Free Tarot Reading as a Means of Connecting to Unlimited Possibilities Free Tarot reading is subject to interpretation and varies greatly from reader to reader. An intuitive mind, clarity in thinking are essential to deliver an accurate reading. Free Tarot Reading helps in unravelling our pressing issues to offer solutions, honing one’s psychic abilities, seeking personal knowledge etc. Tarot cards are communication channels of energies between the reader and the universe. A focussed mind of a reader and the energies involved are utmost important in answering questions. Asking a specific question and the intent behind it are essential and subtle energy transfer is affected as the reader shuffles and spreads the cards. Intuitive abilities, experiential learning capabilities come handy over accumulated knowledge that help in better understanding the placement of the cards, and interpretation of the true meaning of the cards. Free tarot reading is all about focusing on present energies, thus similar questions may yield different answers separated by time frame. Tarot cards are powerful divinatory tools which predict the future accurately. Free tarot reading tells us what we need to hear rather than what we want to hear. We accept and work with the universe accordingly to overcome any obstacles.