WolfTracks Fall 2015

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The American University of Rome Alumni & Friends Magazine - Winter 2015

AUR News




September 29 - AUR hosted the Carlucci Entrepreneurship Forum on Enterprise and Business at the Centro Studi Americani in Rome

AUR’s inaugural Parents’ Weekend included Thanksgiving dinner and a Tuscan winery tour

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization interns present their work at AUR

Catching up with AUR Alumni and former study abroad students around the globe


4 News & Events at AUR 22 AUR’s Graduate School News 24 New Faces 26 Alumni News 43 Upcoming Events

EDITORIAL WOLFTRACKS - WINTER 2015 Dear Alumni and friends, As we see 2015 draw to a close and usher in another new year, I’d like to take a moment to thank you all for your continued support of AUR. We’re rapidly approaching our fiftieth year - but we’re simply getting better with age! The fifty-year milestone, in the normal rhythm of experience, brings with it odd aches and pains that were never noticeable before, and a leaning towards quiet evenings with a good book and a cup of tea. Amazingly, I see AUR becoming younger, more energetic and growing in spirit as it ages - and am constantly reinvigoured myself by the enthusiasm and vitality of our students (and alumni). Best wishes for 2016 from us all - and please, if you get the chance, come back and visit us. The 4th Annual Rome Alumni Reunion is set for 19 May! Dr. Richard Hodges - President

THE CARLUCCI FORUM September 29 - The Carlucci Entrepreneurship Forum on Enterprise and Business hosted a fascinating debate around the subject of “Enterprise in the next decade,” at the Centro Studi Americani in Rome.



full house at the Centro Studi Americani meant

It was, perhaps, the eclectic nature of the panel that placed the

standing room only for a portion of the audience –

evening’s debate as such a great success. Opinions and insight

but this did nothing to spoil their enjoyment of the

were delivered from across cultures, across vocations and

debate which featured an eclectic panel of international experts.

across continents – giving the audience, and indeed the panel members themselves, a challenging, disruptive and, ultimately,

Taking as its starting point Tom Friedman’s report in The New

highly optimistic outlook on the future of the Liberal Arts, of

York Times that 47% of American jobs will have disappeared

enterprise, and of our society.

within twenty years, the panel addressed questions around the future of the labour market, how we should be educating

AUR would like to wholeheartedly thank the panellists, the

High School and University undergraduates for a 21st century

faculty, the students and the friends of AUR who joined us

marketplace, the role for the Liberal Arts in this new world

for #carlucci15 and we look forward to next year with great

order, and how we should invest in a world that doesn’t yet exist.


Richard Hodges, President of The American University

The Carlucci Entrepreneurship Forum was conceived in 2010

of Rome, led off with a thought-provoking, scene-setting

by AUR’s Trustee, Honorary Degree recipient and prominent

introduction and the themes of the evening were expounded

businessman Robert E. Carlucci. It is organized annually

on by the panel - Luigi Capello (CEO of LuissEnLabs,

to assist and nurture the entrepreneurial spirit and ideas of

Rome), Kyla Fullenwider (CoFounder & Partner at SOLA

students from The American University of Rome by providing a

Ventures, New York), David Jennings (Director of the

forum for international business leaders to address subjects that

York Archaeological Trust) and Andrea Falessi (Head of

could affect the global landscape and business environment.

Communications, Enel Italy).


PARENTS’ WEEKEND Parents and students from around the globe converged on the AUR campus over Thanksgiving weekend for AUR’s first-ever Parents’ Weekend.


UR hosted it’s first annual

feel at home. It is a great experience and


I’m glad my daughter is studying at an



Thanksgiving Dinner this

institution like AUR.”

November. The weekend was enjoyed by students and parents alike. “It is great to see how AUR has organized itself in providing not only good education to its students, but also how they have maintained good relationships with their students outside the classroom,” said Michael Hook (father of Lindsey Hook). “People are so friendly and they made me Dinner in true American style. Chairman of AUR’s Board of Trustees, Mr. Gabe Battista, carved the turkey and thanks were given by both AUR President Richard Hodges and Business Administration student Vittorio Smoot Palchetti. The weekend kicked off with a welcome brunch to greet parents and introduce them to AUR faculty, students and staff in the campus auditorium.


was followed by individual meetings between parents and faculty and a tour of the local historical sights by Prof. Paul Gwynne. The evening saw the neighboring Barnabite Theatre transformed into a warm and elegant dining room where over 120 people enjoyed Thanksgiving


Friday morning saw the bravest and most explorative of the group set out on a trip to Tuscany at 7 AM. Donatella Cinelli Colombini welcomed the visitors to her small section of the beautiful Tuscan countryside south of Chianti, between the Crete Senesi and the Val d’Orcia. Fattoria del Colle, a small hamlet around the villa built in 1592, consists of a country inn with rooms, apartments and villas, a restaurant, a fitness centre with spa, a cooking school, gardens and a swimming pool, in the midst of the unspoiled landscape of vineyards, olive groves and farm fields. Its winery produces Orcia DOC and Chianti – native to Tuscany– a few of which were sampled upon the visit along with lunch from the winery’s restaurant. Aside from great wine and food, the visitors were treated to a full tour of the estate and wineries and a special cooking class where they were introduced to the best of Tuscan cuisine and traditional pasta-making. AUR staff and students welcomed parents back at the University around 7 PM after a long but enjoyable day, and the rest of the weekend was given over to students to spend time with their family and friends. As the students prepare for finals, memories of this weekend will serve to get them through, alongside the thoughts of a much anticipated Winter break to come. AUR would like to send its warmest thanks to all parents, family and friends who made the time to visit us and to make this first Parents’ Weekend a success. We look forward Through events like this, AUR seeks to

to seeing everyone again next year!

give students the opportunity to relax amidst their normal fast-paced day-today lives at AUR. The room was filled with a mix of nationalities from a diverse range of backgrounds. The atmosphere was excellent, with non-stop conversation, and everyone feeling as though they were part of the AUR family.


RULA JEBREAL Award-winning journalist, author and foreign policy analyst presents ‘The Arab World Beyond Terror and Tyranny’




name, which had its U.S. premiere at the

Minister Berlusconi, who admitted that

author and foreign policy

United Nations General Assembly Hall.

he opposed the Iraq War, corrected the

analyst Rula Jebreal presented

public misperceptions that he was part

her lecture, ‘The Arab World Beyond

Rula was born in Haifa, Israel, grew up

Terror and Tyranny,’ December 1st at the

in East Jerusalem, and after the death of

Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici.

her mother, her father brought her to

In 2009, she produced and hosted a TV

of the coalition that led the invasion.

the Dar Al Tifel orphanage at the age

show in Cairo for Egyptian television

Jebreal has received accolades for her

of 5. She graduated with a scholarship

for which she conducted hard talk one-

ground-breaking work in Italy, the

from the Italian government to study

on-one interviews with members of the

United States and across the Middle East.

medicine, and she received a degree in

Egyptian regime, dissidents, critics and

physiotherapy from Bologna University.

intellectuals such as Lebanese author

She was the first foreign anchorperson

She always had a passion for journalism,

Elias Khoury, Finance Minister Youssef

in the history of Italian television news,

and began to contribute to newspapers

Boutros-Ghali and Minister of Trade

where she went on to host multiple

such as Il Resto del Carlino, Il Giorno, La

and Industry Rashid Mohamed Rashid.

political talk shows. Since moving to

Nazione and Il Messaggero.

