Annual Report 2010-2011

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The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011

The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011 Contents 1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 2 2 Management ................................................................................................. 2 2.1 Pupil behaviour ...................................................................................... 2 2.2 Monitoring and evaluation ...................................................................... 2 2.3 Library departmental handbook.............................................................. 3 2.4 Financial management ........................................................................... 4 2.5 Junior School Library ............................................................................. 6 2.6 Meetings and professional development ................................................ 6 2.6.1 Meetings ............................................................................................... 6 2.6.2 INSET and Professional development .................................................. 7 2.6.3 Visits ..................................................................................................... 7 3 Curriculum .................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Sharing good practice with ICT .............................................................. 7 3.2 Extended Project .................................................................................... 8 3.3 Inductions for students and staff ............................................................ 8 3.4 Cross-curricular use of the library .......................................................... 8 3.5 Reading development ............................................................................ 9 4 Pastoral ....................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Behaviour management ....................................................................... 10 4.2 Gifted and Talented students ............................................................... 10 4.3 Students with learning difficulties ......................................................... 10 5 Meeting the needs of the school community ........................................... 10 5.1 Extra-curricular activities ...................................................................... 10 5.2 Provision of resources .......................................................................... 11 5.2.1 Book stock........................................................................................... 11 5.2.2 Multi-media resources ......................................................................... 11 5.3 Provision of services and facilities ........................................................ 12 5.3.1 Information services ............................................................................ 12 5.3.2 ICT facilities......................................................................................... 12 5.3.3 Furniture and equipment ..................................................................... 12 5.4 Helpers ................................................................................................. 12 6 Community ................................................................................................. 12 7 Recommendations for the Senior Leadership Team .............................. 12 8 Appendix ..................................................................................................... 14


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011

Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011 1

Introduction This report covers the use and development of the Library Services at The Dixie Grammar School during the Academic Year 2010-2011. The main focus is the Michael Parker Library at the Senior School. Since the Summer Term of 2011, Mrs Robinson has become involved with the development of the Junior School Library, so there will be mention of this in appropriate places. The plans for this year were that we should begin to embed use of the library and librarian across the curriculum at the Senior School, from reading development during English lessons and extra-curricular activities to information literacy skills teaching with a range of subject departments. Unfortunately, however, Mrs Robinson was absent from the school with a serious illness for much of the Autumn and Spring Terms and these plans were put on hold. She did return part-time in the Summer Term, working afternoons, and was able to increase her hours in the Summer Holidays, working mainly at the Junior School upgrading the library. We hope that we can begin to implement some of these planned developments during 2011-2012. The school arranged for Mrs Jeanette Knappett to cover some of Mrs Robinson’s absence – many thanks are due to her, other staff who covered and the Student Helper Team who gave her invaluable support.


Management Development Plan targets: 1. Ensure pupil behaviour in library conforms to school policies → 2.1 2. Continue to develop systems to monitor and evaluate library’s and librarian’s effectiveness → 2.2 3. Continue to work on Departmental Handbook for library → 2.3


Pupil behaviour Development Plan actions: Librarian to receive training in positive discipline system. Librarian to implement system during extra-curricular time in library Librarian to support class teachers to ensure effective class management for classes booked in to the library. Due to the Librarian’s absence, she was unable to access this training or implement the positive discipline system.


Monitoring and evaluation Development Plan actions: Write Annual Report for 2009-2010 and present to SMT as appropriate. Librarian to receive Performance Management. Ask for staff volunteers for new Library Committee. Develop collection of statistical data. Develop ways of assessing quality of use – surveys, questionnaires, feedback forms, responses on website.


