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Studentscommitdespite Unknown Challenges
The ceremony was beautiful. The reception, memorable, but Seniors Justin and Jenilee Boogades faced unexpected changes just days aftertheir walk down the aisle "When we came back from our honeymoon we learned that [Justin]had to work the night shiftor else get fired,"Jenileesaid
Justin put school onhold to work fulltime atahotel and Jenilee worked two jobs and studied
Like the Boogades's,Drew Menard,senior, and his wife Naomi,senior, worked to survive financial woes Both full-time students,Drew worked full-time while Naomi worked part-time."Being inschool takes away a lotof time forwork," Drew said. "Also,being married brings more bills, and with cutbacks at work, I find myself pinching pennies at the end of every month."
To prepare forfuture struggles,engaged couples often sought counsel for practical wisdom inpremarital counseling "They want amarriage that starts offonthe right foot,"said Dr Victor Hinson,director of Master of Arts inProfessional Counseling
Junior Kerrie Louie and her husband Peter, a graduate,worked with theirchurch to prepare for marriage "Our pastor spent afew months doing good, solid, biblical premarital counseling with us," Kerrie said "I have also been meeting forover ayear with a woman inmy church whohas three adult daughters The amount of wisdom she has shared with meis absolutely priceless."
Young couples worked with what they had and turned often unpleasant circumstances into relationship-building opportunities "Sharing one car to save money is fun but challenging," Kerrie said. "It takes teamwork to coordinate our schedules so that we can both get the things done that require acar It's good forour relationship, though W e can spend extra time together inthe day because wecarpool."
Young andinlove, engaged andnewlyweds alike faced the future with their special someone attheir side Senior Jennifer Statler and her fiance,graduate Kevin Dail, faced unknowns,such as where to live,work and attend graduate school,but were unconcerned Statler said,"I don't know where we willbegoing, but I have peace that it'll allwork out."
Zach and Crystal Beams celebrate theirmarriage Many couples found thatmarriage required learning new approaches toeverydaysituations.
"We're both used tostudying theBible on our own, praying on our own and now we'retryingtoget used totheidea ofpraying with somebody elseall the time and we're reallyencouraging and building each other up spiritually,"Casey Johnson, junior said.
Irememberaguywho[spokeatconvocation] "My favoritethingtodo on weekends aboutthe powerofjustsayingthankyou. He is spend timewith friends, but broughtfreethingsthatcompaniessenthimafter I barely do thatbecause I have he wrotelettersofappreciation."-TonyWicks JR tostudy" -Blaine Hagler, JR
"For spring breakI hadthe opportunityto go "GrowingupinsouthernCalifornia, I was to Taiwanandstayinanorphanagefor a week alwaysiealousof thosewho lived in placeswith We got to workwiththe kidsandjustbeableto seasons Aftera fewyearsonthe East Coast loveon them Itchangedmy life"-RoryTyer SR fall ismy favoriteseason"- JamesKimmey JR
History Mad E On Election Day
Though Virginia had voted Republican for over 40 years,polls consistently showed a race too close to call Such a reality,and statistics indicating low percentages of student voters,prompted Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr to start a voter registration drive He encouraged students to register locally rather than voting through absentee ballots Falwell's argument was that votes cast in a battleground state would carry much more significance than those given in states where one candidate had a decided lead His call to action motivated students like freshman Chelsi Smith. "Iwent around Lynchburg and handed out literature," she said
National headlines featured Falwell's school once again as the registration of over 4,200 new voters in Lynchburg prompted plenty of predictions that our student votes could swing Virginia for McCain Falwell cancelled classes on Nov 4,2008, freeing up time for students to exercise their voting rights at local poling places — lines swollen to twice their original sizes since the registration of students
"Idefinitely think canceling classes contributed to the large number of [student] voters," Nikki Mashburn, sophomore, said Students gathered across campus to cover the nation in prayer and relaxed with a series of student activities during election day Events included free skating, open tennis courts,a bench press competition, open dorms and karaoke "I was very glad that free skate was offered," Mashburn said "Ialso participated in open dorms Dodge ball within my brother dorm was pretty sweet."