The show was widely acclaimed as the

the United States in 2009, Rula has

most independent in the history of

been an on-air foreign policy analyst

In 2000, her strong personality and

Egyptian television. However, despite

for MSNBC and a contributor to The

charisma led to her first job as an on-air

successful ratings, the questions asked

Daily Beast, Newsweek and Salon,

reporter, soon becoming the first foreign

were seen as a challenge and affront to

where her articles have reflected a deep

anchorwoman to broadcast the evening

the Mubarak regime, which forced it off

knowledge of Islamic extremism, the

news in the history of Italian television.

the air after one season.

new political order in the Arab Muslim

In 2004, Rula started Omnibus, her own

Aside from Miral, Rula has written

world. Rula has appeared frequently

daily talk show for Italian television,

two other books; The Bride of Aswan,

on CNN and Bloomberg, and she has

where she interviewed such global

which obtained the International Fenice

written op-eds for The New York Times

personalities as Silvio Berlusconi, Bill

Europe Prize; and Divieto di soggiorno,

and the San Jose Mercury News, among

Gates, Massimo D’Alema, president

about a society that integrates rather

other media outlets.

of the Italian Parliament Lamberto

than alienates Muslim immigrants.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the

Dini, French Minister of Foreign Her first novel Miral has been translated

Affairs Bernard Kouchner, Palestinian

Also in attendance that night was singer,

into 15 languages, selling over 2 million

President Mahmoud Abbas, and Nobel

songwriter, producer, AUR honorary

copies worldwide. She also wrote the


degree recipient, and friend of Rula,

screenplay for the film of the same

Her famous scoop with former Prime




Roger Waters.


01 AUR Board Meeting

AUR’s Board of Trustees convened in Rome in September. All AUR constituencies had a chance to meet with Trustees, discuss issues and share views on the future of the university. We wish to thank AUR Trustees for their continued support and engagement. Pictured: (From left to right) Andrew Palmieri, Neil Tanner, Thomas Duesterberg, Leila Gonzalez-Sullivan, Dale LeMasters, Patricia de Stacey Harrison, Robert Carlucci, Mary Boyden Teagarden, Gabe Battista (Chair), Elizabeth Dibble, Rob Krapf, Lynn Girard, Mark Damato, Richard Hodges (AUR President)

03 Board Aperitivo The AUR Board of Trustees and President Richard Hodges welcomed staff, faculty and alumni for an aperitivo at the lovely Hotel Majestic on Via Veneto in Rome.

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04 Prof. Montaruli Prof. Filomena Montaruli recently wrote a book, Le Tre Sorelle e Io (The three sisters and I) which has been published by Editoria Universitalia and is available at IBS books. She is currently working




translation. This semester she also acted as an extra in AUR Honorary Degree recipient Paolo Sorrentino’s new miniseries “The Young Pope.”

05 AUR Supports LoveItaly!

02 Ciao Philadelphia

President Hodges has taken on the Presidency of LoveItaly!, a nonprofit, crowdfunding initiative that takes a revolutionary approach to the conservation and promotion of masterful Italian works of art, allowing the participation of all in the preservation and curatorship of the wonders of Italian heritage. The association is the first of its kind to support restoration projects throughout Italy.

This fall AUR supported Ciao Philadelphia, a month-long series of events highlighting the contributions of Italians and Italian Americans to Philadelphia and the world. AUR’s Prof. Irene Caratelli, Director of the International Relations & Global Politics program, presented on the subject of migration with a lecture entitled “The Mediterranean, Bridge or Wall? Immigration in Italy in 2015.” This was followed by a screening of a short documentary by AUR alumnus Bronte Stahl (Communication, 2015) called “Hostility and Hospitality.”

06 Dr. Hodges

AUR’s President, Dr. Richard Hodges, recently co-edited a new volume entitled Early Medieval European Archaeology: Spain and Italy Compared – Essays for Riccardo Francovich which contains an essay by Hodges – “The Idea of the Polyfocal ‘Town’? Archaeology and the Origins of Medieval Urbanism in Italy.” The volume is dedicated to Riccardo Francovich (1946-2007), the renowned archaeologist who specialised in Medieval Italy with an equal passion for Spain. The project began as a collection of essays presented at a one-day conference at the British School at Rome in 2011 exploring the new directions that recent archaeological discoveries were bringing to light. The subsequent book compares Italian and Spanish Medieval Archaeology, pushing boundaries along the way. In homage to Francovich, the book synthesizes new findings while at the same time sets up a platform for further analysis and study.

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FAO INTERNS PRESENT WORK AT AUR “The enthusiasm of The American University of Rome team is showing. It is certainly showing...us to go back to the field and do a better job.” -Dino Francescutti



Fernanda Mayer, Kendra Schneider, Sharan Dhillon, Sara Guidato and Nina Coates

FAO and AUR staff and faculty observe the presentation

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03 Dino Francescutti provides feedback to Nina Coates following the presentation

Five interns from The American University of Rome - Fernanda

software which provides the necessary support to prepare

Mayer, Kendra Schneider, Sharan Dhillon, Sara Guidato and

successful rural development projects.

Nina Coates - have been working as academic interns at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

After a short presentation of the work they have accomplished

(FAO) since this summer. They presented their work at an

since beginning their internship, the floor was given to their

informal presentation at AUR on Monday, 2 November. They

supervisors. Their work received nothing but praise and all

were joined by Dino Francescutti, Gunther Feiler, and Luc

agreed that this group of interns had set a precedent that FAO

Dubreuil, AUR’s Dean of Graduate Studies Dr. Maria Grazia

would like to continue into the future.

Quieti, as well as other AUR students, faculty, and staff. “The enthusiasm of The American University of Rome team is The interns have been working on a project for FAO called

showing,” said Francescutti. “It is certainly showing ... us to go

RuralInvest, FAO-developed free multilingual toolkit that

back to the field and do a better job.”

comprises training courses, manuals and custom developed





FAO interns and supervisors on AUR’s terrace

Food Studies Graduate Student Bethany Eigenfeld, center

The interns respond to questions from the group

Luc Dubreuil, one of three representatives from FAO, provides feedback to the interns


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INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS & GLOBAL POLITICS STUDENTS GO TO GENEVA IRGP Program Director, Professor Irene Caratelli, led AUR students on a trip to Geneva for a first-hand experience in the center of international governance and home of the European headquarters of the United Nations. Students observed, both theoretically and practically, the functions, goals, and effectiveness of international organizations such as the World Trade Organization, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and World Bank Group Office, among others.

