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Building bridges Through faith In sports
Opening with prayeris customary forthe Men's Basketball team. Coach Mel Hankinson leads in prayer.He hasbeen National Coach oftheyear seven times.He hastaken theProgram from 315 to receiving aTop 24vote lastyear forthefirsttime inschool history. Godhas blessed his efforts.
Girl's soccer team Head Coach James Price stateshisposition as"we arenottrying tobea one season wonder butrather we aretryingto bUILD something for the future. Before The game the team joined with opponents to pray forguidance andprotection.
Other schools look atus differently because we are CHRISTIANS. PLAYING soccerkeepsme accountable to SPIRITUAL growth, as other PLAYERS from the other TEAM are watching my performance. Italso Opens doorstowitness. Ben Strawbridge, Center Defender.
Go d has given us the TALENT , it is our responsibility to US E that talent for HI M Th e spiritual growth is giving Hi m the GLOR Y for what H e has given us. Dan a Giani. right defender, Girls' Soccer
Sportman-like conduct isa byproduct of spiritual growth. Players congratulate each other for a good performance.
Both on and off thefieldfootball players take time tothank theLord forHis blessings and ask for His protection