1 minute read

TRF Reaches The Masses

When it came to communicating the Gospel tothe masses,noChristianService even came close tothe ministry that the "Tape-Ministry" and "The Old-Time Gospel Hour" had Working with duplication equipment students made cassette tapes that were sent throughout the United States and around the world. Also in the mass media ministry was "The Old Time Gospel Hour",which was the largest syndicated television show with over 250 stations throughout America and Canada. The tape ministry assignment was open to allstudents but was required for all T.R.F. majors except for those picked for the O.T.G.H team

TOP LEFT: To set up sound for the 8:15 AM service.Ken Detweiler usually arrivesbefore any of the other students.

TOP RIGHT: During the televised hour, Phil Jordan runs one of the cameras LEFT:Working with the Old Time Gospel Hour Staff David Judd slows down from the usual hectic pace to think out a solution to a problem

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