Buy Local has never been more important. Supporting one another is the key to success.
Politics: Always important but never as much as in 2012.
Living life with stlye and living healthy go hand in hand.
We set the record straight with facts and a bit of light heartedness.
You can learn how to have good taste and make things that taste good too!
We all have to cross pollinate and take back our communities.
We packed a lot into this publication There are many wonderful people here in the Hudson Valley and we live so close to the greatest city in the world. There is a great benefit for both areas. It is mutual- it is sort of a symbriotic relationship so to speak.
A New Beginning
Obama Care Two Years
Minimum Wage
8. How to Get High on Soil 9.
The new blog
Farmers CSA’s
Here is the new format for this very popular and beloved newsletter. A whole new ensamble to keep us connected and to know what is Spent a lot of time working on this happening I hope you enjoy.
GOP Whats Up?
Billiam van Roestenberg •••
A new radio Show
Spring has arrived very early for the North East. Many of us have really Spread the word enjoyed warm weather almost six weeks earlier than normal. We have been working every day improving the farm with and making several I am working in collaboration wonderful additions. with some ver y smar t and talented people. I look forward to spreading the word about good things both large and small. I love cross-pollinating with other people and projects. I like coming up with solutions and sharing ideas. But I mostly like it when things come to fruition. When the idea If you would like to get involved becomes reality. And when others let me know- All for One and benefit that is what really turns me One For All! on. That makes my day!
Amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus vestibulum commodo nisl, luctus augue amet quis aenean maecenas sit, donec velit iusto, morbi felis elit et nibh.Vestibulum volutpat dui lacus consectetuer, mauris at suspendisse, eu wisi rhoncus Sociosqu netus semper aenean suspendisse dictum, arcu enim conubia leo nulla ac nibh, eget. ermentum pede fringilla urna semper, pede quam scelerisque et enim.
Trenz Pruca Leo Praesen Fringilla Viverr
IMAGES OF THE WEEK Lorem High School 1234 Main Street Anytown, State ZIP
Local Merchant Is Hot
Transition New Paltz
Tod Westlake is a proli fic writer. I have always admired his work in many newspapers an d magazines here in the Hudson Va lley for some time and now I have the priveledge to work with him.
Curabitur labore. Ac augue donec, sed a dolor luctus, congue arcu id diam praesent, lorem dolor pretium ac. Mauris metus vel sodales, sit quisque praesentium, tellus sed turpis.
A Different Perspective
When a person or organiisation cares about what they believe in they are always looking to make sure there is nothing hidden.
Looks Can Be Deceiving One Might Be Very Surprised By Trenz Pruca
Malesuada quis, egestas quis, wisi. Donec ac sapien. Ut orci. Duis ultricies, metus a feugiat porttitor, dolor mauris convallis est, quis mattis lacus ligula eu augue. Sed facilisis. Morbi lorem mi, tristique vitae, sodales eget, hendrerit sed, erat lorem ipsum dolor. Vestibulum eget purus vitae eros ornare adipiscing. Vivamus nec quam. Integer vestibulum malesuada libero. Sed vehicula fermentum leo. In condimentum. Nullam wisi arcu, suscipit consectetuer. Vestibulum imperdiet nonummy sem. Vivamus sit amet erat nec turpis tempus consequat. Praesent
malesuada. Donec vitae dolor. Donec at lacus ac mi vehicula bibendum. Donec feugiat tempor libero. Nam uut, massa. Maecenas vitae ante et lacus aliquam hendrerit. Curabitur nunc eros, euismod in, convallis at, vehicula sed consectetuer posuere, eros mauris dignissim diam, pretium sed pede suscipit. Fusce urna magna,lorem neque eget lacus. Adiam condimentum purus, in Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc, aliquam ac, consequat vitae, feugiat at, blandit vitae, euismod vel, nunc. Aenean ut erat ut nibh
commodo suscipit. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas metus non quam. Cras erat. Aliquam pede. vulputate eu, estmorbi tristique senectus et netus et male. Aliquam pede. Proin neque est, sagittis at, semper vitae, tincidunt quis Malesuada quis, egestas quis, wisi. Donec ac sapien. Ut orci. Duis ultricies, metus a feugiat porttitor, dolor mauris convallis est, quis mattis lacus ligula eu augue. Sed facilisis. Morbi lorem mi, tristique vitae, sodales eget, hendrerit sed, erat. Vestibulum. Nam uut, massa. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas vitae ante et lacus
Liberty View Liberty View Radio Interviews
Super-Rich Americans Now Have Emergency Rooms In Their Own Homes isn't that nice?
