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iiv tfv& lard" Convocation eLDTTLci IVTinistry CZhapel

C t/J"ach Monday, Wednesday and Friday brought about the gathering of all Liberty Zl University studentsintheVines Center forConvocation,a.k.a., Convo. Convo offered afew moments duringthe students' busy week tofocuson theLord.

Beginningwith atime ofworship ledby EricLovettand EternalPraiseand Bruce Fenters and Revive,studentsprepared theirheartsforthemessage.Thisspecial music gaveLU ministry teams,facultyand students an opportunity touse their Godgiventalentstoministertoothers. The speakers provided relevant, timely messages thatencouraged theirlisteners. Convocation proved tobe atime ofboth renewal and exhortation.

Thank s toDr.Danny Lovett, LU studentshad an optiontoattend a servicewith a ministry emphasis instead of regular convocation on Fridays. This service was designed to encourage and challenge students planning on going into the ministry. Ministry chapel also functioned as a welcome service for prospective students.

Some of the guest speakers included: Dave Adams, Jim Law, David Ford, Jerry Wells, Randy Spencer, Doug Randlett, and Dr. Charles Fuller. Dr. Jerry Falwell and Dr. Lovett have also taken the time to address the students. Ministry chapel was an exciting time of worship time and time again.

-Written by Jen Maul


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