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OPPOSITE PAGE TOP: During Homiletics class Kenn Duff preaches hisprizesermon on the 'Fear of God.' OPPOSITE PAGE TOP: Many ofthe get-togethers forfellowship were combined with pot luck suppers TOP RIGHT: Dr Willmington completes his 20 year effort of summarizing the Bible,"A Piece of Cake."
TOP LEFT: Every Tuesday night wives of the future pastors meet with the Dean, Mrs Will- mington, and Pastor Chapman for Bible teaching and practical helps. TOP MIDDLE: Pat Lindley, women's class president, was responsible for coordinating many of the ladies activities.ABOVE: Under the direction of Tim Broom the Institute Singers made their first trip to Tennessee in November.
RIGHT: Dr. and Mrs. Willmington carve the first slice of the Sweetheart Banquet Cake
The activities of 1978 reflected a wide scope of interest. Senior Day came alive with testimonies of God's blessing.The many family pot luck dinners provided good times and plenty of fellowship. Two independent pastors' fellowship groups were started, one in Virginia, the other in the North. This spring Dr. Willmington was given charge of a church in Greensboro, NC. Several students drove 120 mileseach week to witness and hold services there.
The classroom experience was made reality at Simplimatic Engineering where students worked and witnessed. Alvin Tanner, Paul Payton, Manual Guzzman, Lee Dittman, and Doyle Loffits saw over 15 fellowworkers come toknow Christ
The Institute Singers were an independent group supported bylove offerings Thedonation ofa bus by two local businessmen made it possibleforthe Singers to expand their ministry toother states.
A survey taken by Selah found that the majority of the students felt that thehighlight oftheir year was being able to sit under Dr Willmington and to acquire the overview his teachings offered The Sweetheart Banquet was thought by the majority to be the best event for fellowship In iteach couple renewed their vows and reaffirmed their committments to each other.