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011

The Annual Report for 2009-2010 was written, but not discussed with the Headmaster due to the Librarian’s absence from school. It is available to anyone who would like to see it. Mrs Robinson has not yet received Performance Management since she has been at the school – she would welcome the opportunity to be involved with the new scheme during 2011-2012. Staff were asked if they would volunteer for a new Library Committee, but there were no takers. This idea has been put on hold for the time being. The Library Management System, Eclipse2 (Junior Librarian at the Junior School), enables a range of data to be collected showing issue figures and the development of the collection. Tables and charts may be found in the Appendix at Section 8 below on page 14. Usually, during the year, all library bookings are entered into a file. These sheets are then collated on Excel to show use by Subject Departments. Due to the Librarian’s absence, this was not done consistently and there are also concerns that many books were simply removed from the library, when it was not being supervised. Issue figures, therefore, will not be accurate for the year. The data collected by these methods are mainly quantitative; assessment of the type/quality of use and the impact on teaching and learning is more difficult. There are various methods which can be adopted. Verbal feedback from users is very important and can be used by the Librarian to improve lessons or activities taking place. The Librarian is also developing feedback forms, questionnaires and surveys which, for example, can be used at the end of a series of lessons to assess impact. We can then take the results and improve the quality of lessons for future students. We hope to be able to continue with developing this kind of work during 2011-2012 and eventually extend this to the Junior School Library. Accountability for the investment the school has made in library services is a vital consideration for a librarian. 2.3

Library departmental handbook Development Plan actions: Update Library Procedures Manual regularly Collate materials for Library Handbook Continue to update as necessary The Library Handbook was created during the Autumn Term of 2009. It was not updated during the year 2010-2011, due to the Librarian’s absence, but will be revisited during the current academic year to include the Junior School Library. A separate Staff Procedures Manual is also available which focuses on the day-today procedures for running the library. Mrs Robinson will also begin developing a similar document for the Junior School during 2011-2012. Other aspects of the management of the Library not covered by the Library Development Plan follow:


The Dixie Grammar School


Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011

Financial management A proper system of financial management and accountability has now been running for several years. Copies of all invoices are kept on file in the Senior School library and all orders and running totals are entered into Excel to enable careful management of the library budget. During the Summer Holidays, this was extended to include the Junior School Library. During 2010-2011 the budget allocation for the Senior School Library was £6,500, consisting of: £400 £500 £600 £400 £100 £4,000 £500

Admin ICT Development ICT Maintenance Newspapers and magazines Professional Support Stock Author Visits

The Library Development Budget was used to fund two years of the Leicestershire Services for Education subscription for the Senior School (more information on this below), plus some shelf guides and equipment. The sum of £6634 was transferred to create a budget for the Junior School Library. Chart 1: Share of Budget Allocation by Cost Heading – 2010-2011 Library Accounts 2010-2011 Share of Budget Allocation by Cost Heading







Chart 1 above shows the percentage of the library budget allocated under each cost heading by the Librarian at the beginning of the Financial Year. This excludes the Library Development Budget.


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011

Chart 2: Share of Budget Allocation by Amount Spent – 2010-2011 Library Accounts 2011-2011 Share of Budget Allocation by Amount Spent

VISITS, £0.00, 0%

ADMIN, £247.06, 5%

ICT DEVELOPMENT, £500.00, 9%

IT MAINTENANCE, £581.63, 11%

NEWS & MAGS, £110.45, 2% PROF SUPPORT, £79.50, 1% STOCK, £3,943.97, 72%

Chart 2 above shows the actual amount spent by the end of the Financial Year under each cost heading. This excludes the Library Development Budget. Between 1 September 2010 and 31 August 2011, 521 new books were added to the Senior School stock – under the “Stock” heading. The “Admin” cost heading covers specialist library stationery and equipment, including materials to run the archive. “ICT Maintenance” paid for the support package for the Eclipse Library Management System and the hosting for Library Online plus other web-based services. “Prof Support” covers a small number of professional publications plus the subscription to the School Library Association. There was an underspend in the library budget under some cost headings and also in the Library Development Budget, due to the absence of the Librarian. This was discussed with the Bursar when the Librarian returned to the school in April 2011 with the result that some funds were held over to the next financial year and other funds were transferred to create a new budget for the Junior School Library. The Excel files and all details of the planning for the Junior School Library budgets are available from the Librarian. Since April 2009, we have subscribed to Leicestershire Services for Education, our local Schools Library Service for the Senior School Library, using funds drawn down from the Library Development Budget. This enables the Librarian to support the curriculum by borrowing resource collections and also gives us access to a wide range of services, including four online subscription databases and artefacts. We are assessing the value of this service and intend to subscribe for the Junior School from April 2012. 5

