- LAUREN BLANCHARD (left photo) learned about medical technology in the CI:Healthcare program. Hannah Zumo and Carlton ogy, respiratory therapy, physical Dunn (center photo) enjoyed learning about clinical lab science, while Victoria Brian (right photo) learned more about radiology. therapist assisting, health services administration, career awareness, and biology/human medicine. Students were given the opportunity to observe firsthand various procedures used in each field. They were able to interact with OLOL College students and faculty and ask questions about specific career choices. They participated in many “handson” activities to get a feel for the various disciplines. Students from Central who attended this program included Lauren Blanchard, Victoria Brian, and Morgan Miley from Central Private; and Carlton Dunn and Hannah Zumo from Central High. “I had a lot of fun today. I am very glad I got the opportunity to come to this. It really helped me out in choosing a career,” Hannah Zumo said.
CLAHEC is a non-profit, community-based agency that serves as a training and information resource for health and education professionals for a 17-parish region. A primary goal of CLAHEC is to identify local needs and develop programs that will encourage young people to consider a career in healthcare and to practice in rural and underserved communities where their services are urgently needed. “The CI:Healthcare program is an excellent tool for students to enhance their understanding of many different healthcare fields, obtain knowledge and experience from seasoned professionals, and to learn about programs offered through Our Lady of the Lake College,” program coordinator Nan Ewing said.
CENTRAL STUDENTS participating in the CI:Healthcare program at Our Lady of the Lake included Hannah Zumo, Lauren Blanchard, Carlton Dunn, and Morgan Miley.
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Kevin A. Rogers, O.D.
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CENTRAL CITY NEWS January 12, 2012 7
Ochsner Health Center-Central Is Now Open
CENTRAL — Thank you Central! The physicians and staff of the newly-opened Ochsner Health Center-Central would like to thank the residents of Central for their warm welcome. Ochsner is excited about our new location at 11424-2 Sullivan Road, and we appreciate the opportunity to offer Central residents convenient healthcare close to home. Did you know? We have Pediatrics! The larger 7,500 square foot facility provides us the opportunity to offer more services, including pediatrics! American Board of Pediatrics Board Certified physicians Lois Gesn, MD and Alicia Kober, MD are now seeing Central children of all ages. In addition to pediatrics, the following physicians are also at Ochsner Health Center-Central: • Keith Holmes, MD – Internal Medicine • Kenneth Gaddis, MD – Neurology • Gregory Gaspard, MD – Gastroenterology • Lei Gao, MD – Cardiology • Salvador Velazquez, MD Cardiology Get Connected with your Ochsner Healthcare Team Because not everyone works doctor’s hours, Ochsner Baton Rouge created MyOchsner, an innovative, online service at www. myochsner.org which provides patients 24/7 access to their medical information. MyOchsner is a secure, personal online tool which allows patients convenient access to the following benefits:
OCHSNER HEALTH CENTER-CENTRAL at 11424-2 Sullivan Road is now open, and Heather Ferguson of Ochsner is there to help.
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past statements online • Update insurance information, set up pharmacy preferences, and much more! For more on MyOchsner, go to www.ochsner.org. What About Insurance? Ochsner gladly accepts most insurance plans including: • Aetna • Blue Cross/Blue Shield • Cigna • Humana • Medicare • People’s Health • UnitedHealthcare
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• Access to patient healthcare information 24/7 • Schedule appointments and receive email appointment reminders • Communicate directly with physicians and care team • Receive lab results, radiology reports, and pre-procedure information • View lists of medications and manage prescription renewals • Receive important health reminders and messages through the personal Message Center • Pay medical bills and view
Core Ln.
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and more than 47 other insurance plans! Access to Ochsner Medical Center-Baton Rouge is Quick and Easy. Ochsner Medical Center-Baton Rouge, which is only 10 miles from Ochsner Health Center-Central at I-12 and O’Neal Lane, is easily accessible for Central residents. The hospital’s emergency department is prepared to handle virtually any emergency fast and efficiently with two major trauma rooms and two cardiac rooms. In addition, Ochsner Medical CenterBaton Rouge provides inpatient and outpatient services, including cardiopulmonary, endoscopy, laboratory, and radiology. The hospital provides same day and inpatient surgery services, including roboticassisted surgery and cardiovascular surgery. Ochsner Medical CenterBaton Rouge is also proud to offer labor and delivery services at its Family Birthing Center. Our staff of OB/GYNs, certified nurse midwives and nurses work with each mother to determine her individual birthing needs. In addition, mothers enjoy the birthing experience within the walls of a full service, acute care hospital. For more information on Ochsner Health Center-Central, visit us online at www.ochsner.org or call 261-9790.
Sullivan Rd.
Lovett Rd.
OHS_2898_Central City News Health and Fitness Guide_9.5x7.5-Ad.indd 1
Greenwell Springs Rd.
