Lichfield District Safer Community Partnership update autumn 15

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Home Safety & SmartWater Being a victim of house burglary is rare and unfortunately on occasions the burglar's task is made easier by the absence of suitable locks and security devices and residents failing to use necessary measures to make their homes safe and secure. Here are some simple tips on how to keep your property safe and secure:   

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Don't leave your spare key where anyone can find it - under a flowerpot, on ledges, on a piece of string through the letterbox or under the doormat are the first places a burglar will look Keep your front garden tidy - a house that looks cared for and occupied is less likely to attract thieves. Don't leave valuables on view and Don't leave garden tools lying around - not only could they get stolen, thieves can use them to break into your home. Ladders should be locked away or securely chained and padlocked to a strong post or wall. Around a third of burglars get in through a back window. Thieves are deterred by window locks so if possible put locks on all windows, prioritising those on the ground floor and those easily accessed. Ensure your front and back doors are secure. Doors and frames must be strong and in good condition. Fit European standard TS007 anti-snap locks on UPVC doors. Consider getting a burglar alarm, they are very effective. Car key burglary has increased in recent years as high value cars have improved security systems. Criminals now look to steal keys rather than force the ignition; often by accessing keys left in sight through letterboxes or by breaking in through insecure doors or windows. If possible please ensure that all keys are out of sight and away from doors and windows; use a garage and gate your driveway and install and activate a tracking device on your vehicle. Sheds and garages are popular targets for burglars as they are often overlooked when security is being considered. Make sure that your shed is in good condition - that the door, door frame and walls are solid and you secure it safely using appropriate locks for doors and windows. Also ensure your garage doors conform to British Standard PAS 24-1. Lighting up your garden at night can be a very successful crime prevention measure. Fit automatically activated lights at the front and rear of your home or a light activated system that will come on automatically when darkness falls and switch off when it gets light. You could also join a Neighbourhood Watch scheme or even start one up in your local community. If you would like further information regarding NHW, please contact your local Community Engagement Officer by calling 101 or by e-mailing

SmartWater is another way to deter burglars and look after your property. It has established a reputation within the criminal fraternity for increasing the risk of capture and conviction. Traceability is something that criminals hate, and because they know Police check recovered property for SmartWater, they will avoid anything protected with it.

SmartWater is suitable for marking a variety of valuables including personal possessions (such as jewellery and laptops etc.), business assets, and vehicles. The traceable liquid carries a unique forensic ‘code’ which is registered to an address or location and once applied it is almost impossible to remove and can only be seen under UV light. Forensic analysis provides conclusive proof of ownership. There is a one off cost of £20 if you would like to purchase SmartWater and for more information about it please contact Councillor David Smedley on 01543 410389 or


Autumn 2015 Welcome Welcome to the Partnership Update for Lichfield District, produced by Lichfield District Council on behalf of Lichfield District Safer Community Partnership. In this issue we introduce the new Inspector and Sergeant at Lichfield LPT as well as look at Safer Neighbourhood Panels, the Lichfield BID, SmartWater, SPACE Project and more If you would like to contribute to the next issue of Partnership Update, due out at Christmas, please contact Lucie Ferneyhough, Community Safety Officer on 01543 308777 or

New Inspector and Sergeant for Lichfield District Local Policing Team Inspector Rob Neeson has replaced Inspector Rachel Joyce as the new Lichfield District Local Policing Team (LPT) Commander. Rob previously worked as the East Staffordshire LPT Inspector. His new role gives him responsibility for policing in the Lichfield District, including Burntwood, Chasetown and the surrounding areas. "I'm really keen to get stuck-in and continue the good work which has been carried out to drive down crime and anti-social behaviour across the area. We will continue to work hard to address the issues that affect our local communities, working with partners and volunteer groups to do so." Rob, 43, grew up in the Leicester area and joined Leicestershire Police in 1998 where he worked in various operational roles across the county as both a Constable and a Sergeant. Having joined Staffordshire Police in 2007 he has worked in various uniformed roles across the East Staffordshire and Tamworth areas. At Lichfield District LPT, he is joined by Sergeant Jo Rea as his deputy. “I have worked for Staffordshire Police since 2002 where I started at Lichfield on the Response Teams, moving to a Neighbourhood Officer for the Boley Park area before leaving Lichfield to work at East Staffordshire on a Crime and Pro-active unit in 2007. I came back to Lichfield where I was promoted to working on the Neighbourhood Action Team before being promoted again to the Rank of Sergeant in 2013. I have since worked in Custody, East Staffordshire Local Policing Team before coming back to Lichfield as Duty Commander to Inspector Neeson. If you would like to contact Inspector Neeson or Sergeant Rea, you can call them on the non-emergency 101 number or e-mail:


Crime and Anti-social Behaviour

Lichfield BID

SPACE Project

The number of crimes recorded between April and September 2015 has increased by 11.5% (1690—1885 incidents) compared to the same period in 2014. Over the same time burglary dwellings has decreased by 5.3% (95—90 incidents), burglary other has increased by 11.4% (105— 117 incidents); and there have been no business robberies since April 2015. Again during this period less serious crime (such as harassment, public order offences) has increased compared to last year by 31.6% (187 - 246 incidents). More serious violent crime has decreased by 11.8% (17—15 incidents) which includes domestic violence and crimes committed in prison which are difficult for the police and Partnership to tackle. The Partnership are working hard to reduce the level of antisocial behaviour which has increased year to date by 16.35% (985— 1146 incidents) compared to the previous year with north Lichfield the hotspot area. However there has been a gradual reduction from 34% in April to 16.35% in September and Lichfield remains one of the districts with the lowest recorded crime and ASB figures in Staffordshire.

