The University of Kansas | Lied Center present
SATURDAY, ApRil 24 – 7:30 p.m.
mediA sPoNsoR
This event is sponsored, in part, by the Lied Performance Fund. Audio description services and recorded program notes are provided through a partnership between the Lied Center and Audio-Reader Network. Please turn off or silence cellular Phones ANd oTheR eLeCTRoNiC deviCes dURiNg PeRFoRmANCes. Food ANd dRiNK ARe NoT ALLowed iNside The hALL. CAmeRAs ANd ReCoRdiNg deviCes ARe sTRiCTLy PRohibiTed iN The AUdiToRiUm.
David Sedaris This presentation is 90 minutes with no intermission. With sardonic wit and incisive social critiques, David Sedaris has become one of America’s pre-eminent humor writers. The great skill with which he slices through cultural euphemisms and political correctness proves that Sedaris is a master of satire and one of the most observant writers addressing the human condition today. David Sedaris is the author of Barrel Fever and Holidays on Ice, as well as collections of personal essays, Naked, Me Talk Pretty One Day, Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim and When You Are Engulfed in Flames, each of which became a best-seller. There are a total of 7 million copies of his books in print and they have been translated into 25 languages. He was the editor of Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules: An Anthology of Outstanding Stories. Sedaris’ pieces appear regularly in The New Yorker and have twice been included in The Best American Essays. His newest book, a collection of fables entitled Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk (with illustrations by Ian Falconer), is due in fall 2010. He and his sister, Amy Sedaris, have collaborated under the name The Talent Family and have written half-a-dozen plays which have been produced at La Mama, Lincoln Center and The Drama Department in New York City. These plays include Stump the Host, Stitches, One Woman Shoe (which received an Obie Award), Incident at Cobbler’s Knob and The Book of Liz (which was published in book form by Dramatists Play Service). David Sedaris’ original radio pieces can often be heard on This American Life, distributed nationally by Public Radio International and produced by WBEZ. David Sedaris has been nominated for three Grammy Awards for best spoken word and best comedy album. His latest audio recording of new stories (recorded live) is David Sedaris: Live for Your Listening Pleasure (November 2009).
David Sedaris
2009-10 Friends of the Lied Update This list includes individuals and businesses that have initiated or renewed their Friends of the Lied membership since the original list was published.
BUSINESS FRIENDS Benefactor ($1,000+) Wink eyewear Patron ($500+) Callahan Creek The Chiropractic Experience Gould Evans Sponsor ($250+) Enenbach & Associates Framewoods Gallery Friend ($100+) The Crystal Image {photography} Erika Eden Genuine Imitation Goldschmidt Piano Service Golf Course Superintendents Association of America The Green Room Hetrick Air Services Kring’s Interiors Lawrence Give Back Cards McDonald’s of Lawrence Margaret Morris Papa John’s Paulo and Bill Pizza Shuttle Alvin Toadacheene The Wild Women of the Frontier INDIVIDUAL FRIENDS Fellow ($2,500+) Beverly Smith Billings Benefactor ($1,000+) Erin & John Spiridigliozzi Linda & John T. Stewart III Lisa Wolf-Wendel & Douglas Wendel Francis and LaVerne Winterburg Fund
Patron ($500+) Lynne Bodle Joyce Castle Chris & Kaye Drahozal Francois Henriquez & Laura Stephenson Matthew F. Krische A. Partee Margi & Keith Pence Sponsor ($250+) Jacqueline Z. Davis John A. Downey & Shannan L. Seely Steve & Bobbie Gish Stephen Graf Saralyn & Randall Hardy Susan & Mark Henderson June & Mark Jones John & Sangeetha Kelly Carol & Dave Kyner Keith & Laura Nilles
Friend ($50+) Anonymous Mick & Barbara Braa Lynn M. Bretz Dr. Becky Eason Elizabeth Gawlik Mary A. Hall Dr. Leslie Hasche Shayna Leahy Deborah Lowman Charles & Laurie McLane-Higginson Deborah & Michael Orozco Katherine Pryor & Jim Peterson Rev. Dr. Eugene & Carol Schmidt Jerry & Marla Slaughter Dr. & Mrs. Mill Spencer Tom & Helen Sullivan Lori Tapahonso Scott & Nancy Thellman
Contributor ($100+) Anonymous Peter Bock George & Gloria Byers Paul Carttar & Mary Frances Ellis Jim Clark Janice & Robert Cobb Robert Fischgrund Robert Friauf Dr. Lee C. & Darcy Gerhard Sharon Graham & Anthea Scouffas Ann & Andy Hause Judy Hundley Tom Johnson & Corey Heiberger Jeanette & Dan Johnson Rich Kaler & Brad Knauss Devon & Tony Kim Laura Martin-Eagle Mary Ann & Norman Saul Joe & Nita Scales Sara Trautman-Yegenoglu Barney Warf & Santa Aries Linda Zohner