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International Health Insurance
International students are automatically enrolled in the university's international student health insurance program. You will see a charge on your student bill that will verify your enrollment for each fall and spring semester. Email mystatus@liberty.edu for more information. International insurance is provided by UnitedHealthcare (UHC) Student Resources.
UHC will send you an email when your card is available to print. Follow these steps to print the card:
• Click on “create My Account now” at UHCSR.com/MyAccount. • Enter your first name, last name, date of birth, and your Liberty student
ID number. • Click on the ID card logo in the top right corner of your screen. • Print the most current card.
For coverage dates for the fall and spring semesters, please go to Liberty.edu/ISC. The deadline for enrolling your dependents is the Friday of Add/Drop week.
STEP ONE Take your insurance card with you to the doctor, clinic, or emergency room and give it to the receptionist.
• Recommended: Go to Liberty University Student Health Center in Residential
Commons III. The Student Health Center can be reached at (434) 338-7774, or you can call UHC at (800) 767-0700 to find a healthcare provider that is covered by your plan. • If you are being admitted to the hospital for a procedure, call UHC three days before your scheduled procedure. If you are admitted due to an emergency, you must call within two days following admission. • If your healthcare provider suggests treatment or testing, ask the medical service provider if they will accept what UHC covers. You can also ask the medical provider what the charges will be and then contact UHC to see what percentage of the charges will be covered.
• You do not have a copay. However, you may be asked to pay your coinsurance at the time of the appointment. Your preferred provider coinsurance is 20 percent of the bill, and United Healthcare Pharmacy (UHCP) has a 20 percent coinsurance for prescriptions (up to a 31-day supply). • If the medical provider refuses to file a claim, you will need to fill out a claim form that can be found at UHCSR.com/MyAccount. The claim form must be received within 90 days of treatment.
• Inspect the statement and bill. • If UHC has not paid anything on the bill, contact UHC and the healthcare provider to ask if your claim was submitted.
• After the first $200/$500, UHC will cover 80 percent of preferred providers’
“preferred allowance” and 50 percent of out-of-network providers’ “usual and customary charges” for the year for any procedures and prescription medications.
Preventive care is covered 100 percent for preferred providers and 50 percent for outof-network providers.
STEP TWO Before you leave the medical facility, ask the receptionist to file a claim for you.
STEP THREE You will receive an “Explanation of Benefits” from UHC and a bill from the healthcare provider.
STEP FOUR You will be responsible for the first $200 in charges from a preferred provider and $500 in charges from an out-of-network provider every academic year. This is called your deductible. Annual coverage is typically from Aug. 6 to Aug. 5.
STEP FIVE Pay the balance on the bill from the healthcare provider.
• Dental expenses • Vision expenses (eyeglasses or checkups with an optometrist) • Medical expenses that are above what the insurance company designates as reasonable and customary Students and dependents under the age of 19 may receive dental coverage up to 50 percent, as well as vision coverage, subject to the policy. To determine if a procedure will be paid for, call UnitedHealthcare Student Resources or visit UHCSR.com/MyAccount>Current Coverage Information>Policy Brochure.
Liberty University provides a $10,000 accident insurance policy through the Office of Risk Management. (This policy is only applicable to residential students.) Student accident insurance is not intended to replace your primary health insurance, but it does cover accidental injuries such as those related to sports and physical activities. Speak with your international student health insurance representative for more information or visit AGAdministrators.com/Liberty.
A $150 student health fee covers a wide variety of services in the Student Health Center. Please visit LUStudentHealth.com or call the Student Health Center at (434) 338-7774 for more information.
• Check out Liberty.edu/ISC. • Email your questions along with any bills and receipts to mystatus@liberty.edu. • Call UHC: (800) 767-0700 | ISC: (434) 592-4118