Summer is here again and as I look through the 2017
Summer Issue of Wolftracks, I can’t help but smile a
little. It seems like just yesterday, I was brainstorming
on the new structure of Wolftracks with Harry Greiner
over a beer. And yet, so many things have happened
since then.
This past year has been exciting, challenging and
surprising in many ways. The Alumni and Development
department has grown, and so has Wolftracks. In fact,
working for AUR’s Alumni department in this time of
great change is like setting up a garden: we planted,
we have to water and care for it every day and slowly,
but surely, we are starting to see the flowers and fruit.
With still a lot of work ahead of us, it gives me great
joy to see what we have achieved and it is with much
anticipation that we welcome our 50th Anniversary
and all the exciting events and developments that it
will bring.
As we get ready for a little Roman beach and the welldeserved
vacation time, I am glad to have put together
this issue with the many contributors