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Math Major Now Offered

For the first time at LBC, students this year could begin work toward amajor inthefield ofmathematics. This program provides a good background for any student who may wish to pursue mathematics as a course of graduate study. Also, an individual majoring in math may choose to elect a minor in secondary education, which will enable him to teach mathematics at the high school level.

In addition to the basic and introductory courses currently being taught, students will soon be able to elect such courses as Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Probability andStatistics,andCalculus. The firstgraduates ofthis program are expected to receive theirdegrees in1981.

The natural science division of LBC is also moving ahead. The division received lots of newand expensive equipment this year to aid in the training of young scientists Another step up forthe division of natural science will be taken soon when thedivision moves to its new location onLiberty Mountain Although the new building there will provide classroom space for alldivisions now,it willlaterbecome theparticular domain of science majors andtheir instructors.

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