1/4/12 3:21 PM
8 CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2012
Central Health & Fitness Guide: From
Health & Fitness Guide
To update information, notify centralcitynews@ hotmail.com
Ashley Johnson Licensed Acupuncturist Lane Regional Medical Ctr. Bon Point Acupuncture and Herbs 4710 McHugh Rd., Zachary 658-6624
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Browning, Scott R., DDS 9053 Sullivan Rd. Central 261-9000 Central Dental Care Hebert, James H. DDS Henderson, Jacob F. DDS 11424 Sullivan Rd. Central 261-6645 Central Oaks Dental Care Prudhome, David K. DDS 16606 Greenwell Springs Rd. Central 262-4150 Raborn, Timothy R. DDS 10954 Joor Rd. 261-3360 Record, Ben Dr. 15110 Wax Rd. Central 261-1580 Vaughn, Walter J. DDS 13323 Hooper Rd. Central 261-8050
How to Get Fit and Stay Fit Continued from Page 5
able, and we encourage one another in this same way. I have heard it said that it takes 15 days to begin a habit and make it part of your life. For me that decision has changed my life in so many positive ways. The decision to change must happen before the habit can begin. To say that “I love my job” would be an understatement. It really helped to define the person that I have become. I love teaching and interacting with people of all ages. People in my classes inspire me to continue because I see changes occurring in their lives when they make that decision to allow exercise to become a habit for them. There are many success
Revolutionary Non-Surgical Knee Pain Treatment Just Got Even Better
stories that I can recall through the years. Kellye Couvillion has been there with me since the beginning in 1983. It has allowed her to know her body in a way that has benefitted her health. Linda Spedale has made her workouts part of her weekly habit since 1984. She not only looks years younger than she is, but has the stamina to work out hard that would put much younger people to shame. Rita McKee has been faithful to her habit of exercise for over See HOW TO on Page 10
Decades of vertical compression wears and erodes cartilage. Severe,
Recently featured on National Television NBC show, America Now with Leeza Gibbons almost bone-on-bone Degenerative arthritis, a painful condition that can cause severe disabling knee pain has been a difficult condition for doc- degeneration causes tors to treat for many years. In the early stages of knee Osteoarthritis, knee symptoms may begin as mild stiffness and pain. pain! As the years go by, the cartilage in the knee erodes from vertical mechanical compressional forces. What started out as Cold Laser Therapy combined with Knee Deminor nuisance eventually turns into severe disabling pain. compression Therapy may stimulate collagen formation, increase range of motion, reduce Now you may be able to knock out this painful problem—with a new non-surgical treatment breakthrough. inflammation and relieve pain. If you or your loved one suffers from knee pain, you must read these facts at once... DENHAM SPRINGS — Living with knee pain can feel like a crippling experience. Let’s face it, your knees aren’t as young as they used to be, and playing with the kids or grandkids isn’t any easier either. Maybe your knee pain keeps you from walking short distances or playing golf like you used to. Nothing’s worse than feeling great mentally, but physically feeling held back from life because your knee hurts and the pain just won’t go away! After Dr. Rich Roth, DC. started treating knee pain with a breakthrough technology at the Beaver Creek Health & Rehab, he’s seen hundreds of people with knee problems leave the office pain free. Do You Have Any of the Following Conditions? • Arthritis • Knee pain • Cartilage damage • Bone-on-bone • Tendonitis • Bursitis • Tendonitis • Crunching or popping sounds If you’re suffering from these conditions, a new breakthrough in medical technology (as seen on NBC’s, America Now) may completely eliminate your pain and help restore normal function to your knees. Finally, You Have An Option Other Than Drugs or Surgery New research in a treatment called low level laser therapy, or cold laser, is having a profound effect on patients suffering with knee pain. Unlike the cutting type of laser seen in movies and used in medical procedures, the cold laser penetrates the surface of the skin with no heating effect or damage. Cold laser therapy has been tested for 40 years, had over 2000 papers published on it, and been shown to aid in damaged tissue regeneration, decrease inflammation, relieve pain and boost the immune system. This means that there is a good
chance cold laser therapy could be your knee pain solution, allowing you to live a more active lifestyle. Professional athletes like Lance Armstrong and team members of the New England Patriots rely upon cold laser therapy to treat their sports-related injuries. These guys use the cold laser for one reason only… It Promotes Rapid Healing Of The Injured Tissues Before the FDA would clear the cold laser for human use, they wanted to see proof that it worked. This led to two landmark studies. The first study showed that patients who had cold laser therapy had 53% better improvement than those who had a placebo. The second study showed patients who used the laser therapy had less pain and more range of motion days after treatment. If the cold laser can help these patients, it can help you too. A Great Knee Treatment Has Gotten Even Better After treating knee pain for a few years with Cold Laser Therapy, Dr. Roth determined that the treatment results would likely improve if the collapsing, eroding cartilage could gently be decompressed. After all, knee degenerative arthritis is the result of compressing the cartilage for many years. As a result Dr. Roth, his father, and brother have pioneered a new procedure, which they call “Computerized Knee Decompression Therapy” Dr. Roth stated, “We developed the idea of Knee Decompression Therapy after years of utilizing a similar procedure called Spinal Decompression Therapy, which is used to treat flattened, degenerated, and herniated discs. We knew that the spinal discs and knee cartilage flatten out and degenerate for the same reasons. The wear and tear on weight-bearing joints vertically places stress on them and causes them to thin down over time. Let’s look at it another way. Out of a 24 hour day, most of us spend 16 of those hours in a vertical position (assuming 8 hrs. of sleep). So two thirds of our lives are spent either standing, sitting, or walking.
The standing and walking stresses the knee joint vertically. Since the knee joint is compressed vertically similarly to the spinal discs, the cartilage in the knee will often degenerate just like the spinal discs. Based on this fact, we have taken the spinal decompression technology and have applied it to the knee joint, and the results are often astounding.” ADVERTISEMENT Here’s What Some Of Our Recent Patients Have Said “I had difficulty getting in and out of a chair and had to use a cane to walk. Within 5 to 6 treatments I was able to walk with almost no pain. By the end of my treatment I was pain free.” – Jerry M “For 2 years I suffered with knee pain and couldn’t sleep at night. Doctors told me I needed both knees replaced but because of health reasons I couldn’t have it done. I went to Dr. Roth’s office in a lot of pain. I couldn’t believe after only one treatment my knees felt better and I was able to sleep that night. Believe me, cold laser works! Dr. Roth and his staff are the best! – Rita F. Could This Non-Invasive, Natural Treatment Be The Answer To Your Knee Pain? For 10 days only, Dr. Roth is making a very special offer where you can find out if you are a candidate for Cold Laser and Knee Decompression Therapy. What does this offer include? Everything he normally does in his “Knee Pain Evaluation”. Just call before January 23, 2012 and here’s what you’ll get… • An in-depth consultation about your problem where Dr. Roth will listen… really listen… to the details of your case. • A complete neuro-muscular examination. • A full set of specialized x-rays to determine if arthritis is contributing to your pain. • A thorough analysis of your exam and x-ray findings so he can start mapping out your plan to being pain free. • You’ll see everything first hand and find out if this amazing treatment will be your pain solution, like it has been for so many other patients. Until January 23, 2012 you can get everything list-
