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fjoFFee ANjJ°Ne?
aitinginlineforup toan hour, LibertyUniversitystudents eagerly anticipated an entertaining night at C°rree Set up with tables and candles, the Shilling's center was transformed into a cafe/theater. JJ'NS'NJJ, drama, and playing 'NStrUNleNtS are only a few of the talents that Liberty University students displayed at Coffee House. This year attendees heard from various styles of campus bands, from classic rock and the blues to T3p and alternative. There have been S'LLVj, entertaining, and just plain hilarious oK'to. Perhaps one of the most memorable acts was not an act at all. The Cr°Wa watched, on the edge of their Se3tS, waiting in suspense as one brave student proposed to his girlfriend. She said J)eS as the onlookers cheered in celebration. This is just one example of the many |V|e|VJopieS made at Coffee House. Overall, Coffee House has proven to be an exciting time of eNl»er»3'NP'leN» and fun.
BACKSTREET tOH$ Scott Windham, Justin Carter, Caleb Luther, Jack Leahy, and Andrew Maddoc captivatedtheaudiencewiththe hit "I want in that way".