Effective Approaches to Take When Dealing With Crisis

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Brazil Business Strategist Roberto Lico licoreis@licoreis.com.br

Effective Approaches To Take When Dealing With Crisis

A crisis situation is defined as a stressful time in an individual's life or business when they experience a breakdown or disruption in their usual or normal daily activities.

A crisis is almost always an indication that something needs to change within an organization.

Be honest with yourself.

A company must start by confronting hard truths. And it need to analyze the whole situation to determine how its team can contribute to overcome the crisis. Being honest helps companies get the root of problems and capably address them.

Act carefully but quickly.

A company must work with a dedicated team to craft a strategic plan. All options must be brought to the table and weighed. Once a decision has been made and a plan has been developed and vetted, it must be put it into action as quickly as possible.

Stay focused.

Be aware that once the action plan is set into motion, there will likely be further challenges and setbacks that surface. Previous mistakes might be brought to the forefront, and old controversies might have to be relitigated. It’s natural for a team to feel doubt and fear as the problems pile up.

LRCL – Business Services Consulting Roberto Lico – licoreis@licoreis.com.br

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