ed here for only $49. The normal price for this type of evaluation including x-rays is $150, so you’re saving a considerable amount by taking him up on this offer. Remember what it was like before you had knee problems. When you were pain free and could enjoy everything life had to offer. It can be that way again. Don’t neglect your problem any longer – don’t wait until it’s too late. Here’s what to do now: “Due to the expected demand for this special offer, you should call Dr. Roth’s office at once. The phone number is 225-664-1456, toll free 866-8708484. Call today and he can get started with your consultation, exam and x-rays as soon as there’s an opening in the schedule. Our office is called Beaver Creek Health & Rehab. We are a Knee Treatment Centers of America affiliate, the nation’s premier non-surgical knee treatment center. You can find us at 32350 LA Hwy 16, Bldg C., Denham Springs, LA, (located behind the Watson branch of the Capital One Bank). Tell the receptionist you’d like to come in for the Knee Evaluation before January 23, 2012. Now you might be wondering… “Is this safe? Are there any side effects or dangers to this?” The FDA cleared the first cold laser in 2002. This was after their study found 76% improvement in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Their only warning – don’t shine it in your eyes. Of course at Knee Treatment Centers of America, the laser is never anywhere near your eyes and you’ll be given a comfortable pair of goggles for safety. Don’t wait and let your knee problems get worse, disabling you for life. Act on this offer now and call today 225-664-1456, toll free 866870-8484. Go to: www.KneeTreatmentCentersofAmerica. com. To view Dr. Roth (co-developer of Knee Decompression Therapy) demonstrating knee treatment on NBC’s America Now. Copyright RMG 2011
CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2012 9
Acupuncture to Hearing to ‘Imaging’
Weilbacher, Stephen J. DDS 2321 Drusilla Lane Baton Rouge 928-3384
Ear, Nose & Throat
ENT Medical Center Boone, Ryan Dr. Hall, Christian Dr. 6110 Main St., Ste. D, Zachary 658-6220
Fitness Centers/Yoga
Aerobics by Roxanne Central 261-5539 Anytime Fitness 11231 Lovett Rd. Central 456-5156 Central Karate 8879 Sullivan Rd. Central 261-6326 Curves of Central 13579 Hooper Rd. Central 262-8040 Delta Barbell 12533 Sullivan Rd. Central 268-7688 Langston’s Taekwondo 13421 Hooper Rd. Central 261-5825 Massage and Yoga, LLC Gill, Heidi LMT 261-1956 massageandyogaincentral.com Perfect Balance Gymnastics 14645 Greenwell Springs Rd. Central 262-4966 Snap Fitness 14395 Greenwell Springs Rd. Central 261-5008 Snap Fitness of Central 18513 Magnolia Bridge Dr. Central 261-6119 Spectrum Fitness Clubs 11424 Sullivan Rd. Central 261-8405 1326 Church St. Zachary 654-3800 145 Aspen Square Denham Springs 70726 667-6789 spectrumfitness.com X-Treme All-Stars 14645 Greenwell Springs Rd. Central 262-4966 Yoglates II 3753 Perkins Rd., Ste. A Baton Rouge 381-0699 www.yoglates2.com
Health Food
Central Smoothie King Nutritional Lifestyle Centers 14455 Wax Rd., Ste. AA Central 262-4422 Owner: Patty Tate Manager: Don Tate Paradise Smoothie 18564 Magnolia Bridge Rd. Central 261-8881
Hearing/Hearing Aids ACL Hearing & Balance 11424 Sullivan Rd. Bldg. A, Ste. B-2 Central 927-7011
Home Health Care Agencies
Chase Health Care, Inc. Administrator: Jennifer Starns 4910 Monticello Blvd., Ste. B Baton Rouge 274-1444 Global Health Mgt. Systems 6659 Sullivan Rd. 261-0160 Health Care Options, Inc. Administrator: Maxie McCrary 6639 Sullivan Rd. 771-1881 Hospice of Baton Rouge Administrator: Kathryn Grigsby 9063 Siegen Lane, Ste. A Baton Rouge 751-8668 Lane Home Health, An Affiliate of Lane Regional Medical Center Administrator: Judy Carter 6300 Main St. 658-4150
Baton Rouge General Medical Center 3600 Florida Blvd.
8585 Picardy Ave. Baton Rouge 765-6565 brgeneral.org Earl K. Long Medical Center 5825 Airline Hwy. Baton Rouge 358-1000 lsuhsc.edu Lane Regional Medical Center 6300 Main St. Zachary 70791 658-4000 LaneRMC.org Ochsner Medical Center 17000 Medical Center Dr. Baton Rouge 70816 752-2470 ochsner.org/br Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center 5000 Hennessy Blvd. Baton Rouge 70808 765-6565 ololrmc.com Woman’s Hospital 9050 Airline Hwy. Baton Rouge 927-1300
Assisted Living & Alzheimer’s Community 4400 McHugh Rd. Zachary 658-8888 Senior Residences of Central 11837 Hooper Rd. Central 261-3070 Williamsburg Senior Living Community 5445 Government St. Baton Rouge 929-8917 Zachary Manor 6161 Main St. Zachary 654-6893
Eyemax Family Optical 11424 Sullivan Rd. Central 262-8141 Rogers Regional Eye Center Rogers, Kevin A. OD Williamson, Baron J. MD 18522 Magnolia Bridge Rd. Suite 101, Central 261-6282 See FROM on Page 10
Central Imaging Center 11424 Sullivan Rd. Central 261-7401
Massage Therapist
All About U Massage, LLC Sanders, Stephanie LMT Central 448-2783 Massage and Yoga, LLC Gill, Heidi LMT Central 261-1956 massageandyogaincentral.com
Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities Oakwood Village
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Brandi Turner, local hairdresser and mother of two, blacked out at the gym—turns out she was having a heart attack! But thanks to the expert cardiology team at Lane and CIS, Brandi survived and now has more time to spend with her family and do what she loves.
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To schedule an appointment with one of our cardiologists, call us today at 654-1559. 6550 Main Street, Suite 1000 • Zachary, LA 70791 • www.cardio.com
10 CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2012
From Massage to Optometry to Pharmacy Continued from Page 9
Harbour Orthodontics Dr. John Harbour Greenwell Springs Rd. at Sullivan Central 923-2060 Sherman, Stephen L. DDS, MS Balhoff, David A. DDS 14465 Wax Rd. Central 769-1276 www.shermanbalhoff.com
Baton Rouge Orthopaedic Clinic Dr. R. David Rabalais Dr. N. Whatley North Point Family Clinic 18901 Greenwell Springs Central 658-1808
Central Drug Store 13565 Hooper Rd. 261-6200 Walgreen’s 6515 Sullivan Rd. Central 261-5497 CVS Sullivan at Wax Central 261-6541
Physical Rehabilitation Centers
Baton Rouge General Medical Center 3600 Florida Blvd., Picardy Ave Baton Rouge 387-7000 Beaver Creek Health & Rehab Dr. Rich Roth 32350 LA Hwy. 16, Bldg. C Baton Rouge 664-1456
Lane Rehabilitation Center 4601 McHugh Rd. Zachary 658-6800 Ochsner Medical Center of Baton Rouge 17000 Medical Center Dr. Baton Rouge 752-2470 Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center 5000 Hennessy Blvd. Baton Rouge 765-6565
Physical Therapy
Central Physical Therapy 13111 Hooper Rd. Baton Rouge 261-7094
Health Quest Physical Therapy 12180 Greenwell Springs Rd. Baton Rouge 275-9293 30500 La. Hwy. 16 Watson 791-7770 Moreau Physical Therapy 17301 Jefferson Hwy. Baton Rouge 751-8512 11424 Sullivan Rd. Central 261-7021 2335 Church St. Zachary 654-8208 www.moreaupt.com
Physicians and Surgeons
Cardiovascular/Cardiology Baton Rouge Cardiology Center
