UOW Library Year in Review 2018

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Library Year in Review 2018


VISION We will be acclaimed for our expertise and collaboration in supporting esteemed research and scholarship, and for transforming the way people discover and engage with information.



PURPOSE We believe that the UOW community deserves convenient access to resources, expertise, and client-centred environments that inspire them to excel in their academic endeavour.


INTRODUCTION 2018 is marked by the launch of the FutureReady Library Strategy: a clear and compelling vision for transforming “why” and “how” we work to deliver outstanding services, resources and spaces for the students and staff of the University. The Online First Mindset is a guiding principle for all that we do. This approach has seeded experimentation to prototype a conversational agent drawing on artificial intelligence, and influenced how we design and create content for the digital and networked world. We have used the Online First principle to challenge existing programs and to scope options for modularised, embedded learning experiences to advance information and digital literacies. Key to the future-ready vision are highly skilled and adaptive people with the skills and capabilities to thrive and perform in a rapidly changing, increasingly digital environment. Our people have embraced new modes of learning and developing skills – modes that are centred on personal agency, communities of practice, coaching and peer learning.

We have seen a marked digital dexterity and co shared with students an We have set ambitious collections and spaces w our visitors with inspir learning and curiosity i environment. Early mi redevelopment of infor the continued growth a MakerSpace and enhan facilities. The Learning includes a digital interf the-clock access to core services and resources

We’re committed to be we are nimble, flexible to perform in technolog and research environm in Review captures pro aspirations.

Margie Jantti Director Library Services, Univer

d improvement in onfidence, which are nd staff. targets to reimagine with the aim to provide ring zones that promote in a discipline-inclusive ilestones include the rmal learning spaces, and popularity of the nced group learning g Co-Op experience face, providing arounde learning advisory regardless of location.

eing future-ready, where and highly skilled gy-enabled learning ments. The 2018 Year ogress towards our

rsity of Wollongong

The guiding principle for the Future-Ready Library was to always have an Online First Mindset. This recognises that we’re a global, 24/7 organisation with students and staff who expect to be able to access our services anywhere, anytime, on any device.


Design a deliver a of inspiri learning

and choice ing spaces

We refurbished the Ground Floor to delive exceptional learning environment.


Phase II of the Informal Learning Spaces project was officially launched by UOW Vice-Chancellor, Professor Paul Wellings CBE, on 23 February.

er an


t r,

I love the new design! Gives super relaxing atmosphere for studying. Student via Facebook

It will reinvigorate the student learning settings both within the Library and across the campus. Margie Jantti, Director Library Services

It was important to include elements that support contemporary learning approaches and design principles that centre on user experience and wellbeing. Students now have access to highly flexible spaces, accommodating different study needs. This positive, creative environment fosters collaborative learning experiences, develops real-world skills and enables easy access to technologies in a central learning hub. Indoor plants promote a relaxed atmosphere with improved air quality and large windows ensure plentiful access to natural light and an outlook to lush grounds. • 112 new seats, in addition to the 380 computer desks. • Screen-sharing Solstice technology. • Creativity walls. • Ergonomic sit-to-stand desks. • Bookable study rooms increased to 20.

24/7 opening hours in Building 17 we successfully extended throughout eac including the exam periods, after pilo longer hours in 2017.

The extended hours support clients unable to visit du opening hours; those with work or family commitme who prefer to study late.

The space has hundreds of study seats, as well as com printers, kitchenette facilities and vending machines

Due to popularity, the extended hours service will cont


ere ch session, oting the


uring regular ents, or those


mputers, s.


tinue into 2019.

utilised the 24/7 space in Session 1

increase in Session 2 during Week 13, Revision Week and Exam Weeks


MAKERSPAC TURNS ONE The MakerSpace has proven to be a hive of innovative activity with over 40,000 students visiting in 2018. The MakerSpace has integrated its technology services with UOW curriculum, collaborated with researchers, and engaged with current and future students. In total there were 23 workshops and 207 safety inductions held. Other initiatives included working with UOW Motorsport Club to build a VR racing simulator showcased at Autumn Orientation, STEM+X and the recycling project.