The Dixie Grammar School


Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011

Junior School Library Whilst the Librarian was absent from school, the opportunity arose for the PTA to fund the purchase of a Library Management System, Junior Librarian, at a reduced rate. Mrs Robinson was consulted by the Bursar and she recommended going ahead with the purchase with the following comments: The system was considered suitable as it is the “junior” version of the system used at the Senior School. Students and staff, therefore, would be able to make the transition between the two systems easily. The system should not be implemented until the Librarian returned to work as professional input was essential. It was decided that the Librarian would visit the Junior School on her return to discuss the progress of the library with Mrs Enston and Mrs Laird. An evaluation and plan for development was then written by Mrs Robinson and presented to the Governors by Mrs Laird and a budget was set up for the library after discussions with the Bursar – as outlined above. It was agreed that Mrs Robinson would then work at the Junior School during most of the Summer Holidays to set up Junior Librarian, weed the existing library stock and catalogue the remaining books onto the system. Books were also mended and labelled as necessary. This work was almost finished by the end of the holidays. Mrs Enston and Mrs Robinson also purchased £4000 worth of new books towards the end of the holidays from Peters Bookselling Services. Each week Mrs Robinson posted an update on the Library Online website to demonstrate the progress being made. During 2011-2012, Mrs Robinson will work at the Junior School on two mornings each week to continue with the development: Finishing cataloguing and labelling the existing stock. Cataloguing and processing new purchases. Creating management systems for the library including finance, administration, Library Handbook, Library Procedures Manual, training materials and so on. Teaching Mrs Enston and the teaching staff how to use the new systems. Mrs Enston then to train students. Beginning to plan, collaboratively with teaching staff, for the future use of the library to incorporate reading development and information literacy skills, using the ICT room as appropriate. Continuing to plan for the future possible refurbishment of the library.


Meetings and professional development

2.6.1 Meetings Full Staff Meetings. Head of Department Meetings. Local area school librarians’ meetings, organised by the Schools Library Service.


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011

2.6.2 INSET and Professional development School INSET sessions as appropriate. Took part in two international online conferences, organised by Your School Library: YSL5 “E-book Futures” and YSL6 “Advocacy, Evidence and Image”. During the first conference, Mrs Robinson helped to moderate a discussion forum and during the second conference, she was able to present electronically on “Creating Ripples…Making Waves: Influencing Your Senior Leadership Team”. Wrote a chapter on “Professional Development using free web-based tools” for a forthcoming School Library Association publication. Contributed a chapter about the development of the Library Online website to a book about using WordPress for library websites, to be published in the USA. “Improving Students' Web Use and Information Literacy: A Guide for Teachers and Teacher Librarians” by James Herring of Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia now published containing examples of our work with Web2.0 technologies. Copy available from the Librarian. Continued to develop a PLN (Personal Learning Network) using a range of tools, including mailing lists, wikis, blogs, social bookmarking (Delicious and Diigo), Netvibes, Nings, Google+ and Twitter. This facilitates collaborative learning between librarians internationally and enables up-to-date thinking in school librarianship and technology to be fed back into work in school. 2.6.3 Visits Peters Bookselling Services to choose new resources for the Junior School Library.


Curriculum Development Plan targets: 1. Share good practice across all subjects in the use of ICT facilities → 3.1 2. Support development of Extended Project Level 3 for Sixth Form → 3.2 3. Introduce new students and staff to the library facilities → 3.3 4. Promote and develop cross-curricular use of the new library → 3.4 5. Support reading development using the library → 3.5


Sharing good practice with ICT Development Plan actions: Librarian to liaise with CCH and new Head of ICT to share ideas on use of ICT and how library/librarian can support the school. Librarian to offer INSET/informal sessions for staff. Librarian to integrate use of ICT into lessons in library, where appropriate. Librarian to continue to develop & to teach the use of Library Online Services to staff and students. This target was not achieved due to the absence through illness of the Librarian and it has been held over to 2011-2012. Mrs Robinson had worked on developing plans for English library lessons with Years 6 to 8, which incorporated the use of ICT into reading development work. We hope to be able to implement at least some of this during 2011-2012. 7

The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011

When Mrs Robinson returned to work in April 2011, she was able to do some updating of the Library Online website and this has continued over the summer with regular posts about the development of the Junior School Library. The whole site will be edited to reflect the fact that our library services are now offered to the entire school. 3.2

Extended Project Development Plan actions: Librarian to receive training. Librarian to contact colleagues in other schools currently working with extended project. Librarian to investigate and report on resource and service implications for library. Librarian to develop teaching materials on research skills. Librarian to work with teachers and students on these skills. This has been held over to the academic year 2011-2012.