Moosa, Yunus A. MD 11055 Shoecreek Dr. Central 658-2680 www.brcardiology.com Cefalu, Joseph M. MD Interventional cardiologist 18901 Greenwell Springs Rd. Central 769-0933 Cardiovascular Institute of the South Thompson, Charles MD 6110 Main St., Ste. B Zachary 654-1559 www.cardio.com Hathorn, Bryan. MD Louisiana Cardiology Associates 11424 Sullivan Rd., Bldg. A
How to Get Fit and Stay Fit for a Lifetime Continued from Page 8
remember him walking faithfully, doing pull ups off the carport, and later in life, leading the aerobics class at the home where he lived. George Burns, a well known comedian, once said that our bodies are designed to work…. “If they don’t work, they rust out,” he said. George walked every day. He said it was much easier than mixing a drink… “All you have to do,” he said, is put one foot in front of the other, and then do it again and again, and before you know it, you’re walking!” “I can do all things through Jan Tate, Missy Drude, Linda Cheek, Jeri Rogers, Susan Harris, Dara Bliss, Nancy Carlyle, Wendy Christ who strengthens me!” That Drennon, Mary Legendre, Jackay Metz, Melanie verse from Philippians 4:13 has Way, Earl Atkinson, Teresa Broussard, Angelle Wood, Peggy Butler, Lori Gautreaux, Lynn Kennedy, Eileen been a source of strength to me LeFeaux, Marilyn Randall, Carmen Fruge’ and Rathrough all these years. Praying chel Vessier Their decisions became habits and meditating on these words enyears ago. My grandfather, Wor- courage me to continue working on thy Lemoine, lived to be 107 by maintaining positive habits. With doing regular exercise. I can still Him, I know that I can try new things, keep on doing what works and know beyond a doubt that He walks with me through it all. For years, I kept this scripture posted on the wall in the Bob and Carolyn 25 years. Doris Jolibois, who just recently turned 80 and has worked out since 1987, is a regular. She was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and her doctor advised her to continue to exercise as she has done all these years to slow down the progress of this disease. The late Babe Teed exercised with me the day classes began and continued her exercise regime until well past the age of 83. It greatly enhanced the quality of her life. Some of my students have been with me more than 10 years:
Baker Family Life Center at Magnolia United Methodist Church. I repeat it in my head when I struggle with creating a new positive habit. Those words strengthen me and I know they strengthen my classes and others as well. Body, mind, and Spirit work together to improve the quality of life. Whatever your goals for a lifestyle change, you are one decision away from beginning a positive habit. Be encouraged… Seek what works for you. It is never too late to begin. For me, the decision to work out, to get moving, to jump into life, and to help others to do the same has been so rewarding. That habit continues to enable me to adapt to what living in this world brings with all of its challenge... and helps me to Be Fit for Life!
Central City News’ 2012 Publication Schedule January 2012 - July 2012 - 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month Deadline: 5 p.m. Thursday seven days before publication August 2012 - December 2012 - Every Thursday from August 9, 2012 through December 20, 2012 Deadline: 5 p.m. Friday the week before publication Thursday, Jan. 12 Thursday, Jan. 26 Thursday, Feb. 9 Thursday, Feb. 23 Thursday, March 8 Thursday, March 22 Thursday, April 12 Thursday, April 26 Thursday, May 10
Health and Fitness Guide Central Community Directory Everything for Women Business Awards Hard Hat Edition Cookin’ in Central Health and Fitness Guide Festival of Two Rivers Graduation Edition
Thursday, May 23 Thursday, June 14 Thursday, June 28 Thursday, July 12 Thursday, Aug. 9 Thursday, Sept. 6 Thursday, Oct. 4 Thursday, Nov. 22 Thursday, Nov. 29
Vacation Destinations Outdoor Guide for Men Central Home Edition Health and Fitness Guide Back-to-School Edition Central Football Preview Health & Fitness Guide Christmas Gift Guide Central Christmas Parade
CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2012 11
From Physical Therapy to Radiology
Central 767-3900 Helm, Boyd MD 5231 Brittany Dr. Baton Rouge 769-0933 Ochsner Health System 11424 Sullivan Rd. Bldg. A, Suite B-1 Central 261-9760 Vascular Lab Emory, Chris 18901 Greenwell Springs Rd. 819-8299 Dermatology Louisiana Dermatology Johnson, Franklin MD 18901 Greenwell Springs Rd. 927-5663 Family Practice North Point Family Health Dean, Herschel B. MD Dean, Kyle MD Reily, Tracey PA-C Jackson, Allison PA-C Browning, Rhonda MSN, APRN, FNP 18901 Greenwell Springs Rd. 924-9985 Gastroenterology Ochsner Health System 11424 Sullivan Rd. Bldg. A, Suite B-1 Central 261-9760 Internal Medicine Dial, Dan MD 10880 Joor Rd. Central 262-7710 Internal Medicine & Pediatric Group Dr. Stephen W. Speeg Dr. Kent M. Rhodes Dr. T’Lane M. Folse Dr. Bradford J. Smith Dr. Brad C. Giarrusso 11424 Sullivan Rd. Bldg A., Ste. C Central 261-3472
Ochsner Announces Family Birth Classes Starting February 6 BATON ROUGE — Ochsner’s Family Birthing Center has released the February class schedule. • Breastfeeding Support Group Meeting — Monday, Feb. 6, 6 to 8 p.m. Meetings are led by moms and offer the opportunity to share stories and tips. • Childbirth Classes — 6 to 8 p.m. Part I, Tuesday, Feb. 7; Part II, Tuesday, Feb. 14, and Part III, Tuesday, Feb. 21. Saturday, Feb. 18 the entire three part series is offered in a one day session. 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The three part childbirth series includes pregnancy topics, pain theories, pre-labor signs, labor signs, comfort measures, labor positions, interventions, pain medications, post partum and newborn procedures, and breastfeeding. Cost is $25 for mom and a partner, includes registration, materials, and refreshments. All classes are held at Ochsner Medical Center — Baton Rouge in the first floor classrooms. Call 755-4854 to register. Join Central City News on
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Ochsner Health Center Dr. Keith Holmes Dr. Sal Velazquaz Dr. Kenneth Gaddis 11424 Sullivan, Bldg. A, Ste. B-1 Central 261-9760 Neurology Ochsner Health System 11424 Sullivan Rd. Bldg. A, Suite B-1 261-9760 Obstetrics and Gynecology Bayou Regional Women’s Clinic Keith Elbourne, MD Joshua Best, MD Central 658-1303 Ophthalmology Eyemax Family Optical 11424 Sullivan Rd. 262-8141 Orthopedic Baton Rouge Orthopedic Rabalais, Robert D. MD Whatley, Adam MD 18901 Greenwell Springs Rd. Central 658-1808 Pediatrics Internal Medicine & Pediatric Group 11424 Sullivan Rd. Bldg A., Ste. C 261-3472
Podiatrists Le, Qui Dr. D.P.M. Footcare Surgery Center 11424 Sullivan Rd. Bldg. B Central 757-8808
Radiology/Imaging Central Imaging Center 11424 Sullivan Rd. 261-7401
To update information, notify centralcitynews@hotmail.com
ZACHARY — Amy Rome, RN, BSN, CPE has been named Pathway to Excellence Coordinator at Lane Regional Medical Center. Pathway to Excellence is a recognition program through the American Nurse Credentialing Center that assists in achieving 12 standards of excellence in nursing care to improve recruitment, retention, and patient outcomes. A resident of Central, Rome has more than 12 years of health care experience. Prior to being named Pathway Coordinator, she was a Charge Nurse and the Level II Nursery Supervisor in the Labor & Delivery Unit at Lane. “Lane has a rich history of dedication to patients and families,”
said Rome. “Our nurses are committed to excellence in the provision of patient care, promotion of wellness, and professional achievement. It is very exciting to be a nurse at Lane today, and Rome I look forward to our bright future.” Rome is currently a member of the Blueprint for Nursing team and is a former DAISY Award recipient and Lane Employee of the Month. She and her husband, Eric, have two children, Matthew and Maci.
