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Sa m Rutigliano
It was January 13, 2000 when Coach Sam Rutigliano announced that he would assume the position hashead football coach ofthe LU flames. In 1989 "coach Sam"acceptedthe positionwith eagerness. Throughouthis yearsin Lynchburg, He proclaimed that God had broughthim to Libertyfora purpose.
As Liberty'shead coachhe will be mostnotablyremembered for the lawsuitthat Libertywon against the NCAA on theissueofprayingin theend-zoneCoach Sam compiled arecordof67-53 duringhis11 yearsashead coachbeforeresigningin January.Hecame to Liberty afterbeingacolorcommentary forESPN andNBC.Beforehis broadcastingjobhe spentsevenyearsas head coach oftheCleveland Browns,in witchhe was twicenamed theAFC Coach ofTheYearas wellastheNFL Coach ofTheYearin1980.He alsocoached for the DenverBroncos, New England Patriots, New OrleansSaints, and New YorkJets.
Coach Sam was inductedinto the LynchburgArea SportsHallofFame in2000. Though Coach Sam hasleft the positionasLU'sfootball coach, his legacywill be remembered.