Students streamed to the evening election party "We worked about fourteen hours," Ashley Witherington, senior and member of the Student Activities team, said. "We painted signs,blew up balloons, set up tables and brought in old arcade games."
As voting opened across the east coast, Obama was stillleading in national polls,as he had been for the past few weeks, but Virginia remained a question mark until the end of the day when results came in showing the state had finally gone blue
While McCain lost the election,a few surprises were in store for the school The News & Advance published detailed voting records showing Lynchburg had gone for McCain though all surrounding counties went to Obama All fingers pointed to the school since 81 percent of the votes in Ward III, where Liberty students voted, went for McCain
Studentsparticipatein arally for Republican nominee John McCain. Students volunteered tocampaign forboththe Republican and the Demccratic parties
"I think voting is ourresponsibiltyas American citizens. Ifwe do notget involved in ourgovernemnt then we should not complain about it,"
Elizabeth Mizer, senior, said PHOTOBYBRETTHASTIE
Junior Sarah Blanzy answers questions posed bythe Music Television Network at the Republican National convention Blanzy represented the conservative youth many of whom voted intheir first presidential election "I canhonestysay that voting forthe first time made mefeel likeatrue American Theexciting political fray oflastNovember was overshadowed by thejoy I had inknowing that my nation allows each person theright tovote That waswhat made my election daysospecial."Matthew Swam,junior, said •
Presidential candidate Ron Paul givs autographs tostudents after speaki inconvocation TheVines Center hosted political rallysand served as the election dayparty headquarters
"I would liketothank Jerry Falwella hisfamily for throwing the election | Ihada great time hanging out with friends andwatching theresults unf Rachel Richardson, senior, said
"If I were to get a free ride to anycountry "The best part [about Next Steps] is I'dgo toIreland togetintouch with my seeing theLord work inpeople's lives I ancestral roots."-Stephen Smith,SO love hearing testimonies ofhow He has used Next Steps tobring them closer
"I would invite TheAmbassador,formerly "The dollar theater is the best place a member ofthe Cross Movement totake adate inLynchburg It's ona (Christian Hip-Hop group)to convo ifI college budget1" - Tiffany Perez,SR could He makes awesome music and is
Rphor persononyourleftand introduceyoL SHOT AT THE AGE OF I! ctiriositystrikeswhen aguywearingayarrmilke'sit MINISTERS TO JEWISH PEOPLE t< i develop relationships ., tnthepeopleonyourhall, inyoui ..-experience the same struggles inlifethatyoudo Atroub s.m Youleamthatyou have to depend on them, YOUcanno!.
)UfSelt On the line,exposingwho youareeven in thedarkestmoments,it i opleyou met It inspires you. It challenges yc ieburdenalone. ling others i ilongsideyou
Change Of Plans Talentedtwirler Postponed Lifedream
Adrenaline ran through her veins as Jacqueline Palmer prepared to start her routine The music began and she dazzled the audience with dancing and baton twirling "By the time it's done and over with,you've been on the floor for two and a half minutes,butit felt liketwo seconds," Palmer, sophomore, said
Since firstgrade, Palmer competed and placed in local,regional and national baton twirling competitions Baton twirling was her life "I'd practice forever I was inthe gym and dance studio every day for hours on end," she said.
Despite her love of twirling,Palmer chose a different route for her life "Ithought about other colleges because I really wanted to twirl,but I knew the Lord was saying I better be here," she said.Many colleges offered her scholarships for dancing, but she said,"Iknew one hundred percent that I was not supposed to be anywhere else."
Palmer decided to major in Family and Child Development She said,"Ilove working with children Children bring so much joy to my life Ilove teaching them baton and dance."
Palmer and a friend planned to start a center for lessfortunate children.She said,"IfGod ever provides that center for us,I would love to do a baton and dance program through it."
Looking back at baton twirling,Palmer said "I miss it,but I know I'm doing what I'm supposed to b e doing now."