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In the Shadow of Mount Etna: Impressions from a Field Trip to Sicily Professor Jens Koehler took a group of students to Sicily during fall break for the Magna Graecia course. The tour focused on the archaeological sites of the region, including Greek theaters, ancient quarries, and visits to Syracuse, Agrigento, Piazza Armerina, Taormina, and Mount Etna. Students were able to observe firsthand the rich world of the early Greek colonists, tyrant states, Hellenistic kingdoms, and Roman conquerors. And the trip wouldn’t have been complete without some pasta alla norma, frittura di pesce, and a cannolo Siciliano.

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According to the feedback of a student, Kasey Kline, it appears

through Instreamia aimed at giving study abroad students

to have been a success. “I liked the way the program was set up

survival Italian before arriving in Rome. The course, Italian

and used different exercises to practice Italian. I believe there

Basics, was designed by Professors Marcella Allamprese and

were listening, grammar, and vocabulary sections - all useful

Rosemunde Gurtner, two long-standing faculty members of

activities when learning a language. In order to improve and

AUR’s Italian department. It contains brief, basic grammar

get students to use the program, I would make it mandatory

lessons as well as more advanced interactive modules featuring

up to a certain level or number of exercises. That way students

AUR students.

understand how it works and most will continue finishing the program. The MOOC helped me get into an Italian mindset before coming to Italy and starting classes!”

Professors Allamprese and Gurtner explain the course and the reasons behind its creation: “When we originally thought about creating a MOOC, we wanted to design a series of learning exercises that would address all the difficulties that students have when participating in a study abroad experience. The environment that we built was therefore based on this premise. Our aim is to offer students the chance to practice a bit of Italian, such as ordering at the bar or greeting people, before arriving in Rome. In addition to the small grammar sections, the MOOC offers engaging videos, songs, exercises and games that address real everyday situations whilst allowing students to get closer to the new language. We hope to have succeeded!”

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BUSINESS ETIQUETTE SEMINAR AND D I N N E R PA RT Y Prof. Kathleen Fitzsimmons hosted the AUR Business Club’s 11th Annual Business Etiquette Seminar and Dinner Party. Special guest speakers, author and “Bon Ton” expert Sharri Whiting and her husband Ambassador Piero DeMasi (Ret.), shared tips on navigating the world of business and diplomatic etiquette across cultures. After the seminar, students practiced what had been preached at a formal Thanksgiving dinner party.

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01 Prof. Kristen Palana

C r o w d f u n d i n g

and their families. Prof.

Confidential: Raise Money

Palana will also be teaching

for You and Your Cause

Addis Ababa University’s

was published in October

very first animation course,

and is also available as an

‘Animation and Multimedia

eBook on Amazon.


Storytelling,’ this December

book delivers eleven years of

for two weeks in Ethiopia.

Kristen’s experience raising

While there, she will also



make a public presentation

housing, health, education,

of her multimedia work


in conjunction with The

$100K income



projects for needy children

American Embassy.

02 Heating Up The AUR Business Club donated heaters to AUR’s main campus garden in November with funds raised the 2014-2015 academic year

03 Prof. Gwynne

Professor Paul Gwynne has been invited to join the editorial board of a new venture from the Academic Publishers Brill which will present translations of prominent Jesuit neo-Latin literature with commentaries. Professor Gwynne’s edition of the Jesuit epic, the Quinque Martyres e Societate Iesu in India (Venice: Muschius, 1591) by Francesco Benci, professor of rhetoric at the Collegio Romano, has been selected to be the first volume in this new series. This six-book poem tells, in over 8,000 hexameter lines, the story of the ill-fated expedition of five Jesuit brothers into the province of Salsete (near Goa) to found a new church and mission in India. Their dream was almost immediately, and brutally, terminated by local opposition. This poem was the first of a new type of epic, distinct from, yet dependent upon, the classical tradition. Benci remodelled Aeneas’ divinely ordained mission to found Rome in terms of the hazards and glory of the Jesuit vocation. Printed in pocket-size octavo volumes for repeated perusal, this poem was intended to inspire emulation among the Jesuit seminarians being trained to pursue equally dangerous enterprises.

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PROF. GWYNNE LAUNCHES NEW BOOK Prof. Paul Gwynne launches two volumes of Patterns of Patronage in Renaissance Rome - Francesco Sperulo: Poet, Prelate, Soldier, Spy

The Auditorium at The American

By placing his work within the larger

politics and intrigue; indeed, he was nearly

University of Rome saw the launch of

historical, literary, political and social

assassinated for his involvement.

a two-volume publication by Professor

context this study provides an invaluable

Paul Gwynne, Patterns of Patronage in

window onto the role played by neo-Latin

The second volume presents a complete

Renaissance Rome: Francesco Sperulo:

poetry at the papal court and documents

critical edition of all Sperulo’s surviving

Poet, Prelate, Soldier, Spy, the first full-

the impact of classical culture in Rome

Latin works in poetry and prose with

length study of the life and works of

during the High Renaissance.


Francesco Sperulo of Camerino (1463-




remarkable œuvre documents Cesare

1531). In a remarkable career during

The first volume reconstructs Sperulo’s

Borgia’s conquest of Faenza; suggests

which the poet progressed from serving

life and circle of contacts by placing the

to Raphael a programme for the fresco

as a soldier of fortune in the service of

poet’s works in chronological order and

decoration of the Villa Madama; records

Cesare Borgia to an Italian bishopric,

setting them within the political and

conversations on love with Isabella d’Este;

Sperulo produced a significant body of

social circumstances of their composition.

describes newly-discovered antiquities;

Latin poetry here presented in a critical

Archival documents scattered across Italy,

and reports a sensational murder. Two

edition for the first time. Patronized by

penitentiary records from the Vatican

orations, delivered on the eve of the Sack

popes and cardinals, an impressive array

Archives and a correspondence with

of Rome, celebrate a treaty between Spain

of contemporary figures such as Leonardo

the Duke of Urbino and members of the

and France and a Polish victory in the

da Vinci, Isabella d’Este, Raphael and

Varano family of Camerino show that

Crimean Steppes.

Baldassare Castiglione appear in his verse.

Sperulo was intimately enmeshed in papal

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A D R E A M O F N AT U R E beautifully crafted, vibrant semi-abstracts of trees and horses bursting with life (and emotion) hang naturally against the ancient stonework and their complexity and naturalness is beautifully reflected in the view from the window across the Italian landscape. The gallery space is almost as impressive as the 33 paintings in the exhibition. Thoughtfully and professionally restored from rooms which were simple storage spaces, the gallery exudes a sense of calm and history. An innovative system for hanging the works (so that they do not damage the walls) and an unobtrusive but highly functional lighting system show the collected paintings off to perfection. For those who are familiar with Breda’s work there will be some surprises in this show. While Professor Breda Ennis, Director of the Fine Arts program at

her long-running love affair with nature, and

The American University of Rome, has taken over 30 years

with trees in particular, continues, the colours have become

to complete the works for her current exhibition ‘A Dream of

stronger, the intricacies of her style more pronounced, and

Nature’ at Museo Michelangiolesco in Caprese Michelangelo,

horses make an appearance in her work for the first time.