Lane Regional Medical Center Names Amy Rome Coordinator
12 CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2012
Central High Teacher Runs Half Marathon Editor’s Note: Amy Dupree is an Advanced Math and Calculus teacher at Central High School. She is also a wife and mother. She recently ran her first half marathon with her best friend, Julie. This is her story:
Amy Dupree
Special to the Central City News
CENTRAL — Here’s a picture of my best friend since 5th grade, Julie Hile, and me after we finished the Chicago Half Marathon on Sept. 11, 2011. Back in March, Julie called me and said, “Let’s do something fun together!” She is a mother of three, and her husband Eric wanted to run with us. Julie and I met at church in our hometown of Longview, Texas, but we went to different high schools. We attended East Texas Baptist University after high school. Julie lives in Atlanta. So we
Central Legislators Get Committee Assignments
BATON ROUGE — Members of the Central legislative delegation have been given their committee assignments for the new four-year term. They are as follows: Sen. Dale Erdey — Revenue & Fiscal Affairs, vice chairman; Environmental Quality, and Health & Welfare. Sen. Bodi White — Commerce, Education, Judiciary C, and Finance. Rep. Valarie Hodges — Criminal Justice, Labor, and Transportation & Development Rep. Clif Richardson — Municipal & Parochial, Natural Resources, and Transportation & Development.
The Transportation committee is especially important for Central.
CHICAGO HALF MARATHON — Amy Dupree (left), an advanced math and calculus teacher at Central High School, and her best friend, Julie Hile, after finishing their first half marathon in Chicago on Sept. 11, 2011.
hadn’t seen each other for a long time. We had been planning to get together soon, and Julie had the idea to participate in the Chicago Half Marathon together. For some crazy reason, I agreed. I have always worked out, but I was never a runner. When I started training for the half, I couldn’t run the distance of four houses in my subdivision. After I registered for the race online, I looked for a training plan for a half marathon (13.1 miles). The only problem was that they began with a distance of three miles! I
already told you that I couldn’t run the length of four houses without having to stop! My first goal was to run a mile without stopping. I used my GPS to measure a one mile distance in my subdivision. Every time I worked out, I would run more and walk less. Finally, I could do a mile. So I pushed to do two. I set a goal to run a 5K in April, because the 5K is about three miles. Slowly, I built up my endurance, and then I participated in a 5K at LSU. Through May, I worked on do-
ing a steady three miles with as little walking as possible. I started the half marathon training program in June because it was a 12-week plan. Julie started the same plan at the same time, so we would be training together. Soon I could go a distance of four miles, then five, then six! (Six miles is a 10k!) It was really hard to train in the heat and humidity of summer. I had to get up before the sun did! I woke up at 5 every Saturday morning to do my long runs, and my last long run before the half marathon was 12 miles. I used an app on my cell phone to measure my distance and record my routes, pace and time. Julie and I would call each other for encouragement and motivation. Two weeks before the race, I did 12 miles. I figured that if I could do 12, with all the excitement and adrenaline of race day, I could make it 13.1. When the big day came, I was really excited and ready to complete my goal. I wasn’t concerned with having the best time. My only goal was to cross the finish line in the three-hour race time. Race day was so much fun. Everyone was so positive and encouraging to the runners. There were bands and cheerleaders at every water station. There was a fire truck from New York that had been involved in 9/11, and the race participants wore red, white and blue in honor of the special day (9/11/11). Our medals even had flags on the ribbon! I can’t describe the rush of crossing that finish line! All the hard work was so worth it!
Central Drug Store ...
Where you’re not a number, you’re a friend. Central Business of the Year two years straight! We are now offering A1C Testing and Lipid Profile Testing (Cholesterol) Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Appointments are not required, but preferred. We are unable to bill insurance at this time, but each test is under $20. Call for more information.
Flu shots are now available! We now offer BHRT compounding as well as other drug compounds. We now administer all types of immunizations!
Service + Convenience 13565 Hooper Road
CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2012 13
A Handicap Can’t Stop a Real Hunter Continued from Page 1
ical activities. Hope Outdoors, founded in 2005, pays all expenses for those with disabilities to go hunting for deer or turkey or fishing. Robichaux said that in Louisiana, individuals have been able to participate with a wide variety of disabilities, including quadriplegics and those suffering from cancer, blindness, and mental illnesses. In mid-December, Robichaux and Brett Crow, Hope Outdoors volunteer, took three hunters along with their dads to Tatum Plantation in Centreville, Miss. for the hunt of a lifetime. The hunters were Shane Smith, Trey Wax and Nuet Hebert. They were accompanied by their dad’s, C.E., Alan, and Todd. Shane is blind, Trey suffers from a brain hemorrhage that occurred at birth, and Nuet has a degenerative spinal disorder. Robichaux said, “When I approached C.E. about taking Shane on a hunt, he wasn’t sure how we would be able to pull it off. A blind person shooting a deer? But Wildlife Optics makes a device called a Trophy Shot. It allows hunters with
several deer enter the plot, a large 10 point showed up. Even being blind, Shane still got buck fever. The three worked together to get Shane in the correct position. Finally, the deer got broadside and at 140 yards, C.E. said to squeeze the trigger and Shane did just that. Robichaux said, “The deer ran into the woods but on the video, we could tell it was a great shot. After dark, we went to look for Shane’s deer and it was easy to find. The 10 pointer scored 123 inches. As C.E. and I rode in the back of the truck, I asked C.E. if he ever thought he would be able to hunt with Shane and see him harvest a deer. C.E.’s response was, ‘This was nowhere near my bucket list.’” C.E. Smith is originally from Lake Arthur. His wife Debbie is from Baton Rouge. Shane went to Louisiana School for the Visually Impaired and then public school. He graduated from home school. When Hope Outdoors takes disabilities the ability to shoot. In the cross hairs were in the correct someone on a trip, they pay all exShane’s case, he would shoulder place, C.E. would instruct Shane to penses, including hunting clothes the gun and aim while his dad sat pull the trigger.” and a Bible. They even pay the behind him and watched on a small “The first evening out, Shane, taxidermy bill. For more informaTV screen mounted on the scope. C.E., and his guide Eli Vincent were tion on Hope Outdoors or to contact C.E. would instruct Shane to move sitting in a box stand overlooking Dan Robichaux, go to www.hopeup or down, left or right. When a large food plot. As they watched outdoors.org. A disability shouldn’t stop an adult or youth from hunting — That’s the view of Hope Outdoors, which helps people with handicaps or disabilities go hunting and fishing. At right, Central’s C.E. Smith with his son Shane on a hunting trip. Shane is blind but he shot two deer.
