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When you hear weight loss and exercise, it can be quite discouraging. There are so many myths, and crash diets that are just a waste of mental anguish. The goal isn’t to just lose temporary water weight. Burn the fat and lose inches. Trim the waistline and feel good. Slimming your waistline decreases your chances of heart disease and diabetes. Losing control of your midsection can lead to more dangerous fat called “visceral” which can begin to form around your organs. Many individuals including I, have felt the feelings of failure, when really, we either lack the time or have the inability to commit to a specific schedule or routine. For some, exercise feels like a job, with added pressure. For others, it can be a time to getaway for some self-care all while completing fitness goals. According to a study via time.com, out of 40 women, aged 22-49 whether an avid exerciser or not, all the women wanted the same thing out of life; “To have meaningful connections with others, to feel relaxed and free of pressure during their leisure time and to accomplish the goals they’d set for themselves, whether in their personal lives, their careers or simply their daily to-do lists.” Fitness and exercise may be defined and appear to us all differently. As much as one can try to be motivated, it isn’t easy to get into a routine that fits into a busy schedule. I had to find a way to make exercise fun again while completing my goals. The last thing I wanted to feel, was my trips to the gym were in vain. I was 7 months postpartum from baby number 2 and needed to kick my fat burn into overdrive, if I wanted real results. When the global pandemic of twenty-twenty hit the
world, it was shocking to say the least. Most non-essential establishments were forced to shut down, including gyms and fitness centers. When one is dependent on a place of peace and therapeutic joy, and it's then stripped away, you're left figuring out what to do next. I decided to utilize what I had, which meant working out in the comfort of my own home. With the world taking a hiatus from in-person meetups to virtual interaction, much inspiration began to surface, including virtual workouts and trainers. Life hits us with unexpected turns or delays constantly and it's easy to get discouraged and lose hope wondering if your goals will ever see light of day. I’ve been heavily active my entire life, slim, athletic body. By the time I graduated college, I had picked up that “freshman fifteen” that put me right where I needed to be, so I thought. At the time, I had no clue. I was young, eating semi-healthy, but eating whatever I wanted, because I knew that youth was on my side. When I think back to those times, I realized my diet consisted of high sodium meals and not enough fitness mixed with hormonal changing birth control. My slim body began to slowly gain lbs. and before I knew it, I had added fifty lbs. to my almost 5’7 frame. I felt slower and my breaths became heavier. I had to make a change. I was never contented with my fitness ways. Don’t just make time for the things you want but make time for the things you need if health and fitness is a priority. I’m no doctor or trainer. I’m a determined individual who was ready to get back in shape the right way. I needed to use my time effectely time by making a realistic plan. The overall goal is to live a long healthy life, filled with positive habits and routines. I’m now going to break down the steps of how I got started and getting the weight off.
Nothing comes easy and neither does the results you want. It takes a plan and sacrifice. No quick diets, no tummy teas, just pure hard work, sweat and time management.