Inductions for students and staff Development Plan actions: Year 6 Induction lessons. Offer sessions for new students in other years. Sixth Form Induction sessions. Short induction for all new staff (teaching and support). Mrs Robinson was unable to teach the planned inductions due to her absence from illness and then, on her return, continued problems with her voice. These will be undertaken as soon as these issues have been resolved.


Cross-curricular use of the library Development Plan actions: Librarian to discuss with subject departments to determine needs. Regular slots at HoDs Meetings to share good practice. Departments to integrate use of library into SoWs. Librarian to continue development of generic teaching materials Librarian to continue developing Library Online Services – web-based resources for teaching. Librarian to begin development of Information Literacy policy to ensure progression of skills teaching across all years. Very little of this was achieved due to the Librarian’s absence and it has been held over to the new academic year. The following sessions did take place, planned collaboratively and then led by the Librarian:


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011

Lower Sixth – two sessions “Working Independently – Part 1: Being Organised” and “Effective Research: Avoiding Plagiarism”. These areas were requested by the Head of Sixth Form. Write Path – an international writing event with Year 7. Working with Mrs Robinson and Mrs Wardle, twelve students were able to join in this exciting event. The students had to write a paragraph for a story started by a famous author and continued by students in schools from around the world. They had their finished work published in a book which is now part of the Library’s stock. All teaching materials created by the Librarian are available for viewing and download from the Library Online website. The presentations have been made with PowerPoint or Prezi (an online tool) and can be adapted for use with a range of subjects and year groups. Teaching materials, such as booklets, will also be uploaded to our website in the near future. 3.5

Reading development Development Plan actions: Reading Programme with Years 6-8 during English lessons to start in Autumn Term. Evaluation of Reading Programme leads to continuous improvement for next year. Importance and value of reading as a whole-school focus. Librarian to continue developing Library Online Services – web-based resources for reading development. Librarian to continue work with Reading Group with weekly meetings. Librarian to develop other opportunities to encourage reading for pleasure throughout the year, such as author/illustrator visits, promotions, displays, competitions. During the summer of 2010, Mrs Robinson had worked collaboratively with the English Department to plan out a Reading Programme for Years 6 to 8. Some key points from the programme were: Years 6 to 8 to visit for one lesson weekly. Reading Records to be used with each student. They would be kept in the library and could be used by staff at Parents’ Meetings. To support keen and also more reluctant readers, a balance of silent reading sessions and more active lessons were planned. In response to student questionnaires, more technology would be used to engage students. For example, the wiki used with one Year 8 class during 2009-2010 was very popular – students enjoyed sharing their book choices with each other and commenting helpfully on each other’s pages. The programme would be evaluated at the end of the academic year 20102011. Unfortunately, we were unable to implement the programme due to the Librarian’s absence. English classes were, however, brought in to the library throughout the year for silent reading sessions. We are hoping that we will be able to introduce at least part of the programme during the current academic year, when the Librarian’s


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011

vocal issues have been resolved. In the mean time, English classes from Years 6 to 8 are continuing to visit the library on a weekly basis and are working on a Reading Challenge. Further activities will be added when this becomes possible. The other actions listed above have been held over to 2011-2012.


Pastoral This section refers to the Senior School only. Development Plan targets: 1. Librarian to support effective behaviour management in library → 4.1 2. Develop library support for Gifted and Talented students → 4.2 3. Develop library support for students with learning difficulties → 4.3


Behaviour management Development Plan actions: Librarian to implement positive discipline system during extra-curricular time in library. Librarian to support class teachers to ensure effective class management for classes booked in to the library. Librarian to support teaching staff with encouraging more independent learning and work. This target has been held over to 2011-2012.


Gifted and Talented students Development Plan actions: Investigate ways in which library and Librarian could offer support. Attend committee meeting to discuss this. Begin to plan activities, resources & services in library. This target has been held over to 2011-2012.


Students with learning difficulties Development Plan actions: Discuss with DH and new member of staff a range of strategies, resources and services that could be offered by library and Librarian. This target has been held over to 2011-2012.


Meeting the needs of the school community This section refers to the Senior School only.