Public’s Right to Access Public Records at Stake Continued from Page 8
viding access to public records, he said.
received 90 percent of all permit fees paid by the residents and businesses of Central. The Central City News argued that CH2MHILL received more than 80 percent of all the revenue of the City of Central and that it was the de facto government of the city. It argued that public records that are available in a city such as Baton Rouge should also be available in the City of Central and that privatization should not be used as a device to prevent citizens from having access to records that they have paid for. At Thursday’s hearing, the three judges were Judge Vanessa GuidryWhipple, Judge John Michael Guidry, and Judge James E. Kuhn. In the trial court, District Judge Kay Bates granted a motion by CH2MHILL for summary judgment, saying that the records requested were private. The judge did not hold a trial on the merits of the public records request. At Thursday’s appellate court hearing, Central City News attorney Alex St. Amant argued that the City of Central had assigned its duties on a wholesale basis to CH2MHILL and that the private company was performing sovereign acts normally performed by a government. The Louisiana Press Association, representing more than 100 newspapers statewide, filed an amicus brief in support of the Central City News, saying that the decision in the case could have far-reaching consequences if elected officials find they can avoid public disclosure by contracting out services. Judge Guidry said that these are services that government employees perform in other cities. He asked CH2 attorney Ken Lambert, “Why aren’t you an instrumentality of the City of Central?” The idea of the Public Records Law is so that citizens have the right to get public records that they need, he said. Judge Whipple asked the CH2 attorney to explain how the firm could perform all the functions of a government without being treated with the same degree of public scrutiny as a public body. “If it walks like a duck, why isn’t it a duck?” she asked. Lambert said CH2MHILL was not an “instrumentality” of city government. Under the statute, only non-profit organizations could be considered “instrumentalities” of the local government, he said. However, Judge Guidry questioned whether the listing in the statute was merely illustrative and not exclusive. He said it was ironic that the ad said, “We Are Central.” Yet, now the company is not Central when it comes to pro-
facts on the record to justify Central City News’ motion for summary judgment but not enough facts on the record to justify CH2MHILL’s motion for summary judgment. In his brief, St. Amant pointed out other Louisiana cases where private entities have been ruled to be public bodies and even where private entities which were not public bodies were held to have possession of public records subject to public disclosure. For example, in 1984, the World Exposition Authority, a private entity, received $20 million from the legislature to help it put on the World’s Fair in New Orleans. When the Advocate was investigating alleged wrongdoing, it asked for public records from the World Exposition Authority, which said no, we are a private entity. However, the Louisiana Supreme Court ordered them to produce the records, saying in effect, you received the money, now produce the records. The court said it will rule on the case in about six weeks.
privatization agreement, CH2MHILL St. Amant said there were sufficient
3 letters that can save a life
learn CPR.
You could be someone’s hero!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Zachary United Methodist Church | 9:00 am Don’t skip a beat!
Join us for this year’s free bystander CPR training day to refresh your memory and learn the latest in CPR education. Consider bringing a family member or friend with you to learn this life-saving skill.
4205 Church Street | Zachary, LA 70791 Open to participants 8 and older. Please arrive 15 minutes before session begins.
Register Today (225) 654-LANE | LaneRMC.org The deadline to register is February 2.
Sponsored by: *This event does not qualify as a certified CPR training.
14 CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2012
Milestones Births • Engagements • Weddings • Deaths Anniversaries • Reunions
Jennifer Mulhearn and Stephen Waguespack will wed Jan. 20 at St. John Catholic Church.
Monica Francis, Harrison Lloyd To Exchange Vows in Minnesota
Harrison Lloyd and Monica Francis
ROSEVILLE, MINN. — Monica Anne Francis and Harrison James Lloyd will marry in a 3 p.m. ceremony Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012, at the historic Nazareth Chapel in Roseville, Minn. The bride-elect is the daughter of the late Joseph Francis of Minneapolis, Minn. and Margaret Francis Kyle of Roseville, Minn. Monica is a graduate of Belhaven College in Jackson, Miss., with a degree in dance. Her fiancé is the son of Jim and Gail Lloyd of Central. Harrison is a graduate of Louisiana State University with a bachelor’s degree in business marketing.
Brittany Kinsley and Bryan Elliser Were Married at St. Agnes Catholic CENTRAL — Kendall Kelley Hamilton and Joseph Goodyear Gatechair, Jr. were married in a 7 p.m. ceremony Nov. 11, 2011, at Elegant Memories with Rev. Larry Bossier officiating. The bride is the daughter of Jerry and Mandy Hamilton of Greenwell Springs. She is the granddaughter of Willie Mae Kelley of Baton Rouge and the late Clifton W. Kelley, Sr. and Ouida Z. Hamilton of Central and the late George C. Hamilton. The bridegroom is the son of Joe and Jenny Gatechair of Violet and Trudy and David Beach of Baton Rouge. He is the grandson of Earsking Gatechair of New Orleans and the late Annabelle Goodyear Gatechair of Violet and Teeny and Johnnie LeBlanc of Gonzales. The bride was attended by her maid of honor, her sister, Shana Jolene Hamilton. Bridesmaids were Melissa Ann Navarra and Megan Elizabeth Wunstel. The groom was attended by his best men, brothers, Michael Joseph Gatechair and Nathan Jay Gatechair. Groomsmen were Kyle
Monica Francis and Harrison Lloyd will marry Jan. 14 at Nazareth Chapel in Roseville, Minn.
