Free Online Tarot

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Free Tarot Reading as a Means of Connecting to Unlimited Possibilities Free Tarot reading is subject to interpretation and varies greatly from reader to reader. An intuitive mind, clarity in thinking are essential to deliver an accurate reading. Free Tarot Reading helps in unravelling our pressing issues to offer solutions, honing one’s psychic abilities, seeking personal knowledge etc. Tarot cards are communication channels of energies between the reader and the universe. A focussed mind of a reader and the energies involved are utmost important in answering questions. Asking a specific question and the intent behind it are essential and subtle energy transfer is affected as the reader shuffles and spreads the cards. Intuitive abilities, experiential learning capabilities come handy over accumulated knowledge that help in better understanding the placement of the cards, and interpretation of the true meaning of the cards. Free tarot reading is all about focusing on present energies, thus similar questions may yield different answers separated by time frame. Tarot cards are powerful divinatory tools which predict the future accurately. Free tarot reading tells us what we need to hear rather than what we want to hear. We accept and work with the universe accordingly to overcome any obstacles.

A good free tarot card reader knows that it is equally important to work with upright as well as reverse cards. Major and Minor Arcana are two divisions of a traditional tarot deck. The Twenty Two Major Arcana cards including that of Fool’s suggest a strong energy shift. While upright of the same cards indicate the positive traits; the reverse indicate negative. The Minor Arcana cards consist of four suits and each suit has a specific tarot card meaning associated with it. When compared to Major Arcana, these are subject to easier changes; however insignificant they may sound, they sometimes produce a bigger and long lasting shift by heeding to what they suggest. Suit of wand represents energies associated with spirituality and creativity; Cups represent emotions; Swords represent intellect; Pentacles represent material wellbeing in life. Though Free Online Tarot Card Reading has occult origin; there have been Native American, Herbal, Dragon, and Japanese popular among many others. Free Tarot reading often has a telling influence in projecting our unconscious mind. Throughout history the tarot has been able to draw the attention of human imagination and intellect alike. The Tarot card is another way of interaction between material and mind. It often plays the role of super conscious and inner guide. Sometimes playing with these random events may suddenly become a much more significant act to you and we tend to realize there is a far superior force that is operating.

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