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Psalm 10: Trusting God in the Midst of the Wicked

17 The wicked, all the nations that forget God, will return to Sheol. 18 For the needy will not always be forgotten;

The hope of the afflicted will not perish forever. 19 Arise, O L.

Do not let mere mortalsa prevail.

Let the nations be judged before you. 20 Put them in dread of you, O L; Let the nations know that they are but human. Selah

Psalm 10

Trusting God in the Midst of the Wicked

1 O L,

Why do you stand far away?

Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? 2 In arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the afflicted;

Let them be caught in the schemes they’ve devised. 3 The wicked man

Boasts of his life’sb desire,

Blesses the greedy and spurns the L; 4 With a proud face he does not seek after God; All his thoughts are, “There is no god”; 5 Thinks his way is always prosperous, That God’s judgmentsc are high above his, out of his sight;

Sneers at his enemies; 6 Says in his heart, “I will never be moved; Throughout all generations I will never have trouble”; 7 Has a mouth full of curses, deceit, and oppression; Mischief and iniquity hide under his tongue; 8 Sits in ambush in the villages, hiding, killing the innocent— his eyes watching for the helpless; 9 Lurks— Hiding like a lion in its den, Lying in wait to catch the afflicted,d Drawing them into their nets and catching them; 10 (They fall, sink down, and are crushed by the might of the wicked.e) 11 Says in his heart, “God has forgotten; He is hiding his face; He will never see it.”

a Literally, “let man.” b Or “his heart’s” or “his soul’s.” c Literally, “your judgments.” d Or “the poor” or “the helpless.” And verses 12, 14, and 17. e The Hebrew is not clear.

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