Mulhearn of Prairieville will be joined together in matrimony at a 7 p.m. ceremony on Jan. 20, 2012, at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Prairieville. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alan Mulhearn of Denham Springs. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Novak and Mrs. Charles Mulhearn and the late Mr. Charles Novak, all of Monroe. Jennifer is a graduate of Live Oak High School in Watson and Southeastern Louisiana University. She is employed as an operations manager at Hancock Bank. Her fiancé is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney James Waguespack of Greenwell Springs. He is the grandStephen Waguespack and son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lezin Jennifer Mulhearn John Waguespack and the late Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Joseph Landry, all of Baton Rouge. Stephen is a graduate of Redemptorist High School and Baton Rouge Community College. He is employed as an inside sales PRAIRIEVILLE — Stephen Matthew manager at PPC Mechanical Seals, Waguespack and Jennifer Ann Inc.
Mulhearn, Waguespack To Marry on Jan. 20 At St. John Catholic
Celeste Barras, Corey Buhler to Wed Jan. 21 at Oak Lodge in Baton Rouge
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gatechair, Jr.
Michael Cutrer and Rusty Paul LeBlanc. Usher was Aaron Paul Landry. A reception followed at Elegant Memories. The couple will take a wedding trip next summer. A rehearsal dinner was held Nov. 10 at the home of the bride’s parents, Jerry and Mandy Hamilton. Photo courtesy of Kellie Lasseigne Photography.
CENTRAL — Celeste Ann Barras and Corey Mitchel Buhler of Central will wed Saturday, Jan. 21, 2012, in a 7 p.m. ceremony at Oak Lodge in Baton Rouge. The bride-elect is the daughter of Randy and Deborah Barras of Central. She is the granddaughter of Enid R. Matherne of Denham Springs and the Percy J. Matherne and the late Preston and Evelyn Barras of Paulina. Celeste is a graduate of Central High School and Southern University Nursing School. She is a registered nurse. Her fiancé is the son of Mark Buhler of Denham Springs and Donna and Robert Benefield of Zachary. He is the grandson of Cecil and Gertrude Buhler of Central and Ray and Bootsie Smith of Baton Rouge.
Meagan Weeks, David Pugh to Wed Feb. 18 at Community Bible Church
Meagan Weeks and David Pugh
BATON ROUGE — Meagan Weeks and David Pugh will marry in a
5:30 p.m. ceremony on Saturday, Feb. 18, 2012, at Community Bible Church in Baton Rouge. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mark and Michelle Weeks of Baton Rouge. Meagan is a home school graduate and is attending Louisiana State University where she is majoring in English education. Her fiancé is the son of Prentis and Janese Pugh of Central. David is a graduate of Central High School and earned his associated degree at ITI Technical College majoring in instrumentation. He is employed as an instrument tech at Noranda Alumina in Gramercy.
Celeste Barras and Corey Buhler
Corey is a graduate of Zachary High School and is a landscaper with Complete Lawn and Landscape in Zachary.
Brantley Wayne Forbes
Brittany and Kevin Forbes of Pride are proud to announce the birth of their son, Brantley Wayne. He was welcomed home by big brother, Cole. Brantley was born July 5, 2011. He weighed eight pounds and was 19.5 inches long. Proud grandparents are Brenda and Terry Childress and Bridget and Roy Forbes, all of Pride.
Porter Grey Shelton
Scott and Tiffany Shelton are proud to announce the birth of their son, Porter Grey. Porter was born Oct. 3, 2011, at 2:04 p.m. He weighed seven pounds, seven ounces, and was 21 inches long. Proud grandparents are Jr. and Rita Shelton and Ricky and Mary Maratin
CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2012 15
MACI WERCHAN (left), age 10 and a 5th grader at Central Intermediate School, was hunting with her dad and killed her first deer, a 130-pound doe in East Feliciana Parish. TITUS GALLOWAY (2nd from left), age 6 and a student at Bellingrath Elementary, killed his first deer in Grosse Tete. CLAY PETTY (3rd from left), age 7 and a student at Central Private School, killed a nine-point buck weighing 185-pounds. Clay killed it hunting with his pawpaw Butch Graham on their Outback Plantation property in St. Francisville. ASHTON OLINDE (right), a Central High student, killed an eight-point, 155-pound deer. She is the daughter of Michael and Beth Olinde.
. Obituaries , Leland J. Elliott
A beloved and devoted husband, dad, and grandfather, Leland J. Elliott went to be with our Lord and Savior on Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011, at his home in Central. He was 76 years of age. Following his retirement from Exxon/ Mobil, he enjoyed 21 years of retirement, gardening, home imElliott provement, and helping family and friends with do-it-yourself projects. Visitation was at Rabenhorst Funeral Home, 11000 Florida Blvd., on Thursday, Dec. 29 from 5 to 9 p.m. Visitation resumed at the funeral home on Friday, Dec. 30, until the service. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Carolyn C. Elliott; his son, Michael D. Elliott and wife Sterrie; grandchildren, Michael and wife Megan and Colton Elliott; four great-grandchildren, and his brother, Howard P. Elliott. He will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved him.
Brooke Teal
Brooke Teal, age 31 and a resident of Central, died at her home on Jan. 8, 2012. She is now one of God’s precious
angles. Visitation is at Greenwell Springs Baptist Church Thursday, Jan. 12 from 5 to 9 p.m. and Friday, Jan. 13 from 9 to 11 a.m. Graveside services in Liberty, Miss. at Terrel’s Cemetery at 2 p.m. Teal She was survived by her parents, John and Sandy Teal; one brother, Brad Teal, wife Ashley, and niece Ashlyn Allan; and one sister, Beth Erkelens and children, Brett and Will. In lieu of flowers, a Brooke Teal Memorial fund has been set up at Hancock Bank.
Lost & Found No charge for listing one week. Call 261-5055.
FOUND — Female yellow lab on Dec. 13, 2011, at CIS in Central. Call 262-8385.
LOST — Brindle boxer named Reagan is missing. She jumped the fence at Smooch My Pooch. She has a pink collar and possibly still has a leash attached to her. If seen, please contact Smooch My Pooch 573-5413.
Josiah Lon Jacobs
Jason and Amy (Williams) Jacobs of Central, are proud to announce the birth of their third child, Josiah Lon Jacobs. He was welcomed home by big brother, Levi and big sister, Aubin. Josiah was born on Dec. 14, 2011, at 10:14 a.m. He weighed seven pounds, 10 ounces, and was 21 inches long. Proud grandparents are Allen and Sue Williams and Rusty and Susan Jacobs, all of Central.