the birthplace of Michelangelo. “I’ve been waiting for the horses for years” says Breda, “I knew “I don’t leave painting to chance or to divine inspiration,” Breda

they were coming – I could see them breaking out in the form

explains, “Emotion lives in the now, in the world we move

of the branches, in the contours and shadows of the trees. Their

through, that we see and experience in all its joys and sorrows.

arrival here, though, was both a surprise and a joy. Over all the

Painting is, for me, the ultimate rational, dispassionate act – I

years I have been creating art I believe that my work has been

can’t afford to let ‘live’ emotion come into the actual act of painting

in constant development. Your life experience, as you get older,

– instead I am fuelling the painting from my memories of those

allows you to interpret yourself and your memories in a different

emotions- through the sights, the sounds and the experiences

manner – to see the world in a different light. This is where I stand

… through living! That’s why I say this exhibition has taken 30

today and look upon the landscape of my past.

years; not because it’s taken me that long to paint these pictures but because that’s how long I have been honing my craft. It’s only

“My head is a storage bank of images, emotions and pictures. As

through the lens of time and the application of thorough research

I paint I draw upon these and examine them under the light of

and academic knowledge that I am able to clinically view my

both my own experience and under the bright light of rational,

emotional memories and surgically apply them to my canvases.”

academic knowledge. This is where the real skill in creating longlasting, meaningful art lies – the rational application of knowledge

Breda’s retrospective, including 13 new works, at the 14th

and research to the conveying of ideas and emotion. As I grow

century Museo Michelangiolesco is the inaugural exhibition

older, as I learn more, as I develop – so my art develops. These

within their newly opened gallery space. Breda’s paintings;

pictures may be the ‘truest’ pictures I have painted.”

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01 & 02 Professor Patania takes students to the Italian Senate, US Embassy and Italian Parliament In early November Prof.

in combating world hunger

Patania took a group of AUR

and contributing to food

students, faculty and staff to

sustainability and to the

the Italian Senate (above) in

Chamber of Deputies of

Palazzo Madama where they

the Italian Parliament to

were given a guided tour,

meet Hon. Fucisa Nissoli

sat inside the Senate, and


met Senate President Pietro

organized a lecture by the


President of ENEL, Dr.



Patrizia Grieco, at Temple Last summer, Prof. Patania


took students to the US


Embassy (left) to meet Hon.

students attended. Dr. Grieco

David Lane, Ambassador to

spoke about the company’s

the UN Agencies in Rome,

mission and her experience as

and hear his views on the

a successful businesswoman.

role of the US Government 03 Prof. Fitzsimmons joins USAGSO Task Force The USA Girl Scouts Overseas (USAGSO), providing access to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience worldwide for Americans living abroad, is in the process of reviewing their governance structure, developed in the 1950s, and adapting it to the 21st century. To do so, they have created a Board Transition Task Force and invited Professor Fitzsimmons to be a part of rethinking and reshaping its governance. Kathleen has long been dedicated to the movement serving as a volunteer Girl Scout leader from 2000-2008, Chair of USAGSO Rome from 2008-2011, and part of the National Council of the movement since 2011.

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Arts Management Come next fall, AUR will be offering a new Master’s program in Arts Management. The course will prepare professionals in the field by offering Liberal Arts, Humanities, Fine Arts, Film, Media and Communication graduates the opportunity to acquire the appropriate management and business skills needed to begin a career in Arts Management. Students will have the opportunity to study some of the world’s most important collections and a system of patronage in the arts specific to Italy and Europe, creating an optimal academic experience for both personal and professional growth. Food Studies Food Studies graduate students recently attended the 42nd session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The CFS’s four-day event (pictured at topright), entitled “Making a Difference in Food Security and Nutrition,” covered topics ranging from enabling innovation in young talent to driving sustainable Afro-food systems to climate-smart agriculture.

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AUR also held The International Conference on Global Sustainability and Local Foods (pictured at left) which set out to explore the meaning of local foods and their global sustainability. During the conference, alternatives to industrial agriculture, locally-sourced foods, and research agendas of wealthy western countries were debated. Bioversity International and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations contributed to the event, as well as the American Academy in Rome where participants had the opportunity to learn about their ecogastronomic project. An inaugural lemon tree was planted in AUR’s main garden by the Sustainable Garden Project and President Richard Hodges in October to launch the project. More lemon trees will be planted on the terrace of Building B, an herb garden will be planted in the main garden, and the library garden will be used to plant fruit and vegetables. The AUR Sustainable Garden Project AUR’s Food Studies graduate students have begun a new initiative, the Sustainable Garden Project, aimed to grow food in underutilized areas of the AUR campus and promote collaboration with the community, local gardens and charity organizations. The project provides a platform to share the experience of growing, cooking and eating food in an environmentally friendly way. Entirely voluntary, the project will organize harvest events and cooking classes and will transform parts of the AUR campus into a vibrant Mediterranean garden. Religious Studies As part of the curriculum of the Religious Studies program students participated in field trips to Ravenna and Orvieto this semester to study the Byzantine influence on the West in Ravenna and the image of the anti-Christ in the frescoes of Orvieto’s Duomo (pictured at right). Sustainable Cultural Heritage Students of the Sustainable Cultural Heritage program have begun participating in LoveItaly! - a non-profit voluntary initiative dedicated to the preservation, promotion and appreciation of Italy’s unique cultural patrimony and the world’s greatest living museum - by finding and creating content for LoveItaly!’s blog and social media pages.

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Anar Khamzayeva

Joanne Bergamin

Justin Schaefer

Bojana Dulanovic

Leah Martin Harry Greiner

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NEW FACES AT AUR Anar Khamzayeva has been working for the International

however, he began his journey at AUR as an Italian Studies

Relations and Global Politics program since May 2014, as the

major after transferring from Towson University in 2012.

Program Coordinator. Before she arrived at AUR, she worked

During his time as a student, Justin participated in the student

with both governmental and non-governmental organizations,

assistantship program working as the assistant to the Office

think tanks and universities in the U.S., UK, Belgium, and

of Student Life. After graduating from AUR in 2013, Justin

Kazakhstan. She has a Ph.D. in Political Theory from LUISS

returned to Baltimore, Maryland where he began working

in Rome, a Master’s in International Affairs from American

as the Enrollment Manager for Notre Dame of Maryland

University in Washington D.C., and a B.A. in International

University where his primary responsibilities included

Affairs from Richmond American University in London. She is

admissions recruitment and counseling. Justin also served as

originally from Almaty, Kazakhstan.

the academic advisor for students in the Elementary Education and Corporate Communications programs for NDMU’s

Joanne Bergamin, Graduate Studies Admissions Counselor

College of Adult Undergraduate Studies. In spring of 2015

and Assistant to the Dean, is originally from Australia, but has

Justin also taught one semester of Italian Language and Culture

been in Rome for eight yrears. She holds two B.A.s in German

for NDMU’s Renaissance Program. He is currently pursuing his

and Organizational Behavior, and Commerce in Marketing and

M.S. in Global and International Education at Drexel University.

