Portfolio for UCL__LICHENXIAO

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Institution:Beijing Jiaotong University Tel:0086-13121221008 Email:lichenxiao0405@126.com

Chenxiao Li

Academic Background


Beijing Jiaotong University listed in Na onal 211 Project, and ‘Double First-Class’ Na onal Ini a ve)

Degree: Bachelor of Architecture


Beijing Ins tute of Architectural Design

My duty:

 Par cipated in pre-bidding research and diagram prepara on

 Joined scheme discussion, sketch design and rou ne repor ng

 Assisted with scheme modeling and rendering

 Providing detail analysis and drawing Projects involved:

•Xijinan District An epidemic Project

Research, Publica on and Prac ce


Glass Purrscapes

Transformation of old alleys, emerging homes for artists


Academic:BJTU Coursework


TOTUR:Yinan Zhou


Space Admist Square & circle

Commemorating the old station and the Beijing-Hong Kong Railway, utilizing a museum for space narrative


Academic:BJTU Coursework


TOTUR:Fangqing Lyu


Research on Space Mining for Beijing Old City Renewal, Architecture & Culture Team member

My duty: material collec on, sor ng and analysis, and part of paper wri ng


 4th Author, Architecture & Culture (Periodical), No.227(02):138-140, 2023

 Municipally awarded innova ve project in Beijing City


Beijing South Gong and Drum Lane Yuer Hutong No. 27 Courtyard Renova on Project (commissioned by Jingcheng Group)

Team member

My duty:

 Surveying, mapping and damage recording of the principal room

 Historical material collec on and analysis

Computer Skills

Advanced: Rhino, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, SketchUp

Moderate: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Enscape, D5 Render, Lumion

Mistvale Tower

Utilizing super-tall buildings to address smog and promote better urban greening Beijing,China

Academic:BJTU Coursework


TOTUR:Junjie Li

Seasoul Pavilion

An emotional experiential space created for CPTSD Shenzhen,China

Pensonal Work




Glass Purrscapes

AUTHOR:Li Chenxiao



TOTUR:Yinan Zhou

For a glass artist and cat lover, how to coexist with their cats and artworks is a very intriguing theme.

Based on the cats' love for climbing, the architecture is designed with various pathways in each space, allowing the cats and people in the space to have direct or indirect interactions. Different functional areas also have varying degrees of contact with the cats.

“Glass Purrscapes” creates spaces for the glass artist to work and showcase their art, provides a free-roaming area for the cats,and offers visitors a space to admire the artworks and interact with the cats.

The Artist In The XiangChang

She is Yezi, a glass artist born in Beijing in the mid-1990s. After studying abroad for two years, she returned to China to continue her career in glass art.

Occasionally, she heard that several houses near the Xiang Factory were being renovated and encouraged handicraftsmen to settle there and work.

After seeing the site, she decided to renovate her own studio and residence there.

With the small yard, she could grow some flowers and plants, and there was enough space for the cats to wander around. She hoped that her works could be directly combined with the space where cats climbed, so that visitors could also experience the integration of fragile glass and life.

I'm making my glass figurine and I will finish as soon as possible so that I can go home earlier. She has three cats at home, but because there was no space for them to play,that create some heart-stopping situations.

Site Analysis

The location is situated within the Xiangchang New District, bordered by Banzhang Hutong to the north, Xiangchang Road to the south, Renshou Road to the west, and Zhengyang Hutong to the east.

Design Analysis

When you get up or prepare to sleep,cat canalwaysbethere.

Pipes and cube

Inaday'stime,theexperiencesofcatsandhumansaredifferent.Forhumans, theentireday'sactivitiesprogressonthesurfaceofoneboxafteranother. However,forcats,aslongasthereareenoughwallsandstages,theycanreach anydimensionwithinthatbox.

Of course, they don't mind giving you a big hug while you wash the dishes.

Object Scene Analysis
Explosion Axonometric Map Glass exhibition Glass exhibition Central yard Central yard
With that pipe system,I can go anywhere together with my master!

Pipes and cube

In this intricate system of interlocking pipes and boxes, people find a space to live and work, showcasing their accomplishments, while cats get to express their natural instincts.

The interconnected pipelines not only connect the spaces but also shape the environment. In this fast-paced era, people's lives are filled with numerous collisions and disappointments, and it is in this backdrop that cats roam through their everyday lives, mending the cracks in their souls.

Life may be tattered, but the little cats diligently sew and patch it up.

