Summary of Accounts 2008/2009
Throughout the document a number of finance terms and words are used. If you are not familiar with these and what they mean, refer to our handy glossary on pages 13-14. We hope you find it useful.
Contents 3-4
Where we’re heading
Our strategic plan
Summary of accounts
Capital spending
Our worth
Our handy glossary
Helping you to find out about us
Councillor David S. Smith Leader of the Council Our Statement of Accounts is our opportunity to explain to you the financial management of the Council. We are very proud to be a low charging council, with top performing services. However, like businesses nationwide, this year has been challenging. Whilst many people think councils are protected from financial downturns, we are in fact as keenly affected as any other business. With nearly 40% of our running costs underpinned by income, from areas like our leisure centres, car parks, planning, and our theatre, sound financial management and strong business acumen are essential. Together these help us to achieve good value for money in all that we do.
Nina Dawes Chief Executive We are focused on delivering good value services in areas that matter to local people, whilst getting our costs down year on year. This year we’ve teamed up with some of our neighbouring councils to help us achieve this. From building control, to business services, we’re confident our partnerships will allow us to serve our communities even better. We face ever rising costs, so delivering top services, whilst cutting costs, gets harder each year. Our financial performance in 2008/2009 was sound.
Throughout the document a number of finance terms and words are used. If you are not familiar with these and what they mean, refer to our handy glossary on pages 13-14. We hope you find it useful.
Welcome As the Council’s statutory Chief Financial Officer, I have great pleasure in writing this explanatory foreword to our Statement of Accounts for 2008/2009. In • • • •
my role, my key priorities are to: maintain sound financial management practices across the council make financial reporting more meaningful for everyone ensure our money is spent in line with the council’s priorities prepare our financial statements in accordance with relevant codes of practice
We were really proud this year to receive a high score in our Use of Resources Assessment by the Audit Commission. A good score is more important than ever in today’s financial climate. It underpins our commitment to get good value for money and to achieve as much as we can with the money we have. We were particularly pleased to receive the highest score for our financial reporting. The Audit Commission particularly praised the way we prepare our accounts, together with our plain English approach to documents, such as our Annual Report and our Summary of Accounts. We prepare a Summary of Accounts to give you a clear picture of the story behind the numbers that make up our Annual Statement of Accounts. We hope this document clearly outlines how we used our finances in 2008 – 2009 to deliver good local services.
Jane Kitchen Director of Finance, Revenues & Benefits Please let me know how you think we are progressing with our financial reporting, as we are always working to improve in this area.
Where we’re heading
Our purpose Our council is committed to enhancing the general quality of life of the people who live in, work in and visit our district. We do this through the promotion and improvement of economic, social and environmental wellbeing. This means that sustainable development must be at the heart of everything we do.
Our ambitions for the district We want to create a clean and safe environment. We are working to nurture and develop a thriving economy where businesses prosper and our residents have access to local job opportunities. We want our district to be a good place to live, with quality housing that meets local people’s needs. We want all our residents to be able to experience a better quality of life, with easy access to leisure and cultural activities that can enhance health and lifelong learning. We believe that the best way to achieve our ambitions and meet the needs of our community is to work in partnership with our partners, local organisations and local people.
Our strategic plan 2008/2012 We’re centred on people We are working with our partners to: • create strong and proud communities • improve people’s health and wellbeing • help local people realise their potential • involve local people and partners, so we can make good decisions and achieve more
We’re focused on place We are working to: • help people access a home that’s right for them and to live independently • create and support vibrant towns and villages • protect and enhance our environment for future generations • attract even more investment into our district
We’re delivering through improvement We are a high performing, low cost council. We strategically manage our services, to make sure we deliver in the areas that mean the most to our communities. The financial climate means that our focus on reducing costs by making our services more efficient year on year is now even more important. We work with our partners in innovative ways to achieve more and better. Overall our approach to improvement helping us to deliver in the ways that matter to local people.
To find out more read our strategic plan at
Summary of accounts 2008/2009 What did we spend the money on? We show the cost of running our services in our revenue account. The account shows you the cost in 2008/2009 and the amount left to be financed from local and national tax income.
2008/2009 £000’s
Central services
Cultural, environmental and planning services
Housing services
Highways/roads and transport services
Corporate and democratic core services
Non-distributed costs
Net cost of service
Less: money transferred from capital and pension reserves
Less: income from cash investments
Add: money transferred to earmarked reserves
Cost of local services met by local and national taxes
Throughout the document a number of finance terms and words are used. If you are not familiar with these and what they mean, refer to our handy glossary on pages 13-14. We hope you find it useful.
