31v hereandnow pdf

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you for the future. You are constantly bombarded by messages saying that life is “up ahead,” just out of reach, somewhere in the future. But that is not your call as a Christ-follower. God is at work today and is calling you to live a life on mission with Him...right here...right now. This isn’t rehearsal. This is it.






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31 Verses Every Teenager Should Know: Here and Now

Everything about the world you live in is aimed at preparing



Published by SL Resources, Inc. A Division of Student Life

Š 2008 SL Resources, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Student Life Resources, Inc. Address all correspondence to: Student Life Attn: Ministry Resources 2183 Parkway Lake Drive Hoover, AL 35244

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), copyright Š1973, 1978, 1984, by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.

ISBN-10: 1-935040-08-1 ISBN-13: 978-1-935040-08-8

by Emily Hooten

TABLE OF CONTENTS Intro How to Use Verse 1: Verse 2: Verse 3: Verse 4: Verse 5: Verse 6: Verse 7: Verse 8: Verse 9: Verse 10: Verse 11: Verse 12: Verse 13: Verse 14: Verse 15: Verse 16: Verse 17: Verse 18: Verse 19: Verse 20: Verse 21: Verse 22: Verse 23: Verse 24: Verse 25: Verse 26: Verse 27: Verse 28: Verse 29: Verse 30: Verse 31:

i ii 1 Peter 2:9 Genesis 12:1 Titus 3:5 Acts 1:8 Matthew 9:38 Joshua 24:15 1 Peter 2:5 2 Corinthians 5:20 Matthew 28:19 Matthew 16:24 John 14:26 James 2:18 Romans 13:11 Romans 10:15 1 Thessalonians 2:8 James 4:4 Matthew 10:22 Romans 8:31 Acts 20:24 Hebrews 12:2 Isaiah 41:10 Deuteronomy 6:5 1 Peter 2:12 Deuteronomy 31:6 John 14:21 Colossians 4:6 1 Timothy 4:16 Ephesians 6:7 Colossians 3:17 1 Corinthians 9:24 Philippians 4:9

Closing About the Author

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 64 66


INTRO Has anybody ever told you that your future is full of opportunity? Study hard, stay focused, get good grades, believe in what you can be, and maybe one day you will really start living. You can have the American dream with the great job, the family, the house with the white picket fence, and the fluffy little dog lying under the tire swing. Then you will really be living. What if you, a believer in Jesus Christ, are supposed to live your life a little bit differently? Sorry, studying hard is still part of the equation, but come on . . . Think big with me, beyond those things, to what really and truly matters . . . What if today is full of opportunity? What if today is your chance to really live, to be transformed, to know and give real love, and to make a difference. And not to make a difference just for the sake of making a difference. But to make a difference in the name of Jesus Christ! What if today is your day to live for Christ? God says that today is the day. The past is forgiven, and the future is secured. You are called by Christ to live today! That’s where this book comes in. It will guide you for the next 31 days to a different way of living. Through reading God’s Word, thinking about it, and praying about it, you will be challenged to let it change you today. You will be asked to answer how the love of Christ changes your heart and the way you live your life today. And you will be challenged to make your life in the here and now count for Christ. Not yesterday . . . Not tomorrow . . . Here and now.