Glass Purrscapes

pipe system for cat

Space Admist

Square & circle

AUTHOR:Li Chenxiao

ACADEMIC:BJTU Pensonal Cousework


TUTOR:Fangqing Lyu

In people’s memories, the Tsinghua Park Station is not just a representative in the long river of history, but rather the reachable red brick walls and the steel tracks under their feet; it is part of life. From people’s answers, I can still touch that vibrant yet mature and steady old station. If it were to be renovated and displayed as an exhibit of the new era, where should these lively memories go?

In the design, the two Tsinghua Park stations should be maximally preserved in their original state, without deeper modifications or additions. Instead, they should be analyzed and observed from different perspectives.

In1905,ZhanTianyouledtheconstructionof China'sfirstmainlinerailwaytheBeijingZhangjiakouRailway.

In1906,XizhimenStationwas completed,whichwastheonlyfirstclassstationwithinBeijing'sborders.

In1909,theentirelineoftheBeijingZhangjiakouRailwaywasopened,anda MaKer-typesteamlocomotivewasused astheinauguraltrainfortheopening ceremony.

In1936,TsinghuaUniversityusedthe TsinghuaGardenStationtotransport alargeamountofsuppliesduringthe WarofResistanceagainstJapan.


The site is located at the approximate midpoint, around 9 kilometers, of the Beijing-Hong Kong Railway Relics Park in Haidian District,Beijing.

In2023,theBeijing-ZhangjiakouRailway RelicParkwillbeofficiallyopened.

In2019,theplanningandconstruction oftheBeijing-ZhangjiakouRailway RelicParkbegan.


In2016,therailwayfunctionat Wudaokouwasofficiallydiscontinued duetotheundergroundrealignmentof theBeijing-ZhangjiakouHigh-Speed Railway.

In1960,theOldTsinghuaGarden Stationwasrelocatedduetourban managementreasons.

Local Resident Station Master Railway Enthusiast Remember Apply Spiritual Observer Emphasisonthehistoryandexterior formofTsinghuaYuanStation Multipleperspectivesobservation
SecondaryEntrance Proposedreconstructionofrailwaytracks SubwayLine13Elevated Rustysteelplate perforatedaluminumsheet Recallthesceneryandperspective outsidethetrainwindowatthattimeSpecificperspectiverecollection Function User
Station Master
SiteMaterial MaterPlan
Main Road Auxiliary Road Affect Area

Onthesecondfloor,visitorscanlookoutfromthe windowsfacingthestationhousetoseeitfromawhole newperspective,whilealsobeingaccompaniedby exhibitionsofferinghistoricalexplanations.

Afterlisteningtotheexplanation,returningtoobserve theoldstationhouseallowsforanewperspectiveon thebuildinginlightofitshistoricalsignificance.

Walkingoutontoanotherlevel,thenewbuilding envelopedtheoldonewithoutalteringordestroying it,justasthememoriesoftheolddayswouldalsobe preserved.

Peopleenteredfromtheeastentranceofthebuildingandwereabletoseethewell-preservedoldstation house,evokingmemoriesofthepast.

Thepeoplewhousedtocommutebytrainandthestaff returnedtothescenestheyhadonceexperienced,asif thetrainswerestillrunningyesterday.

Standingattheviewpointwheretheyusedtoboard, lookingbackattheoriginalstationhouse,thefamiliar scenehadthepowertotransportpeoplebacktothe memoriesofthattime.

Astheviewpointrecededwiththedepartingtrain, thosememoriesandemotionsassociatedwithtrain travelalsoresurfaced.


Memorise Learn Familiar Scene Observe Look Back Envelope

On the facade,the two materials are combined in theform of surface and mass.

The rusted steel plates represent the long history of the Beijing-Hong Kong Railway and the old station, evoking a unique tactile sensation that stimulates people's perception of the building. The perforated aluminum panels, as the main material for the facade, are lightweight, versatile in color, and can provide sufficient variation in lightand shadow texturesfor the building.


ExplosionAxonometricMap ExternalRendering
SecondFloorPlan ExternalRendering
ThirdFloorPlan ExternalRendering

Mistvale Tower

AUTHOR:Li Chenxiao



TOTUR:Junjie Li

In the Beijing area, smog has always been a headache. This design focuses on haze treatment in super high-rise buildings, while also conducting aerial greening through small platforms on the building, aiming to return a beautiful air environment to the surrounding areas.

People not only benefit from the fresh air processed by the building, but can also enter the building, walk onto the balcony, and experience the beauty that green buildings bring to the city from different perspectives.



Due to thesurrounding mountains blocking air circulation to thenorth and theinflux of aircurrentsfrom the south, Beijing experiencessevere smog.