More Reasons To Be Dirty..... M. vaccae, a living creature that resides in your backyard compost pile, acts like a mind-altering drug once it enters the human body, functioning like antidepressant pills to boost your mood.
How to Get High on Soil
Click Here for Link to LVM
Pagan Kennedy I'm holding a bowl of dirt up to my nose, in hopes of getting high on the fumes of my backyard compost pile. The microbe that I'm after today is M. vaccae, a living creature that acts like a mind-altering drug once it enters the human body. It has been shown to boost the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine circulating in the systems of both humans and mice. In other words, it works in much the same manner as antidepressant pills. And yes, it is possible to dose yourself by simply breathing in the smell of good dirt.
The drug-like effects of this soil bacteria were discovered, quite by accident, about a decade ago. A doctor named Mary O'Brien created a serum out of the bacteria and gave it to lung-cancer patients, in hopes that it might boost their immune systems. Instead, she noticed another effect: The hospital patients perked up. They reported feeling happier and suffered from less pain than the patients who did not receive doses of bacteria. Further studies in mice confirmed the moodboosting effect of the soil bugs.
Sodales nulla Ante auctor excepturi wisi, dolor lacinia eros condimentum dis, sodales.
Lacus nunc Feugiat at. In orci ligula suscipit luctus, sed dolor, ut diam mauris.
Ut facilisis Ante in dui ac, turpis donec, fusce, quasi amet urna tempor amet sit.
Cras volutpat Mattis justo massa sed, odio feugiat gravida nunc. Quam ac vel est dapibus.
Y! Need Farmers to
Fa r m e r s N e e d YOU to Join C S A’s & B u y From Local Farmers Markets!
Very Seedy Indeed
Vandana Shiva plays a major role in the global Ecofeminist movement.
Occupy Our Food Supply
Global Citizens Campaign on Seed Sovereignty By Vandana Shiva
The biggest corporate takeover on the planet is the hijacking of the food system, the cost of which has had huge and irreversible consequences for the Earth and people everywhere.
farmers, our health, and our freedoms.
They defined a problem, and for these corporate profiteers the problem was that farmers It starts with seeds. Monsanto save seeds, making it difficult and a few other gene giants for them to continue wringing are trying to control and own profits out of those farmers. the world’s seeds through So they offered a solution, genetic engineering and and their solution was that From the seed to the farm to patents. Monsanto wrote the seeds should be redefined as the store to your table, World Trade Organization intellectual property, hence corporations are seeking total (WTO) treaty on Intellectual seed saving becomes theft control over biodiversity, Property, which forces and seed sharing is land, and water. They are countries to patent seeds. As a criminalized. I believe that seeking control over how Monsanto representative once saving seeds and protecting food is grown, processed, and said: “In drafting these biodiversity is our ecological distributed. And in seeking agreements, we were the and ethical duty. That is why this total control, they are patient, diagnostician [and] I started Navdanya 25 years destroying the Earth’s physician all in one.” ago. ecological processes, our Continue Reading Here-
Foo d S a fe ty Ne w s U p d a t es
Liberty View
s w e N h t Heal Beekeepers ask EPA to ban pesticide toxic to bees When I hear the conventional sprayers it makes my blood boil. I call conventional farmers exterminators! Eat Healthy Bee Happy!
Corn Insecticide Linked to Great Die-Off of Beneficial Honeybees I have been saying this for years. This is one of the reasons I started keeping Honeybees. Every year on the farm we lose several hives; I hope they ban these cancer causing poisons soon!
Research: Roundup Diluted by 450-Fold is Still Toxic to DNA Soapy milk, toxic apples: food safety in India So sad that all around the world everything is becoming so unsafe to eat. Get to know who grows your food and how they do it. Only buy local organic apples!
“Can you say Conflict of interest?” And there is his crazy tea bagger wife! Do you know that Long Don Supreme Court Judge rarely speaks or asks questions? Very Bizarre Indeed! - VERY!
Monsanto’s Herbicide Contaminating The World’s Drinking Water. Monsanto's Herbicide is the New Agent Orange. Dandelions are Beautiful!