"The bestthing toeatatthe Rot isthe salad It'sthe safestway to go,and you can'tgo wrong eating a salad."- LizUrbanik,FR
"Winter ismy favoritetimebftheyear I lovethewinterseason I loveChristmas Everyone is always socheerfuland grateful I alsolovesnow Lotsofsnow
"I chosetocome toLibertybecause I felt like God was callingme heretodo nursing Thiscame asacompletesurprise tome becauseall my life I believed I was wish Virginiagot more."-Diana Chicas, JR goingtodo music."-SarahBlair, JR
"IfI could have any carinthe world itwould be a Porsche, I'dchoose a Porsche because it was like themost attractivecar inmy lifetimein the smallest size." - Jose Matos, SR
"My biggest pet peeve iswhen people chew with their mouths open " - Megan Leach,JR
"According to my knowledgeable words of wisdom, pathophysiology is the hardest class I have taken because it makes me use my brain"
Natasha Abner
Mikha Agustine
TimothyAmes Leong
Kathleen Baker
Grace Barnes
Stephen Barnes
Daniel Beall
Jared Bennett
Miriam Boady
Shea Brewer
Alexandra Brown
Michael Brown
Murray Brown
Steve Buchanan
Taylor Buckley
DavidCalhoun, Jr
Matthew Cameron
Amanda Carpenter
RobertCarson Iv
Andrew Cheatham
David Christopher
Kelly Clark
Meagan Clayton
"'Redeeming Love'is the best book I have ever read because it's such a therapeutic book It really takes you through the highs and lows of pain lustand love"-
"Thispastyear hockey has beenreally great to watch — the speed, the hitting. the last second goals and comebacks It has been really good this year"
Bryant Cobb
Joel Collins
Isaac Conde
Rebecca Cottingham
Kenneth Cramer
Thomas Creek
Aaron Crotts
Kristi Cullison
Meredith Curtis
Prince Danso
Sam Davidson
Johnathan Davis
Malika Davis
Matt Davis
Nikkia Davis
Emily Defosse
Jasmine Demildt
Ashley Renee Denson
Mizaraim Diaz Roman
Chad Duncan
Jordan Dunn
John East
Spencer Easter
Richard Eaton, Jr
Herald Moses Edma
Andrew Edwards
Lauren England
Diana Estes
Yee Eunkyung
Elizabeth Ewing
Thomas FaddenIv
Robert Feldges
Cameron Fitzgerald
Stephen Francis
James Francois
Kwame Francois
Justin Fritts
April Fritzinger
Natalie Fusco
Maria Galeone
Laura Galinato
Gregory Galoway
David Garza
"Itwas morning intheclinicand thisfamily was the firsttovisitourstation A woman who looked over forty years old satdown with a toddler onher lap He blinked thefliesaway from hisface and sat, open-eyed and worried ashismother described, inPortuguese,why shehad brought him in. Our translator told usshewas describing scabies
I was notfamiliar with theterm and cringed as one ofthenurses on ourtrip informed me thattiny bugs had burrowed into hisscalp.Theopen wounds they leftattracted theflieslanding on his head periodically The nurse looked to me and asked if I wanted toadminister thesoap tohisscalp I looked back and gently shook my head,theidea ofsmall bugs inhisskin was toomuch for me tohandle.
My teammate David Kephart immediately volunteered A tenderness that I had notseen from thisWest Virginia mountain man,who we nicknamed Vin Diesel, came with great ease as he gently poured water overthe boys head and massaged thesoap into hisskin The boy relaxed inhismother's arms as David filled his hair with thesuds that would suffocate the insects
I took this picture asDavid rinsed water over the boys head and knew that I had seen a picture of what Christ's service looked likeashe washed the disciples'feet."
"One ofmy favoritedorm moments had "Liberty'sbest keptsecretis the tobewhen aguyfrom ourbrotherdorm bald spot"- Kerah Kemmerer, SR threw aturkeyhead atour window.My roommate curled upin aballon the floorout offear -AprilCarlson. SR