Portfolio Liene Bosquê

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Liene Bosquê por.olio

Lower East Side Walk 3-­‐ Future Change, 2015 Performance, clay, uniform, cart and public parIcipaIon .

Greg Colson

By making direct impressions of visual and cultural hallmarks of ciIes in clay, and inviIng any passersby to do the same, we build collecIons of objects that evidence the relaIonship between individuals and the urban environment.

City Souvenirs walks, 2009-­‐2013 in collaboraIon with Nicole Seisler Porcelain clay, uniform, cart, arIsts and public parIcipaIon

Lower East Side Walk 3-­‐ Future Change, 2015 Performance, Porcelain clay, uniform, cart and public parIcipaIon .

ShiPing impressions, 2015 Cuchifritos Gallery and Project Space Performance, porcelain, steel and public parIcipaIon .

Lower East Side Walk 1-­‐ Immigrant History, 2015 Performance, clay, uniform, cart, arIst and public parIcipaIon

Wicker park walk, 2012 Porcelain clay, uniform, cart, arIsts and public parIcipaIon

Installed in a gallery, these fired porcelain objects embody architectural imprints and the mark of the hand made during walks with the parIcipaIon of public. It becomes a map and archive of the character of each parIcular place.

City Souvenirs CollecIon, 2012 Porcelain clay and steel Variable dimenIons

ConstrucIng the Intangible, 2013 Porcelain, sand, wood, cinder blocks 4 x 3 feet

Of Walking, 2013 Steel, porcelain, sand and Museum collecIon photos Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago .

City Souvenirs, 2009-­‐2011 Porcelain clay and steel and public parIcipaIon Variable

Peeling Places, 2010

Suspended Memories, 2015 Point of contact, Syracuse .

Suspended Memories, 2015 Point of contact, Syracuse .

Syracuse China porcelain, 2015 Founf plates and decals .

Passage aPer one month

Passage, 2011 Latex 98 x 80 inches

Interior (Indoor), 2008 Latex and pigment 79 x 47 in. each

Outdoor, 2008 Latex and pigment 4 pieces of 196 x 35 in. each

GeneraIon of a Farm, 2010 Slide projecIon of 20 images (burlap coffee bags and family farm) variable dimensions

Coffee Cycle, 2011 coffee ground, burlap and pine tree 96 x 60 x 15 inches

Palace’s Kitchen 2010 Found stones variable

“Poem of the modern” and Capital, 2010 laser cut cardboard and towels

Interiority / Exteriority, 2010 Palm City, 2012 Cast plasIc and acrylic 47 x 31 x 5 inches

Castello Plan 2013 Plaster and vinyl 8 x 96 x 122 inches

Pre-­‐Hispanic City, 2014 plaster 160 x 60 x 4 in.

Liene Bosquê www.lienebosque.com liene.bosque@gmail.com liene

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