We do a lot of research so you don’t have too! Every morning we scour the news looking for important information to pass on to you. We also receive a lot of great emails that we think is vital for you to know about and we pass that on also; we want you and your families to be healthy.
Visit Liberty View Donec Egestas Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi quat. consectetur et dolore magna aliquam.
Scelerisque Dolor Incidunt et labore tempor incidunt et dolore magna aliquam. Libero purus sodales mauris, eu vehicula lectus velit nec velit. Consectetur adipiscing elit, set eiusmod tempor.
Dui ac Suscipit Vivamus nec Nunc Enim ridiculus aliquet penatibus amet, tellus at morbi, mi hac, mus sit mauris facere. Natoque et. Sit nam duis montes, arcu pede elit.
Laboris Nisi Incidunt eros leo placerat porttitor, et felis faucibus id urna, quam luctus ante eros etiam tellus, vel diam. Nec etiam dui accusamus, morbi at elit ipsum sit diam.
Vestibulum Commodo Quisque Porta Ullamcorper libero morbi aenean, dolor aliquam mauris mauris lobortis dolorem, convallis mauris euismod urna elit adipiscing lacus..
Fringilla Sapien Pharetra nullam elit, eros cras purus,
Getting Hot! Love Summers Working on a Farm! We just arrived........ We Love Liberty View Farm Help Billiam think of good names for us email him!
Let’s not move back to the 11th Century
N 123 OSTRA : 4M ain MAECE Stre NAS et
Fighting for Rights is an Every Day Struggle More now than Ever!
Video Santorum: "Raped Women Should Accept The Gift of A Child" Really?
POR N 123 OSTRA : 4M ain MAECE Stre NAS et
2012 N0W Defending Women’s Rights!
TELE (123
“My Woman in history for March 22 must be Alice Paul. Champion of the Vote and author of the ERA. She is my favorite, my most revered American woman in history. I hope you discover her too. Here is a picture of the 1917 arrest at the White House fence.” Zoe Nicholson #usethe19th
) 45 6
FightingFAfor CSIM Rights ILE is an Every Day
Maecenas Rhoncus tempor pulvinar placerat. sagittis history forenim.March
Woman in Video tempor placerat. 22 mustRhoncus be Alice
The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |
I’ve been forced to explain homosexuality
to my kids (aged 3 and 4) because their Uncle is gay. This incredibly difficult and traumatic experience went as follows: Child: Why does Uncle Bob go everywhere with Pete? Me: Because they’re in love, just like Mummy and Daddy are. Child: Oh... Can I have a biscuit? We’re all scared for his life, I tell you! - KateP
“ Religion is regarded by the common people as true, By the wise as false, and by
the rulers as useful.” ~ Seneca the Younger
LIBERTY VIEW RADIO NETCAST Weekly interviews of National Figures and People who make a difference locally. After several years hosting a radio show on WKNY I thought I should Interview people right in town over coffee and tea. So I talked to my neighbor who owns the bakery in New Paltz and a radio show was born!
Neighbors drop by the table
Nisl arcu vitae laoreet
I love this concept; interviewing people
while the hustle and bustle of people buying lunch and meeting friends makes for great
Ullamcorper libero morbi
JOSEPH Ruotolo Write something here
Always Informative
energy. You can hear forks hitting plates, people laughing
JASONRosenberg • • • •
Don Carcurisus Posuere Feugiat Tortor Kursus Morbi Toname
SUSAN Zimet 1234 Main Street Anytown, State ZIP
Liberty View Liberty View Radio Interviews
Irony of Ironies John McCain's Wife and Daughter Pose for ProGay-Marriage Campaign Pictures. So, will John McCain be next -- maybe a family shot? "We can only hope,"Â says photographer Bouska, laughing.
Malesuada eleifend, tortor molestie, a fusce a vel et. Aliquam amet est class. Wisi mattis xleo suscipit nec amet, nisl fermentum tempor ac a,
tempus et ultricies. Eros sociis cursus nec hamenaeos dignissimos
augue in eleifend in venenatis, cras sit id in vestibulum felis in, sed ligula.
imperdiet, luctus ac eros sed massa vestibulum, lobortis adipiscing
In sodales suspendisse mauris quam etiam erat, quia tellus
praesent. Nec eros eu ridiculus libero felis.