Extra-curricular activities During the Librarian’s absence from school, the library continued to be open at lunchtime and was managed by staff with support from the Student Helper Team. Mrs Knappett was employed to cover mornings, and continued to do this when the Librarian returned to work part-time from Easter 2011 so that the library could be kept 10

The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011

open. We hope to be able to offer a full programme of activities again when Mrs Robinson returns to full health. 5.2

Provision of resources

5.2.1 Book stock A stock-take was not undertaken during the Summer Holidays as the Librarian was otherwise engaged cataloguing and upgrading the Junior School Library. It must be assumed that some stock will have gone missing during the Librarian’s absence. A stock-take will take place during the summer of 2012. New books were purchased and added to stock during the Summer Term, when the Librarian returned to work. These were mainly fiction with some non-fiction requested by departments. During the coming year, whilst we need to continue to actively manage the fiction collection, the emphasis has to be on improving the library’s support for the curriculum. This could be in book form, but will increasingly also be in a range of media. The Librarian would welcome support from Senior Management to encourage Heads of Department to respond to resource requests as, to date, only a few regularly do this. The Schools Library Service (LSE) has enabled us to support the curriculum at the Senior School in a more flexible way. Since we started the subscription, we have borrowed book collections for History and Science topics, which can be used in the classroom or the library and then returned when no longer needed. It is also possible to borrow artefact collections – this would be an excellent way to support the school’s international work. All teaching staff are encouraged to request resource collections from the Librarian, who will then select suitable stock during visits to LSE in the school holidays. The Librarian will continue to monitor use of the LSE subscription to ensure best value for money. We plan to subscribe for the Junior School from April 2012. The figures for book issues during 2010-2011 may not be fully accurate due to the Librarian’s absence. Also these data were not systematically collected during the year; therefore, the usual tables are not available for this report. A comparison of issue figures is available in the Appendix, Section 8 below on page 14, but there may be some inaccuracies. A continued concern is the low level of borrowing by Sixth Form students. Despite efforts to support their courses with book purchases, very little of this stock is being officially borrowed. 5.2.2 Multi-media resources A range of curriculum-based magazines is purchased for the library, with new titles being added at the request of subject staff. Many of these are not often used by students – work needs to be done by the Librarian and teachers to encourage Sixth Form students, in particular, to read these resources. More popular comics and magazines are purchased on an ad-hoc basis and these are read avidly by many students.


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011

We also now have access to four online subscription databases, through our subscription to LSE, and the Librarian is also looking into a range of others to support A-Level courses. During 2011-2012, the Librarian plans to survey staff and students to see the extent of e-book and e-reader ownership in the Senior School. One of the issues for the library is the shortage of shelf space to expand our collection. A possible solution to this may be to purchase e-books and other electronic resources. 5.3

Provision of services and facilities

5.3.1 Information services The Librarian aims to support the school in terms of developing an information service, thinking and working beyond the physical space of the library and reaching out to staff, students and the community through Library Online Services. We plan to continue this work during 2011-2012. 5.3.2 ICT facilities The library has a range of ICT facilities, which were used during the year in and outside lessons for formal teaching, group work, private study and leisure interests. The drop-down screen and projector are very easy to use and have been very successful. Unfortunately, there has been some damage during the year to the floor sockets and some of the laptop keys. 5.3.3 Furniture and equipment The school invested in high quality furniture for the library and it is unfortunate that some of the tables and chairs were damaged during the year with glue and score marks. 5.4

Helpers During the year, the Student Helper Team did a fantastic job keeping the library going, especially in the Librarian’s absence. Helpers have had basic training in the Eclipse Library Management System, shelving and display work. The students gained skills in teamwork and time management, and gave Mrs Knappett and other staff covering the library invaluable assistance.


Community The Librarian was unable to attend events outside the school during the year.


Recommendations for the Senior Leadership Team It is recommended that: The whole school embraces the importance of books and reading, in the light of international research showing the impact of reading for pleasure on student achievement: All staff are seen to support reading for pleasure. The importance of reading is reinforced by all staff with all students. National and local reading and book initiatives are supported by the school.


