1 minute read

Matthew Raposas

You have made us all so proud. W e praise and thank God for all your hard work. You have done your best. Keep walking with Jesus and put Hi m first and H e will crown your efforts with success. The Lord bless you and keep you.


W e always love you, Mom , Dad, Lolo, Lola, Uncle and Auntie

Matthew is apositive thinker. I have neverseenhim getdiscouraged Heis | aloyal friend.

I JamesTorres- UCLA Studentof |Engineering

Dear Matthew,

-It has beenaprivilegetobepartof Iyourtrektoward allthat God wants r you to be High school, college,and Iwhat'snext- theU.S. Supreme Court? Iwould notbesurprisedforyou have alwayssucceeded evenwith difficult tasks. Congratulations,graduate! God bless you in yourwalk with Him, t Mrs. CarolynRhoades- Supervisor (Faith ChristianAcadem)

Matthew is creative andhighly intelligent.May heusethose things fori

God's glory

Sam Cardinal -Youth PastorACF

• Matthew is alwaystheone thatmakes otherslaugh.Thereis no dullmoment [withhim. He alwaysgives good advice to others.

\ NicoleMarquez - CalState Fullerton

Matthew is hardworking and also makes everyonelaugh

Josh Sanchez - CalStateLong Beach

Matthew, You alwaystaughtme nevertogive up - thanks. Can'twaittil you come back

OemarTebo - former studentat FCA

Matthew, You are verytruthful withmoney

Youare also verygivingtoothers and faithful ofgivingyourtithes. Keep on. I LolaDating-Anaheim, California

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