1 minute read
LBC Vacates Timberlake
Timberlake, the main academic campus of L.B.C, started as the Brookville High School,which after many years of use was vacated During this vacancy, L.B.C, in great need for class space, was able to lease it So, for the last two years it has served as a tool for training men and women for God's service
Two years was all that it could offer. Not only did the city plan to tear the school down to convertit to a parking lot or a football field, but L.B.C. had outgrown it. Another incoming class would have been above itsalready too-packed capacity.
The campus did have problems; the office area was very limited; the hallways were especially crowded between classes; and what student will be able to forget standing in the lunch lines for 45 minutes But no matter what the problems were, they were easily outweighed by the fact that itwas a place to meet.
TOP: With thoughts of "When will the day ever end," Eric Allen and Becky Yohe find time for a little rest during the afternoon MIDDLE: If there is anything that is used a great deal at L.B.C, it has to be the buses Waiting afew more seconds "ole 81," waits for two late students.
LEFT: Rushing madly to the buses after chapel, students have a goal in mind, to beat the crowd These weren't so fortunate OPPOSITE PAGE TOP: In helping solve the space problem Timberlake proves to be an asset OPPOSITE PAGE BOTTOM
LEFT: Mr Pantana's 1:30 speech class shows a varied response to the time spent learning the fundamentals of speech
OPPOSITE PAGE BOTTOM RIGHT: Registration, as this student is finding out proves to be a very tryingtime.