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Dr. Henry's Wor k Peaks In Tea m Visit

O n Sunday, February 27, a visiting tea m from the Southern Association of Schools and Universities arrived at L.B.C. This visitation culminated the efforts of Dr Jim Henry wh o wa s mad e Vice President in charge of academic affairs since April of 1976.

Dr. Henry, born in White Pine, Tennessee, has been at L.B.C since 1972. While here, Dr. Henry has been chairman of the Division of Education and Psychology

Before coming to L.B.C. in 1972, Dr Henry wa s director of the Model Laboratory School at Eastern Kentucky University. While there, he wa s an outstanding Educator of America in 1972. H e has also taught at several other schools.

Dea n Henry also has been and is presently active in professional education organizations

Dr Henry received his BA from Berea College, M A from Eastern Kentucky, and doctorate from University of Kentucky

Besides being a ma n of academic accomplishment, Dr. Henry has been pastoring churches since he wa s 17 years old. Presently, Dr. Henry is pastoring the Pleasant View Baptist Church

Dr Henry is also a family man His wife, Sue, and children, Mona , Mark, and Melody, enjoy spending time together.

Dea n Henry is truly a 'reaching, teaching, preaching' ma n as he has been called Over the years, he has had a profound influence on man y lives During his time at L.B.C, he has caused the student body to appreciate academics.

It is to this man , Dr Jame s Henry, that the 197 7 Selah staff would like to dedicate this edition of the yearbook. Th e 1977 Selah staff expresses their appreciation and wishes him man y mor e years of fruitful work and happiness at Liberty Baptist College.

OPPOSIT E PAG E TOP : Although Dr. Henry spends most of his time on the run, occasionally he gets to his office work OPPOSIT E PAG E BOTTOM : As a sign to begin, Dr Henry raises his hand at the beginning of the 1976 commencemen t ceremony TO P MIDDLE: Dr Henry answers one of the man y phone calls he receives each day BOTTO M MIDDLE: Concerning som e important academic matters, Dr. Henry and Dr. Falwell discuss som e papers briefly in the hall. BOTTO M LEFT: Preparing for the Huma n Development and Learning class which he teaches, Dr Henry reviews som e pertinent facts to present to the class

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