Enjoy the journey, Emily

Now that you own this incredible little book, you may be wondering, “What do I do with it?” Glad you asked . . . The great thing about this book is that you can use it just about anyway you want. It’s not a system. It’s a resource that can be used in ways that are as unique and varied as you are. A few suggestions . . . The “One Month” Plan On this plan, you’ll read one devotional each day for a month. This is a great way to immerse yourself in the Bible for a month-long period. (OK, we realize that every month doesn’t have 31 days. But 30 is close enough to 31, right?) The idea is to cover a lot of information in a short amount of time. The “Scripture Memory” Plan The idea behind this plan is to memorize the verse for each day’s devotional; you don’t move on to the next devotional until you have memorized the one you’re on. If you’re like most people, this might take you more than one day per devotional. So, this plan takes a slower approach. The “I’m No William Shakespeare” Plan Don’t like to write or journal? This plan is for you . . . Listen, not everyone expresses themselves the same. If you don’t like to express yourself through writing, that’s OK. Simply read the devotional for each verse, then read the questions. Think about them. Pray through them. But don’t feel like you have to journal if you don’t want to. The “Strength In Numbers” Plan God designed humans for interaction. We are social animals. How cool would it be if you could go through “31:Here and Now” with your friends? Get a group of friends together. Consider agreeing to read five verses each week, then meeting to talk about it. Pretty simple, right? Choose a plan. Or make up your own. But get started already. What are you waiting on?





REFLECT you say that you know who you really are? What 1 Would evidence is in your life that you do?


’ve got two really important questions for you.

First question. Who are you? You may be tempted to change the question ever so slightly. Instead of answering who you are, you might try to answer what you are. “I’m the athlete.” “I’m the smart kid.” “I’m the pretty one.” “I’m the one with all the money.” But who are you beyond those things? Second question. Why are you here? Instead of answering directly, you may give examples of how you want to end up. “I want to be happy.” “I want to help people.” “I want to be successful.” Are your who’s and why’s completely wrapped up in you, or do they run deeper? Will you live for something bigger than yourself? Read 1 Peter 2:9-10. As Christians, we have the answers to the two toughest questions in the universe: who we are, and why we are here. Peter gave God’s answers to these questions. The who is that we’re a chosen people who belong to God. The why is so we can declare to the world how amazing God really is. For example: If Superman rescued you from the dark rubble of a building that had fallen on you, would you keep this experience to yourself? No way! Would you tell everyone how awesome Superman was? Absolutely!


So who are you, really? If you’re a follower of Christ, you’re a child of God. You’re chosen, you’re loved unconditionally, and you belong. You can know who you are and be confident in that. And why are you here? To tell everyone about your incredible God so that they can also experience Him. Go and share that today.

you know your heavenly Father well enough to be confident 2 Do in who He is, and in who you are in Him? If not, what can you do to change that?

you wasting your life on things that might go against your 3 Are true purpose? If so, what adjustments might you need to make (even if it’s simply an attitude adjustment)?

could you share your amazing God with today, and tell 4 Whom what He’s done for you?



o who are you after reading this book? Well, you’re obviously committed, because you’ve made it to this final page. I hope this book has been a guide to real, Christ-following living for the past 31 days. Let me remind you, though, that it doesn’t stop here. This is just the beginning of living a life in Christ, day by day, that transforms your heart and guides your steps. How do you keep that up? Well, I’m glad you asked. I want to encourage you to be a person deeply rooted in the Word of God and seriously devoted to prayer. I also want to encourage you to be a person who’s committed to loving and serving people as Christ did. I pray that you, my brother or sister, will be a believer whose life will be a true reflection of God’s glory in every way—not in your perfection, but in your humility and the grace and love that flows from your life because you have been saved from so much. I want to encourage you to be that person today. Yesterday is behind you, and tomorrow is too far ahead. It’s time to start really living as God has called you to live. Here and now.




mily Darnell Hooten is a follower of Jesus Christ and a firm believer in the love, hope, honesty, grace, and life change that come through truly knowing Him. That’s why she believed so much in writing this book . . . and also because she really likes teenagers. She’s a graduate of Samford University, has worked on summer staff as a seminar leader at a youth camp, and has been on staff with two different church student ministries. Emily lives in Birmingham, Alabama, with her singing husband Chuck and is a proud mommy to Lily and Ava. Emily also loves stars, sour straws, her dog Ruby, laughing, taking pictures, and she would love the chance to meet some of you one day.

Executive Editor Andy Blanks Copy Editor Lynn Groom


Graphic Design Ruth Tinsley Zack Nichols Publishing Assistant Brooke Culpepper


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