1 minute read

Psalm 11: Trusting, Not Fleeing

12 O L,

Rise up!

O God,

Lift up your hand;

Do not forget the afflicted. 13 Why do the wicked spurn God and say in their hearts, “He won’t call me to account”? 14 You have seen the trouble and grief of the afflicted;

You note it and take it in hand.

The unfortunate commit themselves to you, you who help the fatherless. 15 Break the arm of wicked and evil men;

Call them to account for their wickedness until none are left.a 16 The L is King forever and ever;

The pagan nations will vanishb from his land. 17 O L, you

Hear the desires of the afflicted;

Turn your ear to them and strengthen their hearts; and 18 Dispense justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, So mere mortalsc may no longer terrify them.

11 Psalm

Trusting, Not Fleeing

A psalm of David. To the music director. 1 I take refuge in the L,

So how can you say to me,d “Flee like a bird to the mountains”? 2 Look, the wicked Are stringinge their bows, Are fitting arrows to the string, and Plan to shoot the upright in heart when it’s dark. 3 If the foundations of justice are destroyed, what can the righteous do? 4 The L is in his holy temple;

The L is on his throne in heaven.

His eyes see, and his gazef examines the children of men. 5 The L testsg the righteous,

a Literally, “until you find none.” b Literally, “will perish from.” c Literally, “So men who are of the earth.” d Literally, “to my soul.” e Literally, “Are bending.” f Literally, “his eyelids.” g Or “examines.”

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