1 minute read
Hanging Out...
Thereis always something todo and someone todo it with....be it mischief,study orfun.Somewhere alongtheway friendships thatlastalifetimeare formed.
<3krUtvwa=> "^Uvw: R.A. Ashley Lyonshowed herdecorative skills and holidayspirit tohelp decorate Dorm 26-3
C^u. 'WXx,! Rebekah Meadows and Jennifer Maul stared inamazement atthewonders ofthefact that textbooks reallydo have useful information in them
Skowi>v, ike Jl^ox/e: Nick Bennett, Jay Sholes,Josh Lawhorne, Bill Ford,Brian Lambert,Luke Steele, Justin Drake,Andrea Dorsey and' Ashley Neeley showed brotherlyand sisterlyloveatopen dorms
X^et Ike Sw=>~ f^^di; During the snow day, dorm students gathered tohave fun in thesnow by snowball fights, sled ridingand building snowmen t ^««kL=w Sk.™ During Valentines Day hall meeting, Dorm 25-3 dressed upeach prayergroup leaderinadifferent color