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Enpsalms Go ForWeekends
Directed by Dave Randlett,the L.B.C. Enpsalms, a ministry of the Division ofMusic, travelled toover 40 churches with hundreds of decisions made for Christ. Primarily a weekend ministry, the Enpsalms have also sung in high schools,jails, andrest homes With seventeen singers,twosound men and their very own "weekend pastor",theEnpsalms hadas their verseJohn 15:4:"Abide inme and I in you.As a branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more canyou except ye abide inme."
OPPOSITE PAGE TOP LEFT: Roscoe Brewer—Director of the Spanish team and the Smite ministry
OPPOSITE PAGE TOP RIGHT: Bud McCord—Director of the Portuguese team OPPOSITE PAGE MIDDLE LEFT: Gil Vining and Rex Bonar take part in the Bible distribution ministry of Smite
OPPOSITE PAGE MIDDLE RIGHT: Using Multi-Media, Smite presents to the Youth Conference their burden for reaching the world of Christ. OPPOSITE PAGE BOTTOM: Doing a program for Columbia Televison, the Spanish team gestures to the whole world TOP: During a campaign the Portuguese team was able to sing in a Catholic sponsored orphanage ABOVE: During the city-wide crusade in Bogata, Columbia the Spanish team sings to a filled-to-capacity auditorium RIGHT: April Brewer and the Mexican muppets are both part of the children's ministry of Smite.