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Friday ^^^Tight Witnessing <&: Tidal ^Wa^s^e Tuesday
rP* hepherd's Ministries Friday Night Witnessing program is just one of many opportunity^ tiesatLibertyto reach theworld forChrist The program, which has been ineffect for severalyears, allows students toreach outtotheLynchburg community by sharing the gospeland handing outtractstoresidents. According to the directorofShepherd'sMinistries, EricMarston, theideabehind theprogram istoshareby "caring, not confrontational evangelism."
The evening begins about 6:45 p.m. each Friday, asstudentsgather inDeMoss Hall. Marston breaks them intosmallgroups ledby previously appointed leaders. Beforethe group heads out, Marston givesthem afew words ofencouragement and giveseveryone a stackoftracts. The groups then disperseintosmaller groups oftwo orthree around Lynchburg invarious locations Hot spotshave included thePlaza, Movies 10 and downtown Lynchburg
Tida l Wave Tuesday served asan opportunity forstudents togetexcited about revivalatLibertyUniversity The program,developed by students inDorm 10, made itsappearance forthefirst time thisyear. The meetings were held every Tuesday nightat10:00p.m. It was atime ofworship through testimony, song and hearing ofthe Word. One thing thatmade TidalWave sounique isthatit was entirely student led. Some ofthe student speakers thathave shared this yearinclude Zach Sims,Todd McGrovyk and Brian Davidson Zach Sims,one ofthefounders oftheprogram said, "TidalWave isa time tocome together and enjoy God. We want toseeHis glory and we do thatthrough worship."
>ic Leaders &z SLD s
r~7/~) ersonal discipleship of each student begins with prayer leaders. Small groups II ofstudents meet all over campus on Thursday evenings, called prayer groups,fora time offellowship, worship, instruction and encouragement. Each group is ledby afaithfulindividualwho lovesand caresforevery group member. Prayer groups fosteraunity thatis hard tofind elsewhere.LibertyUniversity senior Jimmy Foster, prayer leaderinDorm 4, says, "I likebeing around people who encourage me and help me grow (inChrist)." The unitywithin hisprayer group and his influence inthelivesoftheguys he has been entrusted with,arewhat Foster considerstobe thetwo greatestaspects ofbeing aprayer leader Prayer leaders areon the frontlineswhen it comes todiscipleship on campus.
<T> piritual Life Directors (SLDs) play a significant role in leading Liberty University <J£> students on theirspiritualjourney. An SLD's first and foremost responsibilityis toequip theprayer leaders toservetheirprayer groups most effectively They provide accountability,instruction and encouragement tothe prayer leaders. According toLiberty seniorNitza Ramero,SLD inDorm 33-2,the SLD is incharge of "making sure theirprayer leadersarewalking with God, seeing thateveryone on the hallis being prayed forand ministering tothe girls on thehall." SLDs also serve as counselors, and Christ-likeexamples toothers on theirhall Ramero says,"An SLD is the coach/pastor ofthe hall." Ramero likesbuilding relationshipswith other Christians who share her passion and desireforministry. As aleader, she saysthat seeing sgirlson her hallcome toknow Christ and grow,is the biggesthighlightin theministry.
KNEELING BEFORE GOD: Prayerleadersoftenmetone-on-onewithgroup members for prayerandaccountability.
SAY CHEESE: Shannon Nehringand JenniMorrison, bothSLDs, takeamoment during a meeting withDwayne to pose PRAYER WARRIORS: SLDsspentmany hoursaweekprayingtogetherformanyimporatant issues.
In Other Words...
Spiritual Life Directors in Dorm 11
"True knowledge for God is seen through your lovefor others."
Erika Zinnert
Prayer Leader in Dorm 25-3
"I praise the Lord that prayer leadersnot only hold others accountable,but they are accountable aswell;and although we're the ones mentoring others,Iam constantly being mentored,too."