1 minute read
CollegeKids GreetPeople
"My hand sure is getting tired and I've only shaken 451 so farthis morning. Imust be getting out of shape!"
Only one Christian Service could boost of this feat. The Welcoming committee works every Sunday morning,Sunday night,and Wednesday night. This group, with smiling faces and hearts, shakes hands and greets members and visitors of Thomas Road Baptist Church. This service isnot without it's problems such as staying cold during winter while people enter the sanctuary and working up the strength to greet each face with the same heartiness as the first one was greeted. Another group is the parking lot attendents who really brave the elements to do theirjob No matter if it is snowing, raining,or the sun isshining these men can be found intently directing the traffic However, they do have the added enjoyment ofbeing paid for thisservice.
TOP: Waiting for the next person to come into the door, the Welcoming Committee stands ready MIDDL E LEFT: During some mornings the traffic never seems to end MIDDL E RIGHT: Gary Nail introduces himself and gives a hearty welcome RIGHT: Grouping together on a cold Sunday morning, the Parking-Lot Attendants wait for the traffic