How we fund local services Council tax contributes only 9% of the money we need to deliver our services. A vast majority of our costs are covered by income which funds nearly half of what we do. We raise income through a variety of ways, including our leisure centres, the Lichfield Garrick, our playschemes, car parks and more. We also get money from:
2008/2009 £000’s Income
Housing benefit & general grants
Central government grants
Interest on investments
Council tax
We also receive money from central government in the form of grants (also referred to as national taxes). When added to the local council tax we received, local (9%) and national (11%) taxes contributed 20% of our total income in 2008/2009 (or ÂŁ11,334 million): 39% 39% 11% 9% 2%
from income from housing benefit & general grants came from government grants from council tax from interest on investments
Throughout the document a number of finance terms and words are used. If you are not familiar with these and what they mean, refer to our handy glossary on pages 13-14. We hope you find it useful.
Summary of accounts 2008/2009 How did we perform? We’ve cut back on our spending this year, whilst maintaining high quality services, and transferred just over £74,000 to balances. This will help to cushion the impact of increases in cost over the coming years.
Revenue account surplus
2008/2009 £000’s
Cost of services
Income from taxes
Surplus for year
This year’s transfer to balances was added to those from previous year, which give amounts of cash during the year a new balance of £3.8 million. We handled significant amounts of cash during the year.
Our cash flow
2008/2009 £000’s
Cash overdrawn 1 April 2008
Cash in
Cash out
Capital spending What did we spend the money on? We also spend money on buying, improving and repairing our land and property, so we can offer first class public facilities. We have to account for this type of spending separately from the running cost of day to day services.
2008/2009 £000’s
Create safe, strong and proud communities
Improve people’s health and well being
Help people realise their potential
Help people access a home that’s right for them and to live independently
Vibrant towns and villages
Protect and enhance our environment for future generations
Attract even more investment into our district
Provide great value services centred on residents’ needs
Total capital expenditure
How did we fund this?
2008/2009 £000’s
We spent £4,052 million on our land, property and other assets. We paid for this as follows:
Capital receipts from the sale of assets
Burntwood Leisure Centre sinking fund
Capital grants and contributions
Section 106
Revenue and earmarked reserves
Finance leases
Total capital funding
Our worth At the end of each financial year, we draw up a balance sheet that represents how much Lichfield District Council’s land and buildings are worth, what is owed to others, what others owe us and how much cash we have:
Revenue reserves & balances
2008/2009 £000’s
Working balances
Earmarked reserves
2,610 6,374
Net assets
2008/2009 £000’s
Value of land & property
Cash in bank and investments
Money owed to Lichfield DC
Money owed by Lichfield DC
Total assets less total liabilities
Lichfield District Council’s net worth as an organisation is £30,576 million. This is represented by capital reserves of £3,740 million, revenue reserves of £6,374 million and non cash-backed reserves of £20,462 million.
Our handy glossary Business rates Money we collect from businesses on behalf of the government.
Cultural, environmental and planning services include:
Central services include:
Culture and heritage, sports, parks and open spaces, waste collection, planning, street cleansing, community safety, public conveniences, environmental health and licensing, economic development and more.
Revenue collection, emergency planning, personnel services and more.
Earmarked reserves
Capital receipts Money we have in savings from the sale of assets like buildings and land.
Core and democratic core services include: Democratic representation, corporate management.
Council tax Money residents pay us to help us deliver local services as well as services on behalf of central government. Residents pay either monthly or yearly.
Money we’ve set aside for specific projects.
Government grants Money the government gives us every year to help us deliver local services.
Grants and contributions
Revenue finance
We apply for various grants for specific projects and this money is called a grant or contribution. The government also give us extra money in the form of revenue support grant, which helps us to run our day to day services.
The money we receive from services we provide such as leisure centres, the Lichfield Garrick and bulky waste collection, where residents pay us directly for our services.
Housing services include: Preventing homelessness, housing & council tax benefits, housing services.
Highways, roads and transport services include: Car parking, concessionary fares and more.
Local Authority Business Growth Incentive Grant LABGI Money we receive from government to reward the work we have done to attract new businesses to the district.
Non distributed costs include: Retirement benefits.
To find out more read our strategic plan at
Working balance The amount of money we set aside for unforeseen circumstances.
Accountancy notes on capital In accordance with standard accounting practices for local authorities, two noncash backed capital reserves exist as part of the system of capital accounting. These are: Capital adjustment account: An account which reflects the difference between the cost of fixed assets consumed and the capital financing set aside to pay for them. Revaluation reserve: An account which reflects the net gain from revaluations of the council’s assets, including property, land, plant and equipment.
Helping you to find out about us We hope you found this document easy to read and understand. Please let us know your comments and thoughts by emailing the team at
If you have a query • • •
visit our website call our Lichfield Connects team on 01543 308000 pop in and see us in our Lichfield office in Frog Lane, or in Burntwood Library at Sankeys Corner
Did you know, there are over 40 interactive forms on our website that help you to report problems and order services, any time of day or night? From checking whether you might be eligible for housing or council tax benefits, to ordering a new brown bin, to reporting a pothole, why not log on?
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