We helped support MECH215, a Mechanical Engineering subject, where students built an autonomous robot for one of their assignments. Some students also used the 3D printers to build their structure. Nathan Riggir, MakerSpace Coordinator

Making i easier to and use c

it find content

We reduced the number of webpages from 60 to 34 for the implementation of T4.

The Content Strategy team continued to reduce Library webpage readiness for the University’s migration to a new content managem system (CMS) called TERMINALFOUR. With only the most use and relevant content selected, the Library was the first unit across University to complete the CMS migration and the first planned t live in 2019.

We found their user-centric approach methodica and practical, and always supported by their amazing can-do attitude‌

Their enthusiasm, positivity and dedication to fu embrace this enterprise-wide change is clearly evident in the outstanding transformation that h been achieved on the UOW Library website. Paul Morgan, Senior Manager Client Services and Kelly Shorten, Project Manager Information Management & Technology Services (IMTS)

es, in ment eful s the o go





Removing barriers to borrowing was c reviewing the Library Loans Policy.


Policy changes provided a more flexible, non-traditional with less restrictions. Clients are empowered to borrow many Library resources necessary to meet their researc change is an important expression of goodwill while mai equity of access to materials. • Eliminated fines from standard loans. • Extended borrowing periods. • Removed limits on numbers of books borrowed. • Introduced unlimited renewals.

Our clients can now renew items for as long as they need the item is requested by someone else.

central to


system however ch needs. The intaining

d to, unless

Clients have responded positively, and it’s delightful to advise them that they have no financial penalty when returning overdue general collection items. Georgina Konstanta, Acting Manager, Client Experience

Providing digital access to resources where major, multi-year strategic project to mode


Students and staff across multiple campuses prefer to access onli Modernising our collection ensures that we continue to have rich aligning with the University’s research and curriculum.

The initiative aims to reduce print collections by 30% (150,000 t Wollongong Campus Library and Curriculum Resources Centre deselected items being offered free to the University community progresses.

By reviewing our collections and integrating the CRC into the W Library, we can optimise our physical floor space to ensure high-q and enable greater access to CRC content primarily used by the S the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Another strategy of the collection modernisation project is to pro selected open content education resources (OER) through our Li discovery tool. New access to free resources includes: Open Textb Dissertations, Liebert Open Access Journals, La Trobe eBureau,

ever possible is driving a ernise our collections.


ine resources. h and relevant content

titles) across the e (CRC), with as the project

Wollongong Campus quality learning spaces School of Education in

ovide fair access to ibrary SEARCH book Library, Open , and PhilArchive.




electronic journals

450,000+ ebooks

350,000+ print books

Clients can access all of our content whilst off-campus, for an unrestricted Library experience.




As part of upgraded approaches to systems architecture and improved client services, EZproxy authentication was applied to the Library SEARCH tool. EZproxy is an authentication system that enables students and staff to log in and access all University subscribed and purchased content. New EZproxy configurations have improved the extent and accuracy of client search results. The Library will continue to focus on improving the client experience in discovering quality scholarly resources. A deeper review of the existing Library systems that manage core functions and services will continue in 2019. These include Resource Sharing, Subject Readings, Collection Management, content discovery and systems administration.

Our ongoing goal of digitising archiv research has seen an increase in aud Online platform, with over 857,000

Popular selections include the Cochrane Papua N Pringle Album, Flugelman Collection, and Carl W

DIGITISATION AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Lodden Falls-UOW Archives Carl Weber Collection

val collections for learning and dience engagement with the Archives 0 views of online collections in 2018.

New Guinea Collection, Weber’s photographs.

Bundanon Trust – Arthur Boyd Collection

New additions to the digitised collections include a series of videos from the Bundanon Trust – Arthur Boyd Collection, the rare Tour to the Beautiful Illawarra (1903) and Pooncarie glass negatives (19 (which were digitised for the exhibition, Becarevic Collection: Recol Exploration and Voyage).

UOW Archives also received a significant donation from the Sherid a rare set of Cook’s Voyage to the Pacific Ocean; in 4 Volumes (1784 books complement other noteworthy 18th and 19th Century works European exploration of Australia already held in the Archives col

s acquired rist’s Guide 906) llections of

dan family: 4). These s on the llection.