Human Resources, from the University of Queensland, where she also recieved an M.B.A. in Organizational Change. Prior

Harry Greiner is the new Director of Marketing &

to Rome, she coordinated a variety of projects in marketing,

Communications. His focus is both strategic & operational,

PR and human resource management in public, private, and

focused on marketing for recruitment, brand development,

non-profit sectors throughout Australia and Asia. In Rome, she

reputation management and communications. Prior to AUR,

completed a Diploma of Theology at the Pontifical University

he resided in the UK and worked for a large federation of

of St. Thomas Aquinas and began working in the Vatican. Over

schools & colleges as Director of New Media, Marketing &

the 6 years prior to joining AUR, Joanne had the opportunity

Communications. He’s been working in various capacities in

to collaborate with a variety of institutions within the Vatican

the online & digital sphere since 1996; prior to that, he was a

including the Pontifical Swiss Guard.

publican and managed bars & clubs throughout the UK.

AUR alumna Bojana Dulanovic is back at AUR working as an

Recent AUR alumna Leah Martin graduated from The

Assitant to the Career Services and Internships Office. After

University of Texas at Austin with a degree in English

completing her degree in Business Administration at AUR in

Education and moved to Italy shortly after. She taught English

2003, Bojana worked for the UN Office for Project Services in

in Rome for two years before returning to school and earning

Rome before returning to Serbia where she held positions for

a second Bachelor’s from AUR last May in Interdisciplinary

Ernst & Young and Les Laboratoires Servier. Most recently

Studies. During her time as a student at AUR, she interned

she worked as the Chief Financial Officer for MTV Adria in

in the Admissions Office and was offered a full-time position

Yugoslavia until she decided to move back to Rome to complete

after graduation. She is now the Operational Support Officer

a Master’s degree at St. John’s.

for the Admissions and Financial Aid Office. She works with the recruiters, counselors, and management to support the

AUR alumnus Justin Schaefer returned to AUR as an

operations of the department and helps coordinate projects for

Undergradute Admissions Counselor in October of 2015;

meeting admissions and recruitment goals.

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ALUMNI Whether it’s dropping by AUR on vacation, attending one of our global events and reunions, or keeping in touch on social media, we’re always happy to see and hear from our alumni.

Bojana Dulanovic Bojana Dulanovic and boyfriend Giovanni Mari met with the Draganovic brothers, Filip and Pedja, in Belgrade in November.

Lorenzo Errico Lorenzo



Caitlin Fitting

2012) recently stopped by and made sure to represent


Drexel while chatting with

2009) stopped by AUR last

Student Life.






vacation. She is currently working in San Francisco as the Enterprise Program Manager for Clear Care.

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Dominique Liberto Dominique Liberto (Cole) recently received the Rising Star in the City of London award at the House of Commons in Parliament.

Nohea Reveley-Mahan Nohea met with alumni in New York City on September 22. The group included Vanessa Degiorgio, Jatin Rao and wife Kat, Andrew Everett, Claire Moskowitz, Natasha Rust, among others.

Shaun Grossman Shaun Grossman stopped by AUR for a short visit this fall. While working in the digital/ web sector, his involvement as a member of the Jewish Diplomatic Corps of the World Jewish Congress brought him to Rome for a conference at Austin Jenkins

the Vatican.

Austin Jenkins (Business, 2008) stopped by campus with his wife, Lauren, while on their honeymoon in Italy.

Prof. Villani Alumni Aperitivo Prof. Villani met with alumni in Los Angeles in early November. Pictured: Nicole Gross and Magda Boccaccini. Also present; Emileigh

Rome - October 29 at Baylon Caffe in Trastevere.

Barrett, Jessica (Louche) Faylor, Gabriele White, and Cristal Nitzsche.

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Q& A WITH EVELYN HILL Evelyn Hill (Archaeology & Classics, 2015) worked as a Student Ambassador to the USA Pavilion at EXPO 2015 in Milan. When she stopped by campus this fall for a visit, she shared her experience.

What was your role at the Expo in Milan? Hill: I served as a Student Ambassador for the USA Pavilion. We acted mainly as the faces of America, being available to visitors to answer questions not only on the US Food Security Policy but also about our country and culture. I really enjoyed being able to share stories of my hometown. I also found that within the United States we all came from so many different backgrounds that there was so much to learn from one another. What were your responsibilities? We were stationed around the pavilion to answer questions about the general layout and content, to be present and to spark discussion amongst visitors about food security issues and policies. Our pavilion was very information heavy. With most of the information being in English, we were there to further explain in Italian and other languages. Outside of these daily responsibilities we formed projects on our own – some students worked on creating a video to share their experience, others helped translate and blog for the Pavilion’s events. I, personally, was able to assist in an event called Hollywood & Dine. This event consisted of a discussion about the crossover of food and cinema between Norman Lear (producer), Marty Kaplan (USC Annenberg School of Communications), Phil Rosenthal (producer), Sherry Yard (chef), and Josh Kun (professor, USC Annenberg). How long were you there? Three months. I began at the end of July and finished on 31 October.

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Were your colleagues all recent graduates like yourself? Where were

think we all pulled through really well, and kept our engagement

they from?

and positivity up. (Ambassador Doug Hickey told US Secretary

We had a great mix of students. For my “wave” (the last three

of State John Kerry our group was the best!)

months of EXPO), the majority of us were recent graduates. There were one or two of my colleagues who had completed

How does Milan compare to Rome?

university much earlier and were using this opportunity for the

Nothing could compare to Rome. Don’t let Milanese trick you

cultural experience. We also had about six students still attending

into believing their transportation runs on time, I waited over 20

University, using this experience as an internship.

minutes for a tram and it broke down twice.

We came from all over the US. Our group was represented by

But really, Milan is the most global, least Italian city in the

over twenty states. We also had students of other nationalities -

country. It is amazing because you can try so many new cuisines,

Italian, Serbian, Mexican, Cuban, and many others. Almost every

which you often can’t in Rome. However, the people will never

student had spent a year or semester abroad; many in China, as

be as welcoming as Romans, and you cannot see all the beautiful

well as Singapore, and even Russia. This diversity was one of my

history that Rome has to offer.

favorite things about getting to know the other SA’s. Would you recommend an experience like this for future students/ Do you think your experience gives you an edge for future



Absolutely! There is an EXPO coming up in Kazakhstan and

Definitely. This experience introduced me to so many amazing

Dubai, the USA Pavilion often tries to have Student Ambassadors.

people in such a range of fields. I learned a lot. Aside from

Keep an eye out for the opportunity. It may be stressful but you

networking, this experience really taught me endurance, patience,

will not regret it. It is a great way to experience so many different

and how to work with an international community. There were

cultures and meet some great people. Honestly, if a student or

so many times we felt frustrated with crowds, management, or

graduate can find any temporary opportunity like this they

communication problems, but we found ways to make a situation

should absolutely take it.

better and definitely came out more confident and more educated about intercultural communication, crowd management, and

I think overall this experience in Milan opened me up to the

even food security.

possibilities of networking and travel. Although I love the close community of AUR, I know I often didn’t take advantage of all

What did you enjoy most about your experience in Milan? And

the opportunities, lectures and travel offered. After I experienced

what was most difficult?

living in Milan I realized there were so many things to do and see.

