2 minute read
The Dean's Assistant, Roy Newman, was the firstperson tograduatefrom all three schools: Institute, College and Seminary.The instructors for the Institute included Rick Lawrenson who isa localpastor and also who did graphics work for the Institute. Mrs. Marie Chapman taught Christian Womanhood, journalism, and Sunday School methods. The English area was handled by Robert Harris. For Church History,homiletics, and hermeneutics, William Crowder was theinstructor Mrs. Jani DeSaegher taught speech and advanced speech. Al Hickey taught language improvement and study skills Finally, Jim Stevens taught Greek. The executive secretary to the Dean was Anita Fordyce. Also assisting in the office works were Connie Jones and Benita Severson
Liberty Home Bible Institute under the direction ofAssociate Director, Joel Pearson, and an elevenmember staff,has sent to students tapes whose combined length stretch around the world eight times. In fact, the U.S., Canada, and four foreign countries are receiving the study course which familiarizes students with the whole Bible,not justa particular book Billy Kim, a pastor in Korea, is in the process of translating the entire 400 lectures into the Korean language
Five thousand new students enrolled for 1977-78, and several hundred others graduated in May having completed the two year course
Updating and moving seems to be the theme with LHBI The third location for LHBI is presently located in a new shopping plaza The new on-line computer terminals, plus a grading machine kept pace with the demanding work load. These terminals kept track of students' marks, courses taken, number hours per course, billing, and print-out labels Work that was formerly done inone week with two girls was done in four hours.
OPPOSITE PAGE TOP RIGHT: Pat Harrel handles an on-line computers that records grades, courses, and accounting
OPPOSITE PAGE TOP LEFT:The transition of student grade compiling between the automatic grading machine and the computor process isdone by Mrs Irene Emery, Mrs Cindy Currin, and Sana Eagle OPPOSITE PAGE BOTTOM: People, problems, and solutions are only a phone call away with the help of the friendly competent counsel of Joel Pearson
TOP: Roy Newman tapes and times the last of the 400 lectures MIDDLE: The impact and importance of the LHBI course is focused upon by Dr FalwelltotheTRBI studentsas part of the last tape BOTTOM: In their second semester, Lynchburg students, Mr and Mrs Steven Proodian together learn of the Word of God through the LHBI courses.
The Institute held itsown chapel service on Monday, highlighting many guest speakers such as Dr. A.P. Guillermin, Dr. John Hughes, Dean Eddie Dobson, Dr. Robert Hughes, Pastor James Moon and others including local pastors,missionaries back from the field and those preparing to go
The experience and insight of these men helped to prepare the students for a challenging and purposeful Christian life The authority of these men enabled students to prepare as Sunday School teachers, missionaries,or pastors
The Institute curriculum was strengthened by these earnest witnesses They believed and practiced the precept that the KNOW is no substitute for the GO in the Christian'slife
OPPOSITE PAGE TOP LEFT:Dr. Young. President of Holy Land Studies,explains some of the problems in the Middle East concerning Israel today OPPOSITE PAGE TOP RIGHT: Charles Saunders an Institute student, and his wife minister in music during chapel OPPOSITE PAGE BOTTOM: Leading thesinging with gusto, Rick Lawrenson promises to let anyone who does not sing do a solo
LEFT: Jerry Killian is the recipient of the Clifford Smith Memorial Award for the outstanding student of the Institute TOP RIGHT: Future missionary to New Zealand Chuck Wadsworth, gives a report of how the Lord is providing for allhis needs BOTTOM
RIGHT: One of the Institute's favorite singers Fred Duncan, sings "My Tribute."
OPPOSITE PAGE RIGHT:After preaching his sermon at Elim Home, Louis Sady gives personal counsel to one of the men.OPPOSITE PAGE LEFT:Working on Sunday nights as a Counselor for AWANAS Lanny Kidd does some last minute checking on two contestants in the three-legged race.
BELOW: Jolly 60's worker,BillLayton, completes his chalk drawing on the birth of Christ for the retirement group at Kennedy House BOTTOM: Donald Witham finds that being a bus captain may involve being a"parttime" daddy to many of hisbuschildren RIGHT: As part of his Christian Service in the Children's Ministry Warren Rice uses his ability in ventriloquism to reach young children