FengTaiLize BusinessDistrict

The base is located north of Lize Road, south of Xinjian Sanlu Road, east of Jinze Middle Second Road, and west of Lianhua River Road, including the existing Lize Business District station area of Metro Line 14. The surrounding area of the base is rich in economic elements, and the construction of surrounding green spaces is currently underway.


The harmful substances in the smog have affected my health. Even if I wear a mask, I still start coughing.

The smog in Beijing is really severe. I can't even see the tall buildings in the distance, and it's very inconvenient to travel.

FactorsandMeasures SurroundingAnaylsis

TheSurrounding Residential AreaThe Surrounding Commercial AreaThe Surrounding Green SpaceTheSurrounding Building Heights
using cleaner production technologies and equipment, as well
the supervision and
industrialemissionst. Measures can be taken to reduce vehicle exhaust emissions, such as promoting clean energy vehicles, improving public transportationsystems. Increasing green coverage through afforestation to absorb carbon dioxide and purifytheair.
as strengthening
management of


SpaceGeneration Framework Hotel Smog Treatment Process Office Area Commercial District Green Space ExampleAbstractDiagram Basic VolumeAbstract Form Path CreationGreen space spots Downward Extension Establish Connections Ventilation EquipmentGlass FrameworkFloorsBalcony OutlineTransformation
of the verticalheight of the super high-rise, a valley-likedesign concept is introduced.


Thanks to the greening of the small balconies, there is better circulation of cold and hot air, leading to an improved thermal environment for the building as a whole.


Seeing such innovation gives me hope for improving air quality.

Thedesign of this system is truly ingenious and can improve theair quality of the entire area.

This system is amazing, it can help our family breathe fresher air.

If more places had systems like this, the environment would be much better.

Seasoul Pavilion

AUTHOR:Li Chenxiao

Pensonal Work


This architectural design, based on Bernard Tschumi’s spatial theory, aims to create a space that allows visitors to personally experience the feelings associated with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD). The structure employs a steel frame with two sets of circulation pathways, both externally and internally, symbolizing the internal conflicts experienced by individuals in a CPTSD state.

Within the building, there are three distinct experiential spaces, each reflecting different emotions that individuals may undergo during a CPTSD episode. The design’s objective is to deepen visitors’ understanding of CPTSD symptoms and impacts through sensory experiences. By simulating the sensations of a CPTSD episode, the hope is to raise awareness of one’s stress state, encouraging individuals to seek appropriate support and recovery.

C-PTSD Investigation

Accrording to the report on the Mental Health Development of the Chinese Population, the detection rate for the risk of depression is 10.6%, and the detection rate for the risk of anxiety is 15.8%.

The detection rate for the risk of depression in this survey is slightly lower than the data from the 2020 survey.

The influencing factors for depression and anxiety levels are highly similar, with age and income identified as the primary contributing factors.

Study found that among the adult population, young adults are at a higher risk of depression.

The detection rate for depression risk in the age group of 18 to 24 is as high as 24.1%, resembling the depression risk detection rate in previous surveys among adolescents and significantly higher than other age groups.

Defined Meaning
Deep Exploration Lost and Unsearching Seeking but Not Finding
Nearest Road Holiday Resort Mountain Tunnel
The project is located in Shenzhen, China, a city that ranks fourth in national life stress levels. Surrounded by mountains and seas, it is situated in the midst of a resort area.

Space Transformation

Hyper Vigilance

Unstoppble Depress


Based on Bernard Tschumi's three key elements of space narrative theory - space, movement, and event, the exploration delves into the manifestation and transformation of three distinct human emotional behaviors,then translates these behaviors into spatial configurations, allowing for physical modifications that enhance the overall form. Event

In examining the emotional experiences of individuals with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), it is common to find episodes of hyper-vigilance, enduring despair, and flashbacks. Each of these experiences comes with its unique set of feelings or hallucinations

By extracting inherent spatial elements and reassembling them into fundamental constituents of a new area, these elements then serve as the organizing principles or planar structure for this newly conceived experiential space.


Adding the individual's movement within this emotional state, then weaving streamlines and trajectories in the architectural space, thus enhancing the sense of hierarchy in both planar and vertical dimensions of the building.


Space Generation

In the building, there are three experiential spaces, each reflecting different emotions that individuals may undergo during a C-PTSD episode. The design is to deepen visitors' understanding of C-PTSD symptoms and impacts through sensory experiences. By experiecing the space, we can raise awareness of one's stress state, encouraging us to seek appropriate support and recovery.

Axonometric Rendering Internal Rendering
Unstoppble Depress
Trigger Hyper Vigilance Spiral Corridor

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