Our digitisation program continues to surface visions of the near and distant past, creating new perspectives for researchers. Grant White, Manager Archives




BERT FLUGELMA 5 November - 31 March

Wry ARTificer explored the multi-faceted character Bert Flugelman and his constant evolution as an artist.

Curated by UOW Library Exhibitions Coordinator, Phillippa Web exhibition featured many items donated to UOW Archives by the F Estate.

Also on display were works from UOW Art Collection and private including significant additional works on loan from the Flugelman

God this is good! The humour, the movie, everything... Panizzi Gallery visitor book

Visit Bert Flugelman Wry ARTificer online.




bb, this Flugelman

e collections, n Estate.

The Library partnered with Learning, Teaching & Curriculum (LTC) to expand the Wry ARTificer exhibition into the digital space. Flugelman’s sculptures were transformed with augmented reality (AR) and, with assistance from UOW MakerSpace, weekly immersive experiences were offered to students, staff and visitors.

Visit the Bert Flugelman VR experience online.

3D model of "Winged Figure - Lawrence Hargrave Memorial" sculpture. Original sculpture by Bert Flugelman, 1988 - 1989.

FROM T Fascinating and interesting to see family links! I will recommend to my grandparents!! Panizzi Gallery visitor book

RECO OF E AND 7 May - 24 June

Curated by UOW the evolution of th

Great digital displays that capture our important history. Panizzi Gallery visitor book

Stereocope cards - WW1, 1914-1920, UOW Archives Becarevic Collection



W Library Archives Manager Grant White, this exhibition illustrated he traveller and documentation of their journeys and experiences.

Visit the Becarevic Collection online.


Exploring the stories of men, women and children incarcerated in New South Wales gaols, 1870 to 1930. Curated and produced by State Archives and Records NSW, and hosted by UOW Library.

Amazing photography – very interesting stories. Panizzi Gallery visitor book

Image: 6655 grains of the Sliding Sands by Avril Makula

Place brought together 38 book artists from NSW, the ACT, Vict Queensland to explore the theme of place in their work, whether location or a place of their imagination.

Curated by artists Liz Jeneid and Avril Makula, and hosted by UO

toria and r a physical

OW Library.

PLACE: ARTIST BOOKS 11 August - 14 October

Really enjoyed the different approaches to making artists' books: ingenuity, humour, delicate mark making and thoughtful text. Panizzi Gallery visitor book

Inspiring and beautifully thought provoking. Panizzi Gallery visitor book

Maximis research visibility

sing h y


The RDSM group contributed to developing UOW researchers to plan, store, describe an The Library played a key role in leading the initial phase of the Research Data Storage and Management (RDSM) Working Group, in collaboration with Information Management and Technology Services (IMTS) and the Research Services Office. The RSDM Working Group addressed strategic issues related to the governance, administration, skills development, and technology implications of maintaining and supporting UOW’s research data assets.

Two signifi

1. determ researc 2. investig

An RDSM T was establish responsibilit and resource for the resea


g a research data tool that would enable nd manage their research data sets.

ficant areas of Library involvement included:

mining metadata and user requirements for making a rch data tool gating and creating training resources for researchers.

Training sub-group hed to identify training ties, streamline current programs es, and develop support solutions rch data tool.


Open Researcher and Contributor ID (OR globally-recognised persistent identifier t to their outputs, which eliminates confusi identity when applying for grants or for pu

Initiatives by the Library, Research Services Office and Facultie have been successful. 77% of research-active UOW academics a unique ORCID iD, a significant uplift from approximately 10% i


RCID) is a unique, that connects researchers ion around author ublishing.

es to increase the uptake of ORCID are now registered with their own in early 2017.


The Library was successful in securin $50,000 grant to take part in the UOW Jindaola program from 2019-2020.

Jindaola is an award-winning program, developed at U consultation with local Elders and Knowledge holders works with project groups to embed Aboriginal knowl perspectives into curricula.

The Library will be the first professional unit involved program. The project will focus on the Library’s core b collections and content discovery, relationships and en and Library space, through partnership with the Jinda leaders and the local Aboriginal community.

