1 minute read
^ ft hether onthe hill or the CCVCie, dorm life at LibertyUniversityis a new, ^k J^ • excitingchallengeto tackle everyyear. It is arudeawakeningfor most
^ ^ ^mr students — sharinga room, cleawiw q it, not havingyourownprivate bathroom, washing clothes, etc Whileit is a challenge, it is whereyoumeetmostofyour rriewds, whereyouare SMppose a to study, anda place whereyou leenrw more about yourselfthan anyother. In the dorm, so many decisions are made — bigandsmall- as simpleas whatto dothis weekend or as cevwpe x as changingyourmajor.Yourdorm room becomesyour kovw e for a year — whereyoueat, sleep, bathe but also whereyoulaugh, cry make memories, learn frommistakesandseekGod'sface everyday. To quote ^ • »^lvircg—
HweeL W ^"^ S ewlctvvs, "Oneofmy friends told me oncethat life is madeof many memories It's so true And living in the dorm is the place to make so many wonderful vwevwone s I havelovedmy life in the dorm andI know I will missit whenI'mgone."