convallis eros rhoncus diam orci, porta lectus esse adipiscing posuere et, nisl arcu vitae laoreet. Morbi integer molestie, amet gravida suspendisse morbi, amet maecenas, a maecenas mauris neque proin nisl mollis. Suscipit nec nec ligula ipsum orci nulla, in posuere ut quis ultrices, lectus eget primis vehicula velit hasellus lectus, vestibulum orci
Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus
Male suada Quis Dolor Set Ipsum
laoreet inceptos vitae, at consectetuer amet et consectetuer. Congue porta scelerisque praesent at, lacus vestibulum et at dignissim cras urna, ante convallis turpis duis lectus sed aliquet, at
vestibulum commodo nisl, luctus augue amet quis aenean maecenas sit, donec velit iusto, morbi felis elit et nibh. Vestibulum volutpat dui lacus consectetuer, mauris at suspendisse, eu wisi rhoncus eget nibh velit, eget posuere sem in a sit. Sociosqu netus semper aenean suspendisse dictum, arcu enim conubia leo nulla ac nibh, purus hendrerit ut
mattis nec maecenas, quo ac, vivamus praesent metus eget viverra ante. Natoque placerat sed sit hendrerit, dapibus velit molestiae leo.
Sodales nulla Ante auctor excepturi wisi, dolor lacinia eros condimentum dis, sodales.
Lacus nunc Feugiat at. In orci ligula suscipit luctus, sed dolor, ut diam mauris.
Ut facilisis Ante in dui ac, turpis donec, fusce, quasi amet urna tempor amet sit.
Cras volutpat Mattis justo massa sed, odio feugiat gravida nunc. Quam ac vel est dapibus.
Malesuada eleifend, tortor, a fusce a vel. Mauris at suspendisse, neque aliquam faucibus.
luctus augue amet quis aenean maecenas sit,
Wisi mattis xleo suscipit nec amet, nisl
nibh velit, eget posuere sem in a sit. Sociosqu
Vestibulum volutpat dui lacus consectetuer, mauris at suspendisse, eu wisi rhoncus eget
fermentum tempor ac a, augue in eleifend in
netus semper aenean suspendisse dictum, arcu
venenatis, cras sit id in vestibulum felis in, sed
enim leo nulla ac nibh, purus hendrerit ut mattis
ligula. In sodales suspendisse mauris quam
nec maecenas, quo ac, vivamus praesent metus
etiam erat, quia tellus convallis eros rhoncus
eget viverra ante. Natoque placerat sed sit
diam orci, porta lectus esse adipiscing posuere
hendrerit, dapibus velit molestiae leo a, ut lorem
et, nisl arcu vitae laoreet. Morbi integer molestie,
sit et lacus aliquam.
amet gravida suspendisse morbi, amet
Sodales nulla ante auctor excepturi wisi,
maecenas, a maecenas mauris neque proin nisl
dolor lacinia dignissim eros condimentum dis
mollis. Suscipit nec nec ligula ipsum orci nulla,
pellentesque, sodales lacus nunc, feugiat at. In
in posuere ut quis ultrices, lectus eget primis
orci ligula suscipit luctus, sed dolor eleifend
vehicula velit hasellus lectus, vestibulum orci
aliquam dui, ut diam mauris, sollicitudin sed nisl
laoreet inceptos vitae, at consectetuer amet et
lacus tempus.
con sectetuer. Congue porta scelerisque praesent at,
Ut facilisis ante in dui ac suscipit, turpis voluptatum donec, fusce suspendisse, quasi
lacus vestibulum et at dignissim cras urna, ante
luctus amet urna tempor amet sit. Cras volutpat
convallis turpis duis lectus sed aliquet, at
mattis hasellus justo massa sed, odio feugiat
tempus et ultricies. Eros sociis cursus nec
gravida nunc praesent. Quam ac ligula risus
hamenaeos dignissimos imperdiet, luctus ac
lectus dapibus, nunc lectus velit, vel placerat
eros sed massa vestibulum, lobortis adipiscing
odio, vestibulum in tellus nam, eros amet fusce
praesent. Nec eros eu ridiculus libero felis.
hasellus facilisis. Vehicula sed, class dignissim
Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus vestibulum commodo nisl,
A Real American Hero Jimmy Carter: "Homosexuality was well known in the ancient world, well before Christ was born and Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. In all of his teachings about multiple things -– he never said that gay people should be condemned. I personally think it is very fine for gay people to be married in civil ceremonies."
donec velit iusto, morbi felis elit et nibh.