Involvement in this program will position the Library the skills and knowledge to strengthen the movement embedding Aboriginal knowledges and perspectives a

ng a W

UOW in s, that ledges and

d in the business of ngagement, aola program

y with towards at UOW. Illustration: Jade Kennedy

Optimise enabled le and servic environm

e digitallyearning ice ments

With more than 30% of enquiries to the Library coming in after staffed hours, it was critical to improve our knowledge base and investigate machine-learning advancements to Live Chat services. In late 2017, we partnered with Learning, Teaching and Curriculum (LTC), Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences (EIS) and five talented honours students to develop a chatbot throughout 2018. The final chatbot prototype was text-matching, using a knowledge base of over 300 question-and-answer pairs to provide a 77% accuracy response rate. The chatbot had a speech-to-text module and could play responses through a text-to-speech function.



Participation in the project gave me an opportunity to apply AI algorithms in the most fascinating and challenging domain: natural language processing (NLP)... Even now, NLP is still one of my research directions. Tianming Zhao, Student Team Leader



Learning and Engagement Librarians developed more than 20 digital learning objects (DLOs) which can be accessed by students anywhere, anytime. DLOs can replace traditional classes and provide point-of-need assistance, as academics are encouraged to embed them into the student learning platform Moodle. They focus on finding and using information as students navigate the complexities of searching Library databases. Our most popular Guide on the Side tutorial, with over 3,800 views, steps students through our Library SEARCH tool with tips on how to search effectively.

It was very helpful as it is my first experienc with all this process and I didn’t know much about it. With the help of this, I can do my research work with much ease. Student response to using Guide on The Side

These are excellent and align really well with what we do in LLB1115 in relation to teachin students how to use the databases.

I was thinking of embedding them in Moodle using them as formative feedback exercises. Acade Academic response to our Digital Learning Objects

ce h

h ng

e and .

With an Online First mindset, we’re also transitioning our face-toface Digital Skills workshops to an online format. In 2019, our goal is to replace the format entirely with a suite of individual modules to embed at point-of-need.

Library services and profe advice were integral to a su accreditation result for UO


Further services included adding Management System (LMS) to s searching for material in Chinese training to local Hong Kong staff

essional expertise and uccessful CAP320 OW College Hong Kong.


g a new module to the Library support cataloguing and e. We also provided LMS ff.

The Learning Co-Op has extended the physical student-centred experience to an online space.

LEARNING CO-OP ONLINE In February, SAF-funded student partners, Peer Learning, Learning and Development, UOW College and the Library created a range of content for the Learning Co-Op, making academic resources and tips for effective studying available 24/7. There were over 244,000 page views and 100,000 visits to the Learning Co-Op site in 2018, with the most popular resource being the “referencing and citing� page.

I had an online. S availabl essay w

Rebecca Hein

n online consult with a student doing a new UOW course She was pleasantly surprised to see all the resources le on the Learning Co-Op website, particularly the writing and the comprehensive referencing guidelines.

ns, Peer Academic Coach

People and cult



During Phase II of this program, all staff committed to inclu performance plans and we saw 95% of staff reporting an inc

Other initiatives that contributed to increasing our individu included:

• a website and newsletter digest for content around digital • using available FIND15 time for self-directed learning

• Friday Features program for webinars, digital demonstrat

Our scaffolded Digital Dexterity program increased self-directed learning with peer support both online and face-to-face.


ude at least one digital dexterity goal in their annual crease in their digital capabilities.

ual, collective and organisational digital dexterity

l literacy

tions and forum discussions.

Other Professional Development opportu outside the Digital Dexterities program in secondments, job enrichments and shado experiences. Our staff also attended 30 external events including: • conferences (VALA2018, EduTech, ASCILITE and Australian Society of Archivists) • CAUDIT Leadership Institute • Relais User Group • Copyright Advisory Group

• UOW’s Emerging Leaders and Managers Program (eLAMP).

