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Central City News • Thursday, April 28, 2011 • Vol. 14, No. 8 • 16 Pages • Circulation 11,000 + on-line worldwide • centralcitynews.us

Watts Tells LoBue: Resign Mayor Blocks Further Review of Legal Services

Councilman Says Attorney Bills Are Public Records, He Won’t Resign

Woody Jenkins

Editor, Central City News

Photo by Woody Jenkins

CENTRAL — Central Mayor Mac Watts has demanded that Councilman Tony LoBue resign as Chairman of the Mayor’s Committee on Legal Services and keep quiet about it. But Councilman LoBue said Monday he has no plan to resign. Watts said he wanted an “immediate” resignation without “fanfare” or “undue publicity.” Meanwhile, Watts suspended the activities of the committee and ended for now its efforts to find alternatives to hiring City Attorney Sheri Morris at $175 an hour. Morris’ firms have been paid more than $700,000 for work for the City, school board, and transition district. Morris says her monthly bills to the City of Central are not public See MAYOR on Page 3

110-METER HIGH HURDLES — Akil Bennett of Central burst out of the starting blocks at the District 5-5A championships. Bennett ran 3rd and qualified for Regionals. Also shown are Catholic’s Jonathan Hoffman and Ken Ward. For more, go to www.centralcitynews.us.

Wildcats Win Gold in District 5-5A Track BATON ROUGE — The newly-revived track and field program at Central High will compete in State Regional Championships this afternoon at the Catholic High track. Last Wednesday, the Wildcats

began to hit their stride at the District 5-5A Championship Track and Field Meet, winning several District Championships and qualifying 10 athletes for Regionals. Defending State Champion in

the 100-meter dash, Trevor Sansone of Central, won his second straight District 5-5A crown in the event with a time of 10.74. Sansone won three Golds —

CENTRAL — At Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, Councilman Louis DeJohn proposed a resolution to waive a conflict of interest of City Attorney Sheri Morris. According to the resolution, Morris has a conflict of interest because she represents the City of Central in negotiations to select a

contractor to run the City, while an attorney associated with her firm represents the Shaw Group, which is one of the possible bidders. DeJohn said neither Morris nor the attorney for the Shaw Group had a problem with the conflict of interest and he wanted the Coun-

Mayor Says He Alone Has Power to Decide Which Company Runs City Government Here

meet on May 19 to decide on a contractor. That night, the City Council will receive the committee’s recommendation. But if the City Council thought they will get to vote on the committee’s recommendation, they are wrong, according to City Attorney Sheri Morris. At Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, Morris said the Council’s only duty will be to approve the city’s budget and not a specific contractor. Since December, Mayor Watts has contended that he alone has the authority to select the contractor, but he has said he will follow the recommendation of the NineMember Committee which he ap-

See CENTRAL on Page 10

DeJohn Asks Council to Waive Morris’ Conflict of Interest

Morris: Council Won’t Get to Vote on Contract Woody Jenkins

GOOD HUNTING — Kids found 150,000 eggs at Journey Church’s Easter Egg Hunt.

Editor, Central City News

CENTRAL— On Friday, members of Mayor Mac Watts’ Nine-Member Committee will meet to open proposals from the six contractors vying for the $4 million-a-year contract to administer the City of Central. Committee chairman Wayne Leader said his committee will

See COUNCIL on Page 8

See COUNCIL on Page 6

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