The thing I enjoyed most was definitely my fellow Student

It was also a great confidence-booster in terms of language skills.

Ambassadors and our Italian co-workers. There was a group

I never had much practice speaking Italian with our small AUR

of about 60 Italians (or EU citizens) who worked as the ground

group, but in Milan I would speak it every day and people would

operations team and made sure everything ran smoothly.

think I was Italian. The more positive reaction I would get, the

Everyone I met had such an incredible story and could always

more I would speak.

teach me something new. We all became a sort of family in a way. The most difficult part was learning to be patient with the management and crowds. With thousands of visitors a day all asking the same questions it was easy to get frustrated and burnt out. There were also many times we were told events or tours were going to happen, that just didn’t. This could get us down a bit so it was hard to move on and keep a good attitude throughout. But I

9 - 29 -

Cait Bagby “I can’t believe it has been six years since graduating from

to address specific questions and fast fashion alternatives which

AUR! It honestly feels like it could have been yesterday that

will eventually be shot in various countries to highlight working

I was in Rome surrounded by amazing faculty, staff and

conditions, manufacturing processes, and local eco options. To be

students. This may largely be due to the fact that my AUR

fair, blogging hasn’t exactly started to pay the bills just yet, so I also

family is still present even though geographic locations

keep busy as the Editor-In-Chief of Politikon at the International

have changed. A lot of other things have changed as well.

Association of Political Science Students and freelance as an interior designer. Who said you have to pick just one job?”

Since leaving AUR I completed my Master’s Degree at King’s College London in War Studies. The combination of this along

Cait graduated from AUR with a B.A. in International Relations

with my degree in International Relations from AUR set me

in 2009. Visit her blog at: www.worldthreadstraveler.com/

on a trajectory that no one could have seen coming, including myself. I am now the founder and voice behind World Threads Traveler (WTT), a blog dedicated to providing sustainable fashion alternatives, educational articles about the industry, and raising awareness about the inherent downsides of fast fashion. Of course, my love for travel hasn’t abated so there is a little of that too. Studying abroad taught me a very important lesson that helps in my day-to-day running of WTT: embrace the unknown but make plans anyways. From interviewing designers, hosting pop-up shops, partnering with companies to promote eco products, researching the negative impacts of fashion on the environment and the workforce, to networking with industry professionals, accepting that I have no idea what tomorrow will bring is essential to the blog’s success. As both WTT and I continue to grow, embracing the unknown has brought about some exciting changes that will be implemented soon. These include a lecture series in the United States helping to answer the question ‘What is Sustainable Fashion?’ along with a video series launching on YouTube helping

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Almas Mukhashov “It is not easy to describe in words, but you feel something special, warm, and nostalgic deep inside of yourself coming back to your alma mater after 14 years.” Almas Mukhashov (Business Administration, 2001) came back

oil and gas projects and their development after successful

to AUR this semester to lecture on his work experiences for the

discoveries, the lifecycle of the petroleum project, and the

Business Series Lecture. After graduating from AUR in 2001,

political challenges that face oil companies. On coming back to

Almas returned to his native country of Kazakhstan where he

AUR, this time as a lecturer, Almas shares, “It was an amazing

worked as a Technical Assistant for the Department of External

experience... It is not easy to describe in words, but you feel

and Government Relations within Agip Kazakhstan Caspian

something special, warm, and nostalgic deep inside of yourself

Offshore Company. Since, he has moved back to Italy and is

coming back to your alma mater after 14 years. I felt very

now based in Milan where he works as the Upstream Contracts

honored giving the lecture in front of the students and sharing

Negotiator for the International Negotiations Department for

with them some interesting topics as well as my personal view

the energy company ENI.

on (the) oil and gas business that may be useful for their future career. To put yourself in the shoes of the teacher talking to the

Almas’ lecture focused on petroleum agreements between

students is something very exceptional and unique.”

host governments and international oil companies, starting

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Alex Raco “I was accepted into a Postgraduate Diploma program in Clinical Psychopathology at the University of Barcelona. See how far an AUR degree can go!?”


lex Raco (Business Administration, 1991) reminisces

University, after which he began working for Procter & Gamble’s

about his time at AUR, “A lot has been going on since I

Dash line as Brand Manager. In 1993, Alex came back to AUR

graduated AUR. I still remember my days as a student and as a

for a year as a Professor of Advertising and Consumer Behavior.

teacher there with affection.” He then moved to Milan on acceptance of a position as Senior Alex graduated from AUR in 1991 with a degree in Business

Product Manager for Sanex/Sara Lee. From 1996 to 2000 he

Administration and went on to receive an MBA from Bocconi

worked as Creative Manager at The Walt Disney Company and in 2000 became Marketing Director of Stepstone. He has since worked as a private Business Consultant for various companies and in 2007 moved to Barcelona where he worked for Citigroup/Morgan Stanley in the Stock Plan Services HR Department until last year. “I am now in the process of changing the scope of my career more towards the Psychology field and I earned a Postgraduate Diploma in Anxiety and Mood Disorders from the University of León in Spain,” he said. “I was accepted into a Postgraduate Diploma program in Clinical Psychopathology at the University of Barcelona. See how far an AUR degree can go!?”

Alex at AUR’s Commencement Ceremony, 1991

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MARCEL KAMINSTEIN On the evening of 2 September, Marcel Kaminstein (Business Administration, 2002) returned to campus to lecture to AUR students on his experiences in the world of marketing. Shortly after graduation, Marcel began working at LVMH Starboard Cruise Services, which focuses on revolutionizing shopping on board cruise ships, creating a unique retail environment where cruise guests are inspired to indulge in a memory of their vacation. When the company was forced to downsize, Marcel decided to use the knowledge he acquired during his years working for LVMH and start his own company, Catapult Brand Group. His lecture focused on marketing challenges in the cruise industry. From the lecture, the audience was given insight into a very interesting and dynamic field of work, which encompassed marketing, business and networking. The newest endeavor which he is spearheading is the introduction of luxury toothpaste into the Italian market. He has seen an opportunity in the lack of options to dental care found in Italy and is planning on using his extensive knowledge of marketing luxury goods and apply it to this new idea.

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Sidonia Swarm Sidonia Swarm studied abroad at AUR in the Spring of 2012

we lacked a simple way to share our tips. We found ourselves

before graduating from the University of Miami in 2014. While

constantly asking our friends, ‘What should I eat/do/try, etc?’

at AUR, she took Prof. Sonnabend’s New Product Development

when traveling to a new place,” explained Sidonia. The process of

course in which she created a project designed to connect patients

sharing these tips was simplified by providing a platform where

to nutrition support through technology. The business model and

travel tips and recommendations could be mapped and viewed

product from this course have developed into Real Dietitian, a

by friends.