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011

The role of the Library Services and Librarian in developing reading for pleasure is assisted by the school management, pastoral teams and subject teams. SLT assists the Librarian in the development of Information Literacy Skills as a progression across the whole school. This supports our students’ independent learning and helps raise achievement: By encouraging subject departments and pastoral teams to work collaboratively with the Librarian on suitable Schemes of Work. By embedding these SOWs in the work of departments to ensure that all students are able to access these lessons. SLT ensures that the Librarian is fully informed about developments across both schools: By ensuring that HODs give outlines of the curriculum and information about new developments and projects to the Librarian. By considering the impact of new courses and projects on the provision of resources and services in both libraries. SLT recognises the role of the Library Services in relation to information services and resource provision beyond either library’s physical space: By enabling the Librarian to assist in the planning, co-ordination, integration, development and delivery of ICT across the curriculum, where appropriate. SLT supports the Librarian in the development of Library Services across the entire school from Nursery to Sixth Form: By allowing the Librarian sufficient time to visit the Junior School. By encouraging staff across the school to work collaboratively with the Librarian. By enabling staff to have sufficient time to work with the Librarian. Anne M Robinson, MA, MA, SLYA 2005 Librarian September 2011


The Dixie Grammar School

Appendix Please note: due to the Librarian’s absence the Library Management System (Eclipse2) was not used systematically to issue and return books. Many books have been “unofficially” borrowed throughout the year. Therefore, it has been decided that it would not be a good use of the Librarian’s time on her return to retrospectively collect and collate the data from 2010-2011. The usual charts for issue figures are not, therefore, available for this report. A comparison chart only has been produced and is shown below – please note, however, that there may be inaccuracies in the figures for 2010-2011. Similar charts will be produced for the Junior School Library in next year’s Annual Report as Junior Librarian has similar functionality to Eclipse2. Chart 3: Book Issue Figures - from 2006-2007 onwards Book Issue Figures - from 2006-2007 onwards 3000 2678 2500



Number of issues


Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011





2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011


1000 764



562 500






0 Non-Fiction


Total Books

Note: the figures below do not include books borrowed from LSE. Note also that, as we were unable to schedule a stock-take, there may be a number of items missing from the catalogue. Table 1: Book stock levels - comparisons Eclipse



Total items in stock: 3860 3787 4177

Total missing:

11/09/08 1586 2274 796 21/07/10 1674 2113 114* 13/09/11 1801 2376 0** * At stock-take finalisation on 15 July 2010 ** No stock-take in the summer of 2011, so this figure is not available 14

The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2010-2011

Table 2: Age of library book stock by publisher date - September 2008* Total on Eclipse Less than 5 More than 10 More than 20 LMS years old years old years old All items: 295 – 8% 2742 – 71% 1311 – 34% 3860 Total fiction: 158 – 10% 1078 – 68% 397 – 25% 1586 Total non-fiction: 137 – 6% 1664 – 73% 914 – 40% 2274 * At the first stock-take undertaken after the appointment of the Librarian Table 3: Age of library book stock by publisher date – September 2011 Total on Eclipse LMS All items: 4177 Total fiction: 1801 Total non-fiction: 2376

Less than 5 years old 1625 – 39%

More than 10 years old 1258 – 30%

More than 20 years old 309 – 7%

885 – 49%

312 – 17%

38 – 2%

740 – 31%

946 – 40%

271 – 11%

Table 4: Age of library book stock by acquisition date – September 2011 Total on Eclipse LMS on 13/09/11 All items: 4177 Total fiction: 1801 Total nonfiction: 2376

Added to catalogue before 01/09/08 1427

Added to catalogue 01/09/0819/08/09 1422

Added to catalogue 20/08/0921/07/10 805

Added to catalogue 22/07/1031/08/11 523









Table 5: Stock additions September 2010 – August 2011 Total on Eclipse LMS Number of items on July 2010* added to stock All items: 3787 521 Total fiction: 1674 401 Total non-fiction: 2113 120 * At stock-take finalisation on 15 July 2010

Total on Eclipse LMS on 13/09/11 All items: 4177 Total fiction: 1801 Total non-fiction: 2376

Table 6: Stock withdrawals September 2010 – August 2011 Total on Eclipse LMS Number of items on July 2010* withdrawn All items: 3787 119 Total fiction: 1674 26 Total non-fiction: 2113 93 * At stock-take finalisation on 15 July 2010 15

Total on Eclipse LMS on 13/09/11 All items: 4177 Total fiction: 1801 Total non-fiction: 2376

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