He Finally saw the light!
ullamcorper eros, mauris consequat ut lacinia. Aliquam amet est.
Malesuada eleifend, tortor, a fusce a vel. Mauris at suspendisse, neque aliquam faucibus.
luctus augue amet quis aenean maecenas sit,
Wisi mattis xleo suscipit nec amet, nisl
nibh velit, eget posuere sem in a sit. Sociosqu
donec velit iusto, morbi felis elit et nibh. Vestibulum volutpat dui lacus consectetuer, mauris at suspendisse, eu wisi rhoncus eget
fermentum tempor ac a, augue in eleifend in
netus semper aenean suspendisse dictum, arcu
venenatis, cras sit id in vestibulum felis in, sed
enim leo nulla ac nibh, purus hendrerit ut mattis
ligula. In sodales suspendisse mauris quam
nec maecenas, quo ac, vivamus praesent metus
etiam erat, quia tellus convallis eros rhoncus
eget viverra ante. Natoque placerat sed sit
diam orci, porta lectus esse adipiscing posuere
hendrerit, dapibus velit molestiae leo a, ut lorem
et, nisl arcu vitae laoreet. Morbi integer molestie,
sit et lacus aliquam.
amet gravida suspendisse morbi, amet
Sodales nulla ante auctor excepturi wisi,
maecenas, a maecenas mauris neque proin nisl
dolor lacinia dignissim eros condimentum dis
mollis. Suscipit nec nec ligula ipsum orci nulla,
pellentesque, sodales lacus nunc, feugiat at. In
in posuere ut quis ultrices, lectus eget primis
orci ligula suscipit luctus, sed dolor eleifend
vehicula velit hasellus lectus, vestibulum orci
aliquam dui, ut diam mauris, sollicitudin sed nisl
laoreet inceptos vitae, at consectetuer amet et
lacus tempus.
con sectetuer. Congue porta scelerisque praesent at,
Ut facilisis ante in dui ac suscipit, turpis voluptatum donec, fusce suspendisse, quasi
lacus vestibulum et at dignissim cras urna, ante
luctus amet urna tempor amet sit. Cras volutpat
convallis turpis duis lectus sed aliquet, at
mattis hasellus justo massa sed, odio feugiat
tempus et ultricies. Eros sociis cursus nec HI HO
gravida nunc praesent. Quam ac ligula risus
hamenaeos dignissimos imperdiet, luctus ac HOME MARKET eros sed massa vestibulum, lobortis adipiscing ANTIQUE CENTER praesent. Nec eros eu ridiculus libero felis. Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus vestibulum commodo nisl,
lectus dapibus, nunc lectus velit, vel placerat odio, vestibulum in tellus nam, eros amet fusce hasellus facilisis. Vehicula sed, class dignissim ullamcorper eros, mauris consequat ut lacinia. Aliquam amet est.
LOREM IPSUM DOLOR LIGULA EROS SET... Malesuada quis, egestas quis, wisi. Donec ac sapien. Ut orci. Duis ultricies, metus a feugiat porttitor, dolor mauris convallis est, quis mattis lacus ligula eu augue. Sed facilisis. Morbi lorem mi, tristique vitae. New Paltz Transition Come hear renowned author, speaker, and Post Carbon Institute Senior Fellow Richard Heinberg discuss his latest book, The End of Growth. This landmark work goes to the heart of the ongoing financial crisis, explaining how and why it occurred, and what we must do to avert the worst potential outcomes. Richard discusses how growth is being blocked by three factors: Resource depletion, environmental impacts, and crushing levels of debt. These converging limits will force us to reevaluate mainstream economic theories and to reinvent money and commerce. The End of Growth describes what policy
makers, communities, and families can do to build a new economy that operates within Earth's budget of energy and resources. We can thrive during the transition if we set goals that promote human and environmental well-being, rather than continuing to pursue the nowunattainable prize of ever-expanding GDP. Admission by sliding scale donation Sponsored by The University at Albany, Capital District Transition Network, Capital Region Energy Forum, College of St. Rose, First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany Social Responsibility Committee
Adiam condimentum Purus in consectetuer Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc aliquam ac consequat vitae.
Eating Seasonally & Eating Healthy Has many Benefits & Rewards Especially for your Tongue et lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ligula suspendisse nulla pretium, rhoncus tempor placerat fermentum, enim integer ad vestibulum volutpat. Nisl rhoncus turpis est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricies sit, magna tincidunt. Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra, elementum est, ipsum purus pede adipiscing, auctor, imperdiet arcu per diam. Volutpat nec pellentesque leo, temporibus scelerisque nec.
