CONTENT Introduction Selling the Business Generate More Leads Create Your Brand Based on Realty Base Your Branding on Differentiators
Make Your Brand Identifiable Emphasis What’s Important in the Branding Process
INTRODUCTION Every brand needs images and media that will make them identifiable. Your website and modern logo design and your graphic design product packaging are all things that come into play in making a company visible and recognizable
Here, we will take a look at the business of consulting and what unique challenges are faced when building a branding campaign in this industry
SELLING THE BUSINESS When you think of most businesses, their specialty is pretty clear as soon as you mention them. For instance, if we talk about clothing retailers or equipment manufacturers, we instantly have a good idea of exactly what it is those companies do
Consulting, however, is much more vague. Therefore, when you brand, it is important to educate your audience on exactly what it is you do
GENERATE MORE LEADS Repeat clients are not as common in a consulting firm as they are in some other industries
Therefore, your branding should be targeted at developing new business. Work on generating leads to help your business to grow
CREATE YOUR BRAND BASED ON REALTY When you build a brand, you need to start by looking at what your brand is really about
Research your clients, prospects, influencers and competition. This will give you a good idea of what your company is really about
Base Your Branding on Differentiators A selling point for your brand will revolve around what sets you apart. To determine this, ask yourself questions like: What issues are your clients facing? What are they talking about? What does your competition specialize in?
Find the answers to these questions to come up with differentiators that make your unique
IDENTIFIABLE Every brand needs images and media that will make them identifiable
Your website and modern logo design and your graphic design product packaging are all things that come into play in making a company visible and recognizable
EMPHASIS WHAT’S IMPORTANT IN THE BRANDING PROCESS When thinking of branding, visibility and reputation play important roles For a consulting firm, expertise will help build a strong reputation. Do your best to play that up while using marketing tactics that will make your brand more visible