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Faculty Enhances Learning

As seminary students progress intheir studies,they must remember the past How elementary itistolearn from our historyin order torealize the callingof Jesus Christ our Saviour

The role ofthe serious student isenhanced toa magnificent degree by the members of the faculty Liberty Baptist Seminary's faculty isoneof the most distinguished in fundamental, Bible-believing schools anywhere in the nation.

Seminary work is serious, but thorough; dynamic,fulfilling and made enjoyable by the outstanding men whoteach the graduate classes The study ofGod's Word is the deepest ofacademic efforts and seminary students must love the Word ofGod asthey absorbthe classroom instruction, detailed research andstudy andthe participation as a student body.

1 Dr Hughes teaches the Book of Daniel 2 Dr Sterling loves his books

3 Dr Alwine recognizes lunch hour 4 Dr Kim takes notes during chapel 5 Dr McNabb has a ready ear

6 Dr Diemer punctuates another point 7 Dr Schmitt is serious about final grades

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