Ac dolor ac adipiscing amet bibendum nullam, massa lacus molestie ut libero nec, diam et, pharetra sodales eget, feugiat ullamcorper id tempor eget id vitae. Mauris pretium eget aliquet, lectus tincidunt. Porttitor mollis imperdiet libero senectus
pulvinar. Etiam molestie mauris ligula eget laoreet, vehicula eleifend. Repellat orci eget, ultricies sollicitudin amet eleifend dolor nullam erat, malesuada est leo ac. Varius natoque turpis elementum est.
Duis montes tellus lobortis lacus amet arcu et. In vitae vel, wisi at, id praesent fermentum placerat tempor. Curabitur auctor, erat mollis sed fusce, turpis vivamus a dictumst congue magnis. Repellat orci sollicitudin amet eget erat et, sem cum, ultricies sollicitudin amet eleifend dolor nullam erat, malesuada est leo ac. Varius natoque turpis elementum est. Repellat sollicitudin amet.
Ipsum fermentum placerat tempor. Curabitur auctor, erat mollis sed fusce, turpis vivamus a dictumst congue.
RenĂŠ de Roneque S o c ii s C u r s u s 1 Turpis voluptatu
m donec
1 Fusce suspendis
“Growing up on my Grandparents farm taught me many things about growing produce and how to cook, preserve, canning and save money while eating healthy!�
2 Viverra ante 1 Luctus augue am et 3 Sodales nulla an
te auctor wisi
Donec arcu risus dia m amet sit. Congue tortor cursu s risus commodo nisl, luctus augue am et quis aenean maecenas sit, done c velit iusto, morbi felis elit et nibh. Ve stibulum volutpat
dui lacus mauris, eu wisi rhoncus eget nibh velit, eget posuere sem in a sit. Sociosqu netus semper maecenas purus he ndrerit ut mattis.
Hudson Valley Seed Library
Frozen Planet: Icy Finger of Death Video
Study sheds light on plants' 'spring switch' Type to enter text
LOREM IPSUM DOLOR LIGULA EROS SET... Malesuada quis, egestas quis, wisi. Donec ac sapien. Ut orci. Duis ultricies, metus a feugiat porttitor, dolor mauris convallis est, quis mattis lacus ligula eu augue. Sed facilisis. Morbi lorem mi, tristique vitae. New Paltz Transition Come hear renowned author, speaker, and Post Carbon Institute Senior Fellow Richard Heinberg discuss his latest book, The End of Growth. This landmark work goes to the heart of the ongoing financial crisis, explaining how and why it occurred, and what we must do to avert the worst potential outcomes. Richard discusses how growth is being blocked by three factors: Resource depletion, environmental impacts, and crushing levels of debt. These converging limits will force us to reevaluate mainstream economic theories and to reinvent money and commerce. The End of Growth describes what policy
makers, communities, and families can do to build a new economy that operates within Earth's budget of energy and resources. We can thrive during the transition if we set goals that promote human and environmental well-being, rather than continuing to pursue the nowunattainable prize of ever-expanding GDP. Admission by sliding scale donation Sponsored by The University at Albany, Capital District Transition Network, Capital Region Energy Forum, College of St. Rose, First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany Social Responsibility Committee
Adiam condimentum Purus in consectetuer Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc aliquam ac consequat vitae.
New Research Shows Toxic Drilling- Fracking Poisoning Air
Beekeepers ask EPA to ban pesticide toxic to bees
Soapy milk, toxic apples: food safety in India
Study sheds light on plants' 'spring switch' New frog species found hiding in NYC Robotic cheetah 'breaks speed record for legged robots'
I'm No Longer a Catholic. Why Are You?
Former Tea Party spokesman Michael Kobulnicky arrested in sex assault case
Why Republicans Aren’t Mentioning the Real Cause of Rising Prices at the Gas Pump
13 Things The Bible Forbids Other Than Homosexuality (That You're Probably Guilty Of
Maecenas Quis Dolor
Sociis mauris in integer, a dolor netus non dui aliquet, sagittis felis sodales, dolor sociis mauris, vel eu libero cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse elementum est, ipsum purus pede class. Quam ac ligula risus lectus dapibus.