Johns Hopkins Medicine-funded venture that contracts services to health insurance companies and connects patients to registered

Sidonia’s experience studying abroad at AUR was “a HUGE

dietitians for simple, convenient phone appointments. Of the

catalyst” in the realization of the product. Stamp loves working

venture, Sidonia shares, “It is fun to look back and see the roots of

with study abroad students (an AUR student is currently

the idea take form during my time at AUR.”

working as a Stamp intern). Sidonia and the Stamp team hope more AUR students can use the app to simplify sharing their

She is now working on a new project, Stamp, a mobile app that

travel tips with friends.

allows users to share travel tips. “Inspired by our group of friends,

Melissa Cannavo Melissa Cannavo-Marino was the second AUR alumna to earn

Melissa remains active in the Philadelphia Tri-State region’s

dual degrees in Communications through the cooperative

Italian-American community. Her most notable success has

program with The University of Macerata in 2008. Upon

been the revival of Italian-American radio in the region. In

graduating, she was hired by Mediaset to work behind the

November of 2013, with the support of several prominent

scenes on the reality court program Forum. In September

businesspersons and professionals, she began producing and

of 2009, Melissa returned to the United States and took up

hosting a weekly Italian-American radio program on a local

residence in Delaware. In 2010, she planned to return to

Wilmington station. Today the program is heard on three

Italy, but her plans changed when she became engaged to her

stations including Philadelphia’s most powerful AM station,

high school sweetheart, Dominic Marino. In May 2011 she

ESPN 610 Sports. She is a member of the Broadcast Pioneers of

married Dominic on the beach in Ocean City, NJ, and while

Philadelphia, a Commissioner on the Gloucester County Italian

on Honeymoon in Italy had her marriage vows renewed in

Heritage Commission, member of L’Associazione Regionale

her ancestral village of Graniti in the province of Messina.

Abruzzese Delco, and a contributing writer for the Italian-

In January 2012, she was offered a full paid scholarship to

American Herald. In October she was honored as “Person of

Wilmington University and in May 2013 graduated with a

the Year” by ARA Delco.

Master’s Degree in Marketing. Melissa’s radio program can be heard world-wide via podcast In addition to her current full-time position with Bancorp,

at www.wilm.com.

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Ajda Birgen Ajda Birgen (Art History, 2011) recently updated us about her travels to Brazil and Myanmar. Since, she has traveled from her home base in Miami to California for the wedding of fellow AUR alumni Isabelle McDonnell and Ahmed Badenjki. She is now planning her next big trip to South Africa. “I am currently working for Mercer Hospitality Group. I am bartending at two of their locations in South Beach, Lure Fishbar South Beach and The Rum Line,” Ajda said. “As for trips, I am volunteering in South Africa next Spring. I am spending a month at a cheetah rehabilitation center, where I will be working with orphaned and misplaced cheetahs and introducing them back into the wild (very large reserves that resemble the actual wild), and a month at an elephant care and research facility where we will be working one-on-one with elephants,” she said. “A love for travel and other cultures is something that was really triggered by life in Rome and at AUR and is something that I know I will take with me wherever I end up in life!”

01 AUR alumnus Cody Fergusson (Business Administration, 2011) with Ajda in Brazil at the World Cup

02 AUR alumna Anais Engelmajer (International Relations & Global Politics, 2011) with Ajda

03 Ajda (right) with AUR alumni in California

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Melissa Sibel Abraham: In London & currently finishing up my MA in Education! Ruthie Rizzo: Currently in Southern California (Greater LA area) and starting my Master’s in Public Health at USC. Refat Ara Jerin Ontora: In Bangladesh, studying MSS in Media and Communication and working as a Graduate Assistant at the Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB). Alex Achard: In Stockholm, starting a MSc in Management.


Erica Taylor: In Rome, managing a Australian-owned historic walking tour company. Brooke Conti: Boston/Cape Cod. About to start my second clinical rotation for my Occupational Therapy masters degree!

regional communications officer for Save the Children in West and Central Africa.

Gina-Marie Semkiw: Cake tailor and Owner of a custom cake shop in NY.

Martina Demopoulou: I’m still in Athens and currently working as the production coordinator for the theatrical adaptation of James Byrkit’s film “Coherence”.

Rachelle Murphy: In Montpelier, VT. I’m the executive director of the Green Mountain Film Festival

Gabrielle White: Los Angeles, CA - Doing editorial & social media for a startup that mends broken hearts (www.letsmend.com)!

Liz Fletcher: Crawford, Colorado, working on a guest ranch as a wrangler riding horses in the mountains all day, every day.

Anders Ladegaard: Copenhagen, Denmark. Working at Discover, a Wiley Brand, as a consultant.

Astrid Chitou: In Dakar, working as the

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“Lovely Chels”: In Accra, Ghana working with an Italian aluminium and glass firm. Mickey Marie: Just relocated to Western Massachusetts! Working as a Residence Director and as the International Student Life Coordinator at Bard College at Simon’s Rock. Concetta Solomine: Working in Las Vegas as a voice teacher for a private school. Shayna McCready: Working for the US Department of State in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Assistance Coordination. Currently in Tunis on assignment but living in Washington, DC.


Martina Mascarenhas: Just moved to Cali, Colombia a month ago to take up a position as the communications and knowledge management coordinator for the CGIAR Gender Network.

Elen Victoria Ustun: Milan, Product Manager in Marketing for Johnson & Johnson Medical, OneTouch Brand. Fatima Zara Mallick: In Pakistan...running my own boutique fitness studio, Zumba with Fatima.

Where are you? What are you doing? E-mail us at alumni@aur.edu, join the “AUR Alumni” Facebook group or stop by the next time you’re in Rome.

Paula Queiroz: In Italy, conference interpreter. Audra Ellen: In Chicago, working with a company called HotelTonight as their Italian Customer Support and Hotel Liasion specialist. Loving it!

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Bronte Stahl In October Bronte’s film Hostility and Hospitality was shown at Ciao Philadelphia, a month-long series of events celebrating the city’s rich Italian-American culture. Recent graduate Bronte Stahl (Communication, 2015) is temporarily back in Rome on a visit while working as a trip leader for American active travel company Backroads. On his role he says, “I led week-long hiking tours in the Italian lakes this summer and will likely be back in Italy again when the season starts back up in March and hopefully after that will be sent somewhere else in the world!” In October Bronte’s film Hostility and Hospitality was shown at Ciao Philadelphia, a month-long series of events celebrating the city’s rich Italian-American culture. The moving and beautifully shot documentary examines the history of Acri, a hilltop town in Calabria, through the perspective of four protagonists. It examines the phenomenon of many Acri residents having left the town in search of more in the seaside town of Westerly, Rhode Island, while commenting on the recent influx of desperate African migrants.

Leticia Santi Leticia Santi (Communication, 2015) has just finished an internship in the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao. She went on to work freelance for The Experience Company, a luxury travel and events agency. Still in Hong Kong, working towards her dream of working in Marketing or PR for the luxury fashion industry, Leticia now plans to complete a paid internship for Salvatore Ferragamo, Hong Kong. Leticia at the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao

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Sydney Malackowski Of her travels, she shares, “Each place had something great to offer, but none had the charm ... and pasta that Italy did!” After a summer abroad at AUR in 2010, Sydney spent the

“Cerner is a Healthcare IT company and my focus is on consulting

next summer term in London through her home university

in the Perioperative Suites of the Hospital. Graduating with a

Oklahoma State. During her summers abroad, she visited

degree in Marketing, I never would have thought dealing with

Munich, Edinburgh, Dublin, and Paris. Of her travels, she

surgery or hospital work was on my horizon, but it couldn’t be

shares, “Each place had something great to offer, but none had

a more thrilling job environment to work in,” she said. “Cerner

the charm ... and pasta that Italy did!”

is a great company, especially for recent graduates. They give you the opportunity to travel within the United States as well as

Graduating early in December of 2012, Sydney began working

having opportunities outside of the States. Maybe one day I will

immediately at Cerner Corporation where she continues to work.

have the opportunity to travel to Italy with Cerner and visit my old stomping grounds!”

