LIFE programme - Country Factsheet
DENMARK Overview Since the launch of the LIFE programme by the European Commission in 1992, a total of 88 projects have been financed in Denmark. Of these, 56 focus on environmental innovation, 31 on nature conservation and one on information and communication. These projects represent a total investment of €223 million, of which €97 million was contributed by the European Union. This document provides an overview of LIFE in Denmark. It showcases success stories and ongoing initiatives, indicates how to find further
Every year a call for project proposals is launched for its three components: Nature and Biodiversity, Environment Policy and Governance, and Information and Communication. You will find more details on all recent LIFE projects in Denmark in the annexed lists.
information on the projects and provides a list of recent projects in Annex.
Last update: 26/11/13
European Commission, DG Environment – LIFE E.3 & E.4 Units (
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