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Liberty Theater

Liberty University's academic SCiTOOl year was filled with much drama — theatricaldrama thatis The FineArtsDepartment flooded thestagewith talentduring its performances of Opera Gala,BigRiver: TheAdventuresof Huckl6D6rry Flflil, Steel Magnolias, and Joseph and theAmazing TechnicolorDreamcoat.

BigRiver, which was performed inlateSeptember, is thestory ofHuck Finn, an abused Orphan seeking something more inlife Inhissearch for"theLight," Huck embarks upon an enormous adventure. The MlUSical contained gospel-likenumbers in theTony Award-winning score, including "Free at Last"and "Waiting fortheLightto Shine." The play had a strongreligiousbackground and lighthearted actingthat made foran upliftingperformance

The FineArtsDepartment's N OV£fFlD£r production, the Opera Gala, featured portionsof 11 operasfrom such popular shows as The Magic Flute, Hansel and Gretel and Cdrmen. Since some oftheoperas were inother IttfigUfl(J£S. adisplay withsubtitles was used sothattheaudience could interprettheforeign words. Thisplay was entertaining and inspiringand it familiarized studentsand theaudience with awide variety ofoperas

The performance ofplaywright Rober Harling's SteelMagnolias inearly February, brought afresh, new flavorofactingtoLiberty's theater. The play was setinTruvy's Beauty Salon, an unofficialhub ofa smalltown inLouisiana. Here,sixwomen find seemingly endlesstime and energy to gOSSip Beneath chatty, southern simplicity, these women bind togetherinamusement and tears. The all female casthonored the InternationalMonth ofWomen.

Of course the Fine Arts Department had tofinishthesemester withtheir production of Joseph and theAmazing TechnicolorDreamcoat. The play was SO Id OUt every night. Thisplay recapturestheBiblicalaccount of Joseph and retells thestory of how Joseph was sold into SlaVery. Joseph brought outemotions oftheBible characters thatwe grew up learning about inSunday School The play appealed tothosethatwere looking tobe entertained, provoked tothinkorjusttohave agood laugh.

BEAUTY TIME: In Steel Magnolias, Clairie talked over Shelby'ssituationwith her,whileTruvy touched up hernailsand Weezer and Enellshowed their support.

SHAPE UP: Huck's aunt and the concerned friends lethim know ofhisdestiny if he wouldn'tshape uphis actin Big River.

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