Sydney’s Graduation from Oklahoma State in 2012

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Soren is the son of Lyndsay (Krebs) Scott (International Relations, 2009). He was


born on April 4, 2015 Sebastian is the son of Monica Lizarraga (Business Administration, 2005). He was born on September 30, 2014.

Nicolas Nicolas is the son of two AUR alumni, Klaus Heiss (International Relations, 2009) and Romy Suarez (Business Administration, 2007). He was born on May 14, 2015.

Danica Danica is the daughter of Željka Pratljačić (Business Administration, 1999). She was born on September 9, 2015.

Matteo Matteo is the son of Antonio Illiano (Business Administration, 2008). He was born on May 29, 2015.

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AUR WOLF CUBS George George is the son of Djordijie Lekovic (1999). He was born on October 18, 2014.

Anna Anna is the daughter of Katja Munoz (International Relations, 2004). She was born on October 27, 2014.

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Bliss Holloway


After completing his degree in

most relevant arsenal I have to draw

the context of traditions. With Professor

International Relations at AUR

on when solving a problem or working

Patania, I studied the business of politics,



to accomplish my artistic goals. These

the organization of multi-nationals, and

Bliss Holloway studied at the Scuola

could be skills associated with language,

many ‘real world’ applications for the

di Cinema in Rome and worked


theories that I learned.

as a Production Assistant for CNN

logistics, team organization, or any

International. In 2006 he moved to

number of other fields which wouldn’t

As a filmmaker I’ve had opportunities

New York City and attended the New

normally be associated with filmmaking.

to travel and work in some of the most

York Film Academy. Initially working

As such, my experience at The American

interesting places in the world. I’ve shot

as a Gaffer and Grip on independent

University of Rome provided the

films and documentaries in India, Cuba,

film and commercial productions, his

fundamental basis for my approach to

Kosovo, Central and South America,

first big break came in 2008, when he

my work as an adult. The experience and

West Africa, and all over Europe and

traveled to India to shoot the first digital

skills I obtained there have contributed to

the United States. As a cinematographer,

feature film ever shot in Hyderabad, one

every aspect of my life that came after.

it is my job to organize a team of




of India’s major film hubs.

professionals to execute the job prescribed I graduated from AUR with a B.A. in

by the script, director and producer, and


International Relations in 2004. As

to ensure that the picture looks as good

ranges from Narrative to Documentary

an American who spent half of his life

as it possibly can. It takes organization,

to Commercial, and his clients have

living in Germany, the international

cooperation, and tons of hard work, but

included National Geographic, Adult

community that comprises the fabric

often there are also other obstacles. There

Swim, NPR, PBS, Red Bull, Harley-

of AUR’s student body, staff and faculty

may be language and cultural barriers,

Davidson, Foot Locker, as well as many

was the perfect fit for me. At AUR I

as well as inflated egos and personal

independent directors and producers.

was pushed to learn my third language,

gripes to overcome. Any given day my

Bliss recently moved from New York City

apply myself as a student, and take on

job may involve logistical mishaps or

to Seattle, Washington with his wife, Julia.

leadership roles within the AUR Student

technical hurdles as well. My ability to

Their fist son, Roman Joel Holloway, was

Government. Through a close relationship

execute the job is supported by every

born on August 23rd, 2015.

with Professor Walston (then head of the

classroom lesson and life skill I learned



International Relations Department),

as a student at AUR. As a basis for my

“As a cinematographer, I draw on a

I found my academic love of politics

oft scattered and constantly shifting

broad range of knowledge and expertise

and history, and was also mentored

professional targets, my experience at The

to perform at the highest level. Sometimes

to develop my skills as an organizer,

American University of Rome gave me

this means some technical tidbit about

laying the groundwork for study-abroad

the confidence and the skill set to achieve

a particular camera or light I am using.

trips to Ghana and Kosovo. I studied

the many lofty goals I set for myself

More often than not, however, I find

anthropology with Professor Thomassen,

professionally and artistically.”

that my broader life experience is the

learning about cultural development and

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we believe that more students should have the opportunity to learn abroad; to experience the mix of cultures, the influence of history and the teeming life of a European capital city. However, to continue delivering the range of experiences and the life-changing developments that we do is not easy.

What does it mean to take part in an archaeological dig at the Colosseum? Can you imagine experiencing an on-site class inside the Pantheon? Would mixing with students from 40 countries and every type of background have changed your educational experience – and your direction in life? We’re sure you can appreciate what these types of experiences mean to the average overseas student – and appreciate just

How much does it take to change a life?

how much they cost to deliver.

Could you help? Could you give something back so that others may benefit?

A student’s time at The American University of Rome is only one of a number of things that go toward making them a success in life – but we are assured that it is a life-changing

The AUR Annual Fund raises money every year from

one. How many people get the opportunity to stand at the

alumni, students, staff/faculty, trustees, and friends of the

crossroads of the world and learn in a city where history,

university to go directly toward the needs of the whole

culture and democracy are embedded in the very fabric of

AUR community including program support, financial

the streets? To develop lifelong skills and lifelong friends in

aid/scholarships, technology, faculty support, and facilities

a network that spans the globe?

upgrades. Any help you give, however small, will make a

Could you help pave the Road to Rome?

difference to the lives and education of our students. To give, please visit www.aur.edu/donate/.

AUR tuition fees are set at just $14,000 per year (compared

Thank you!

to $25,000 - $50,000 at most US colleges). Why? Because

Upcoming Events •

January 11-20, 2016 - IRGP Fielf Study Trip

Three-day international conference dedicated to efficient

Trip - “Serbia/Kosovo: Two Nations and Two States?”

techniques of producing neo-Latin poetry. For more

February 23, 2016 - An Evening with John Maggio

information, see the event calendar on AUR’s website.

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm - Join AUR’s Board of Trustees, Alum-

ni, and John Maggio at the University of Miami’s College

May 12-14 - AMICAL The conference for libraries, technology & learning at

of Arts & Sciences Gallery. RSVP by February 15th to

International American universities

s.johnson@aur.edu. •

April 28-30 - Economics of Poetry

International Relations & Global Politics J-term Field Study

May 19, 2016 - AUR’s Annual Rome Alumni Reunion

April 16, 2016 - Open Day

Save the Date for AUR’s 4th Annual Rome Alumni Re-

11:00 am - 3:00 pm - Open Day - Visit our campus to

union at Villa Aurelia, Rome.

experience what it’s really like to be a student at AUR.

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