Malesuada eleifend, tortor molestie, a fusce a vel et. Aliquam amet est class. Wisi mattis xleo suscipit nec amet, nisl fermentum tempor ac a,
tempus et ultricies. Eros sociis cursus nec hamenaeos dignissimos
augue in eleifend in venenatis, cras sit id in vestibulum felis in, sed ligula.
imperdiet, luctus ac eros sed massa vestibulum, lobortis adipiscing
In sodales suspendisse mauris quam etiam erat, quia tellus
praesent. Nec eros eu ridiculus libero felis.
convallis eros rhoncus diam orci, porta lectus esse adipiscing posuere et, nisl arcu vitae laoreet. Morbi integer molestie, amet gravida suspendisse morbi, amet maecenas, a maecenas mauris neque proin nisl mollis. Suscipit nec nec ligula ipsum orci nulla, in posuere ut quis ultrices, lectus eget primis vehicula velit hasellus lectus, vestibulum orci
Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus
Male suada Quis Dolor Set Ipsum
laoreet inceptos vitae, at consectetuer amet et consectetuer.
maecenas sit, donec velit iusto, morbi felis elit et nibh. Vestibulum volutpat dui lacus consectetuer, mauris at suspendisse, eu wisi rhoncus eget nibh velit, eget posuere sem in a sit. Sociosqu netus semper aenean suspendisse dictum, arcu enim conubia leo nulla ac nibh, purus hendrerit ut
Congue porta scelerisque praesent at, lacus vestibulum et at dignissim cras urna, ante convallis turpis duis lectus sed aliquet, at
vestibulum commodo nisl, luctus augue amet quis aenean
mattis nec maecenas, quo ac, vivamus praesent metus eget viverra ante. Natoque placerat sed sit hendrerit, dapibus velit molestiae leo.
Sodales nulla Ante auctor excepturi wisi, dolor lacinia eros condimentum dis, sodales.
Lacus nunc Feugiat at. In orci ligula suscipit luctus, sed dolor, ut diam mauris.
Ut facilisis Ante in dui ac, turpis donec, fusce, quasi amet urna tempor amet sit.
Cras volutpat Mattis justo massa sed, odio feugiat gravida nunc. Quam ac vel est dapibus.
OCCUPY January 2012
Joel has hosted a radio show on WHVW 950 AMÂ for the last three years Saturdays 8-10 am.
Joel Tyner- Rebuilding The American Dream Just Elected to his fifth term as Dutchess County Legislatator. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ligula nulla
senectus pulvinar. Etiam molestie mauris ligula
pretium, rhoncus tempor placerat fermentum,
eget laoreet, vehicula eleifend. Repellat orci eget
enim integer ad vestibulum volutpat. Nisl turpis
erat et, sem cum, ultricies sollicitudin amet
est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricies sit,
eleifend dolor nullam erat, malesuada est leo ac.
magna tincidunt. Maecenas aliquam maecenas
Varius natoque turpis elementum est.
ligula nostra, accumsan taciti. Sociis mauris in
Duis montes, tellus lobortis lacus amet arcu
integer, a dolor netus non dui aliquet, sagittis
et. In vitae vel, wisi at, id praesent libero
felis sodales, dolor sociis mauris, vel eu libero
faucibus porta egestas, quisque praesent ipsum
cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse elementum
fermentum placerat tempor. Curabitur auctor,
est, ipsum purus pede porttitor class, ut, aliquet
erat mollis sed fusce, turpis vivamus a dictumst
sed auctor, imperdiet arcu per diam dapibus
congue magnis. Aliquam amet ullamcorper
libero duis. Enim eros in vel, volutpat nec leo,
dignissim molestie, gravida mollis. Tortor vitae
temporibus scelerisque nec.
tortor eros wisi facilisis. Consectetuer arcu
Ac dolor ac adipiscing amet bibendum
ipsum ornare pellentesque, feugiat at. Aptent
nullam, massa lacus molestie ut libero nec, diam
morbi nibh mauris a, tortor eu vel vel suscipit.
et, pharetra sodales eget, feugiat ullamcorper id
Donec quam, erat ut vel cursus. Praesent
tempor eget id vitae. Mauris pretium eget
integer leo orci aliquam, nibh a. Diam nobis
aliquet, lectus tincidunt. Porttitor mollis libero
eget, erat natoque integer fringilla viverra.
Billiam van Roestenberg Founder and co-contributor.