This was a landmark experience in my leadership g it has deeply informed my professional and persona development objectives going forward. Attending CAUDIT Leadership Institute, Donna Dee, Manager Workforce Planning & Development

unities ncluded owing


growth... al


job enrichment opportunities


mentoring partnerships



coaching partnerships


external events

CAVAL MENT PROGRAM Library staff were involved in the inaugural CAVAL NSW CrossInstitutional Mentoring Program as either mentors or mentees, connecting our staff with external networks across institutions.



The NUW Alliance brings UOW together with the University of Newcastle (UON) an University of New South Wales (UNSW) t share knowledge and experiences to “delive the leaders of tomorrow for the workforce o future�.

The NUW Alliance relationship continued to deepen over 2018. U Library hosted a site visit with over 25 guests from the three unive participating in sessions including the MakerSpace service model Client Service collaborations, and electronic resource managemen concluded the day with a networking lunch.

Library Directors, Margie Jantti (UOW), Martin Borchert (UNS Greg Anderson (UON) have drafted a framework for the ongoing and direction of the Alliance networking into 2019.

nd to er of the

UOW ersities l, nt, and

SW) and focus


Client Journey Mapping techniques focus on finding solutions and innovations by listening, capturing and analysing our client’s story meaningful, evidence-based way. This involves engaging directly w client through interview, data integration, data distillation and affi clustering both service experience realities and possible solutions.

The persona of “Ben” was introduced at the all-Library Winter Co event, encouraging staff to consider the student perspective when m decisions. Client Journey Mapping techniques will be used when r our Alumni Service Model and approach to Digital Learning Obje

d informing y in a with the ffinity .

onference making reviewing ects in 2019.

Using Client Journey Mapping, we can now map creative and innovative valuesbased service solutions.


Newton, K. & Shalavin, C., Meet them are: bringing the Learning Co-Op into space, VALA 2018 Conference, Melbou February 2018.

Riggir, N., Implementing a student foc Makerspace at University, EduTech Co 2018, Sydney, 7-8 June 2018.

Jones, S., Organ, M., Rice, A. & White 'tears in the rain': Blade Runner and th of memory and identity, Archives in a B Age: Identity & Memory, Evidence & A Conference, Australian Society of Arch Hobart, 25 - 28 September 2018.

Organ, M., Confrontational continuum and the psychedelic art of Martin Sha a journal of history, politics and culture pp. 156-182.


m where they o the digital urne, 13-15

Wagner , T. & Organ, M., The Importance of Impact, Association of MBAs Asia-Pacific Conference for Deans and Directors, Monash University, Melbourne, 13 November 2018.

cused onference

Huber, E. & Shalavin, C., Surveying the digital literacy landscape for academic and professional staff in higher education, ASCILITE 2018 Conference, Geelong, 25 – 28 November 2018.

e, G., Catching he archiving Blade Runner Accountability hivists,

m: modernism arp, The Sixties: e, vol. 11, 2018,

Shalavin, C., Don’t Just Stay In Your Lane: Developing Digital Literacies Freestyle, ASCILITE 2018 Conference, Geelong, 25 – 28 November 2018.

STAFF RECOGNITION 25 staff recognition items were put forward in 2018, consisting of 15 individual and 10 team citations culminating in the annual Staff Recognition Awards. LIBRARY EXECUTIVE TEAM (LET) AWARD Content Strategy team: Toni Lanyon, Anthony Rice, Kyra Thomsen, Digital Presence Strategy -T4 Project


Kira Shen, EDS Investigation

TEAM AWARD Kyra Thomsen and Pia Petre, Orientation & Promotions event




Nathan Riggir, MakerSpace Coordinator

Kristy Newton as a member of the Academic Integrity Team



Sonya Ollerenshaw, Collection Development Officer

Margie Jantti , Director Library Services

UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG LIBRARY: YEAR IN REVIEW 2018 ISSN: 2206-1576 e-ISSN: 2206-1584 2015 - continues

MAKE CONTACT Building 16, Northfields Ave, Wollongong (02) 4221 3545 uow.edu.au/library facebook.com/UOWLibrary twitter.com/UOW_Library

The University of Wollongong attempts to ensure the information contained in this publication is correct at the time of production (July 2019); however, sections may be amended without notice by the University in response to changing circumstances or for any other reason. Check with the University for any updated information. UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG CRICOS: 00102E

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