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asis W e Spiritual eks
Thisyear'sfall SpiritualEmphasis Week was held on Septem ber 5-8,and was ledby Rev Tony Noland,ministerof single adults and young singles atFirstBaptistChurch Woodstock, Ga Nolan was a powerful speaker with an incredible abilitytocommunicateand relatewith young adults. The band Brother's Keeper, consisting offormer Liberty students, alsoblessed thestudents with hitssuch as "Rain On" and "What Would
According tothe SpiritualLifeOffice, more than 100people received Christand nearly 2000 people attended the eventona nightlybasis. Also more than 50 people were baptized on Wednes day,while nearly 40 students surrendered tofull-time vocational ministry.
Daniel Henderson was the speaker forthe Spring SpiritualEmphasis Week with Luke Garrett asthe specialmusical guest A graduate ofboth LibertyUniversity and the Liberty BaptistTheologicalSeminary,Henderson isthe pastor ofArcadia Baptist Church! inSacramento,California. Henderson sparked up yetanother spiritualrevivalhere at Liberty.
BEAUTIFUL MELODIES: The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Singers had a wonderful musical message to bring toallwho attended SuperConference
CHALLENGING WORDS: Dr. Paige Patterson spurred many pastorsto actionduringSuperConference.
MINISTRY-MINDED: Dr. John Rawlings returned for another memorable message