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Academics Devoted To Scriptures
The academic experience at Liberty Baptist Seminary when described in emotional termsis representative of life lived tothe full extent Sometimes fun, sometimes painful,always demanding, but never vain,the application of mind to facts about thetrue God and His church becomes the center of every student'slife.
In the Division of Theology we pursue God's Word in Greek and inHebrew. With hours upon hours and days upon days, we proceed from confusion to understanding to wonder and delight because studying God's Bible isitsown unsurpassable reward.
In the Division of Christian Education we seek the methods of teaching others what we have learned Application, practicality, and zeal to accomplish rule over discipline to discover the best way to apply Bible truths among those God has given us tominister
The most outstanding characteristic of our academicsis the great devotion to the Scripture as the ultimate authority for knowledge. Another remarkable feature isthe warm relationship between students and teachers. Here, the academic experience isone that ismutually shared by the teacher and