Classifieds $6 for first 10 words. $10 for 11 to 20 words, $15 for 21 to 30 words. $20 for 31 to 40 words. $25 for one column inch classified display ad. Call 261-5055. Must be paid in advance. To pay by credit card, go to www. centralcitynews.us and click “Pay Now” on the left. Then email ad copy to centralcitynews@hotmail.com. Or mail or hand deliver check and ad copy to Central City News, 13567 Hooper, Central, LA 70818. There is an after-hours drop box.
CENTRAL POINTE ESTATES — Trailers for rent and trailer lots for rent. 225-7733047. 01/26/12
Central Area Business Directory Advertising
Central City News For information on advertising in the newspaper, call Jolice or Shara at
Barber Shop I Fix $10 Haircuts
Larry Watkins, Barber Stylist
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FOR SALE — AKC Husky puppies. Four males, blue eyes. $550. Call 225-278-5455. 01/12/12 FOR SALE — 5274 Mapleton Dr. Jan. 13 through 15, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Furniture, clothes, and misc. 01/12/12 MOVING SALE — Ford 3000 diesel tractor. $,500. 225-241-9427. 01/12/12 NURSERY WORKER NEEDED — Parttime during service times. First Baptist Central, 9676 Sullivan Road, Baton Rouge. Call 225-261-3722 for more information or come in and fill out an application. 01/26/12
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16 CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2012
Groundbreaking for Mike Anderson’s What’s Happening Around Central
CENTRAL — Events coming up in and around Central:
Saturday, January 14 Joseph Kyzer Benefit 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. You’re invited to attend a benefit for Joseph Kyzer in remembrance of Tyler Kyzar at Extra Innings Bar and Grill, 14350 Wax Road, Ste. 112. There will be jambalaya plates, auctions, raffles, car show, Iron Warriors MC Club bike show, and music provided by Chase Tyler and more. Also Central’s most eligible bachelors will be auctioned off! Wednesday, January 18 AARP Driver Course 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The AARP Driver Safety Course will be held at Lane Regional Medical Center. This classroom refresher course for drivers age 50 and older will help you learn the effects of aging on driving and how to adjust and remain safe on today’s roads. Most auto insurance companies provide a multiyear discount to course graduates. Class size is limited and registration is required. For information, or to preregister, call 654-5263. Saturday, January 21 Louisiana Life March 10 a.m. to 12 noon This powerful march, for an Abortion-Free Louisiana, takes place from the Old State Capitol up 4th Street to the current State Capitol. There will be guest speakers, presentations, and prayer on the steps of the Capitol. All are welcome. The event is sponsored by Louisiana Right to Life, Louisiana Family Forum, Louisiana Baptist Convention, Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops, Concerned Women of America, Hippocratic Resource, and the Knights of Columbus. Friday, January 27 Blood Drive • 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. United Blood Services will hold a
GROUNDBREAKING FOR MIKE ANDERSON’S — Former LSU football star and restauranteur Mike Anderson (center in plaid shirt) broke ground Wednesday morning for the new Mike Anderson’s Restaurant at the intersection of Greenwell Springs and Sullivan roads. Among those on hand were Anderson’s wife Juanita (hidden), Mayor Mac Watts, and Councilmen Tony LoBue and Ralph Washington.
blood drive at Lane Regional Medical Center. The blood drive is open to the public and registration is not required. However, donors are encouraged to sign up online at www.bloodhero.com, sponsor code LaneRegional. Saturday, January 28 Car Seat Check Event 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. A Car Seat Check Event will be held at the Central Fire Department, 11646 Sullivan Road. Appointments and drive-ups are welcome! A limited number of car seats will be reserved for those with no car seats and those that need replacement. Nine out of 10 car seats are not used correctly, make sure your child is riding safely. Call 261-2000 to set your appointment. Hosted by the Central Fire Department, Lexlee’s Kids, and Wal-Mart. Saturday, February 4 Keep the Beat • 9 a.m. Three letters that can save a life.
Learn CPR. You could be someone’s hero! Join the Cardiovascular Institute of the South and Lane Regional Medical Center for this year’s free bystander CPR training day to refresh your memory and learn the latest in CPR education. The event will be held at Zachary United Methodist Church, 4205 Church Street, Zachary. Open to participants 8 and older. Please arrive 15 minutes before session begins. For information or to register, call 6545263. Deadline to register is Thursday, Feb. 2. Saturday, February 4 Milestone Wedding Anniversaries 4 p.m. In conjunction with World Marriage Day, St. Alphonsus will honor couples celebrating special anniversaries 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th, and above in 2012. This celebration will take place at the vigil Mass with a reception for the honorees, their families, and friends immediately following. For information, call the church office at 261-4650. Saturday, February 4 Benefit for Tyler Luke Kyzar A benefit will be held for Tyler Luke Kyzar at Magnolia Sports Bar, 6865 Magnolia Beach Road. Live music by Rougon, T.K.K, Full Circle Band, and Mickey and Jack Jones. Jambalaya and bar-b-que will be served. Plenty of auctions and raffles for the whole family. For information, contact Stacey at 955-3017 or 667-0205. Saturday, February 4 Krewe de Centralé Mardi Gras Ball The much anticipated gala event for the City of Central, the annual Krewe de Centralé Mardi Gras Ball, sponsored by the City of Central Chamber of Commerce will be held at St. Alphonsus Family Center. This year’s theme, “An Evening in Paris,” promises to make this event a night to remember. Music will be provided by the popular Chris LeBlanc Band. Tickets are $50 each, $100 per couple. Tickets are limited. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Chamber of Commerce at 261-5818 or Lucky Ross at 937-7775.
St. Alphonsus Church Festival of Two Rivers Auction Set for Feb. 11 CENTRAL — St. Alphonsus Festival of Two Rivers cordially invites you to its 4th Annual Auction and A Taste of Central on Saturday, Feb. 11, 6 p.m. in the Family Center, 14040 Greenwell Springs Road. This promises to be an evening filled with food, fun, and fellowship. There will be several food vendors from around the area preparing their favorite entrees and desserts for you to sample. There will be a cash bar. There will be a silent and live auction with a number of great items to bid on, ranging from vacations, jewelry, a church parking spot, first car in SAS car pool line, and the list goes on and on. Don’t forget about the $10,000 Raffle. Tickets are $100 and gives you a chance to win $10,000 and admits two adults for a great night of entertainment. Ticket prices are $20 in advance, admits one adult; $25 at the door, admits one adult; and $100 raffle ticket, admits two adults. Something new has been added — a babysitting service. It will be for ages 3 to 12. If you are interested in the service, call the school at 261-5299 or the church office at 261-4650 to register your child. There is a charge of $5 per child. The children will have pizza and movies to enjoy for the evening. For information or to purchase tickets, contact the church office at 261-4650.
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