Business Lessons from Mother Nature

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Business Strategist Roberto Lico - Brazil

Business Lessons from Mother Nature

Albert Einstein once said, “Just look deep into mother nature, and then you will understand things better.� We can learn many things while analyzing important aspects of mother nature.

Evolve or Die! There is no place for deadweight in nature. If we can’t perform or evolve, then we are bound to fall.

A caged animal can’t survive long in the wild. Instead of working on the perfect model, build a minimal viable model, and subject it to your respective market condition.

We will face failures and unexpected situations, but we must learn and fine-tune our business. Remember, we can outperform our competitors only when we evolve according to our market needs.

Performance is the only way! Fitness is the only criterion that mother nature takes into account. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a lion or a deer. There is no special treatment for anyone, and we must learn a very important business lesson from it.

At any stage of our business, we must prefer and promote people on the basis of performance and not on the basis of gender, cast, or relationship.

Low Wastage Wastage is the creation of the mankind. If we ever look closely into mother nature, then we will see that each thing has its own utility, for example, the dried tree leaves fallen the ground is used by birds and rodents to build their nest.

We must strive hard in reducing wastage at our workplace. Waste reduction can improve our company’s standards and save a lot of money.

Nothing is more important than your survival! Every animal considers its survival as the most important thing in the world. Even if a predator is lurking around, a deer makes sure to leave no stone unturned in saving his life.

This teaches us a very valuable lesson: We must work hard and do everything to grow our business. But if someone tries to smother or kill our business, then instead of giving up, we must do everything in our capability to fight back and survive.

Conclusion Mother nature is the greatest teacher, and she has solutions to every problem. We just have to trust, observe and learn from her. As John Muir has rightly said, “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.�

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