Businesses in Lichfield City have backed the Lichfield BID which is set to deliver £1 million investment in a range of exciting city centre projects over the next five years. Hundreds of businesses backed the plan to set-up a Lichfield Business Improvement District (BID) during the ballot which took place in July 2015.

The Community Safety Partnership working with the Fun Club, Entrust, Beacon Church and Youth For Christ (Burntwood) applied for the Police and Crime Commissioner’s SPACE funding aimed at projects for young people aged between 11 and 17 over the summer holidays. There were two aspects to our project which were: Youth Work Sessions around ASB and the consequences of being involved in it; and providing young people who would benefit most with a summer holiday activity pass allowing free access to leisure facilities, targeted sports sessions and physical activity sessions across the district.

Safer Neighbourhood Panels The Police and Crime Commissioner is in the process of setting up Safer Neighbourhood Panels across Staffordshire. The Panels will ensure policing in the County is open and transparent, giving local people the chance to influence how their area is policed. The role of the panel is to:• Ensure residents are better informed and involved. • Scrutinise all elements of local policing to ensure both the PCC and Police priorities are delivered. • Provide regular feedback to local policing teams and other com munity safety forums.  Collaborate with other functions to ensure that engagement and scrutiny work with Staffordshire Police is joined up. • Utilise and provide information that will aid greater transparency and openness. • Assist in the building of further community engagement opportunities.  Contribute to the wellbeing of the local area. The Panels are based on local policing boundaries, which are coterminous with local authority areas. It will be made up of between 12 and 15 members from a mix of backgrounds including Councillors, Neighbourhood Watch representative, Magistrate, local residents and business community representatives. The Police and Crime Commissioner has provided three years of funding to support the Panel delivery. Lichfield has recruited 8 people on to the panel so far including County Councillor Martyn Tittley, District Councillors Diane Evans and Jon O’Hagan; and local Police Inspector, Rob Neeson. The first meeting will take place on Wednesday 21st October.

A Business Improvement District (BID) is where all businesses in an area contribute into a shared pot to fund projects, improvements and initiatives they want across the city centre. Thank you to everyone who voted, took part in creating the BID business plan and to those who went out and about to explain the benefits of the BID to other businesses. The BID will kick off on 1 October 2015 and will deliver a range of projects and initiatives that all feature in the Lichfield BID Business Plan. They are based on the ideas businesses put forward through a range of consultations and will include free StoreNet and NightNet radios to appropriate businesses. The Lichfield BID Steering Group will be working to formally set up the Lichfield BID Company, which will independently operate the Lichfield BID. Michelle Baker, Lichfield BID Manager will stay on until 1 October 2015 to help set up the company, appoint a new city centre manager, create a year-one action plan, and kick start a few of the key projects. If you have any questions about the BID, please contact Chairman, Paul Maddox on 07976 437852, or


The aim of the course was to help young people understand and be aware of the laws around anti-social behaviour, recognise what anti-social behaviour is and the importance of being a positive member of their community. The sessions were run by youth workers and culminated in a Residential Trip to Shugborough Hall where the two groups met, learned to work together as well attending more sessions looking at consequences of their behaviour. This included sessions from the Fire and Rescue Service (FARS) about car and fire safety, as well as a talk from the police about ASB and from T3 about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. In total 17 young people took part in the youth work sessions – 12 from Lichfield and 5 from Burntwood. The second part of the project aimed to engage those young people who would benefit most from receiving free access to leisure facilities including – • •

Those most at risk of committing ASB Those that cannot afford to pay for leisure activities Those that are identified as being inactive

40 young people that may not have otherwise had the opportunity to access free activities and sports over the summer holidays have used the Leisure Centre Pass. Some of the young people that benefitted from this include those living in a refuge, foster children and others in social care. This project has given the young people an opportunity to make friends , try new things and keep themselves active over the summer period.

SPACE Project Residential Trip

Positive Futures The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) has funded Positive Futures through his Proceeds of Crime Fund. They have received £8,924 which will enable the Burntwood project to be expanded to cover north Lichfield. It will be aimed at getting young people aged between 10 and 19 years old involved in exciting sports and activities such as trampolining, free running, Streetcheer and boxing. These sessions will be offered at a discounted rate to young people in the Lichfield area. The project will start in November. If you would like more information please contact Jenni Williams on 01543 308835 or


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