Starstruck in Willow Falls

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Starstruck in

Willow Falls PAT NICHOLS

STARSTUCK IN WILLOW FALLS BY PAT NICHOLS Published by LPC Books/A division of Iron Stream Media 100 Missionary Ridge, Birmingham, AL 35242 Copyright © 2021 by Pat Nichols All rights reserved. First printing 2021. Printed in the United States of America. Cover design by Elaina Lee No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of the publisher. Iron Stream Media serves its authors as they express their views, which may not express the views of the publisher. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents are all products of the author’s imagination or are used for fictional purposes. Any mentioned brand names, places, and trademarks remain the property of their respective owners, bear no association with the author or the publisher, and are used for fictional purposes only.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Library of Congress Control Number: 2020950644 Nichols, Pat Star Struck in Willow Falls / Pat Nichols 1st ed.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64526-311-1 eBook ISBN: 978-1-64526-312-8

Praise for StarStruck in WilloW FallS Pat Nichols weaves a refreshing story in Willow Falls with intriguing characters that stick to you. It seems there are no new stories, but when you find one that has a unique twist, you don’t want to put it down. Wellwritten, interesting, and engaging. ˜ Cindy K. Sproles, best-selling author of What Momma Left Behind Whether you’re a new reader or one returning to Willow Falls, the sweet essence of small-town Georgia will embrace you like an old sweater in Pat Nichols’ heart-tugging series newest edition. Emily juggles new motherhood, her job as newspaper editor, and a book release that’s almost swept away when a major motion picture comes to shoot in town. Meanwhile, her twin sister stage actress, Rachel, snags a secondary role in the film that just might jeopardize her engagement. Serving as hometown movie liaisons, both sisters attempt to navigate family relationships and a delightful if demanding assortment of locals. Willow Falls is just the sort of cozy escape we’re all looking for these days! ˜ Denise Weimer, Managing Editor, LPC historical imprints and multi-published author Starstruck in Willow Falls is the third book of the Willow Falls series by Pat Nichols. Willow Falls, Georgia, already held me captive with its mix of winsome personalities. Throw a few quirky ones into the bunch, like local mail carrier, Mirabelle Paine, aptly named. Add a cast of characters straight from the silver screens of Hollywood, and you have the perfect combination for dramatic antics, some on-screen and some off. The plot twists are so skillfully woven, you’ll be begging for more when you reach The End. Another winner. ˜ Debra DuPree Williams, Author, Grave Consequences, A Charlotte Graves Mystery

Starstruck in Willow Falls by Pat Nichols has everything I love in a novel— family drama and a small town filled with quirky characters, with one egocentric woman I’d like to throttle. Yep, it’s got it all, along with some humor. ˜ Ane Mulligan, Author of In High Cotton Readers who fell in love with the folks of Willow Falls in Pat Nichol’s first two books of the series are in for a treat! Starstruck in Willow Falls continues the story of twins Emily and Rachel as they seek to live out the fulfillment of their dreams. As I read, I often found myself wishing I could step into the town of Willow Falls and spend time with its inhabitants face to face. They seemed so real, warm, and inviting, making it easy for me to empathize with their struggles and joys. I look forward to another book from Pat Nichols, as she writes with sensitivity and with wonderful insight into the desires of the human heart. ˜ Ann Tatlock, novelist, editor, and children’s book author

Dedication To my loving parents, Bette and Jim Hamilton, whose unconditional love, inspiration, and faith taught me what is important. I miss them both and will be with them again when I, too, pass on to eternity.



ix years ago, when I abandoned retirement and launched career number two as a writer, little did I realize the impact the journey into this wonderful world would have on my life. I have met and connected with so many friends and mentors. Readers whose comments make my heart sing. Members of American Christian Fiction Writers of North Georgia, whose friendship and wisdom enrich my writing experience. Word Weavers International, Greater Atlanta Chapter members whose critiques strengthen my skills. I am grateful to my managing editor, Ramona Pope Richards, for believing in me. To my editor, Andrea Merrell, thank you for your amazing insight and attention to details. My faithful Beta Readers, Pat Davis, Bev Feldkamp, Kitty Metzger, and Kathy Warner, you are an integral part of my writing experience, and I will forever be grateful. To Iron Stream Media, it is an honor to be part of your family. Thank you for all the support and encouragement. To all the book clubs and organizations that invited me to speak, thank you for the opportunity to share my story. A special thanks to my amazing family. To Tim, my husband and best friend, who has been the wind beneath my wings since the day we met all those years ago. To our son Greg, daughter Shelley, and son-in-law Ed, whose love of family and faith in God inspire me every single day. Above all, I thank God for His grace and the gift of eternal life.

Chapter 1


omorrow’s edition of the Willow Post loomed large in Emily Hayes’ mind as she drove past Willow Falls’ picturesque, century-old storefronts. No one—other than the mayor, the town council, and the paper’s reporter—had a clue about the chaos scheduled to descend on this quaint little town. As editor of the weekly newspaper, she knew all too well that more than a handful of residents would blame her for keeping the news under wraps. Emily circled the block a second time and pulled into an empty parking space in front of Pepper’s Café. She grabbed her purse and picnic basket and stepped beside the rear bumper. A horn blast and screeching brakes made her flinch. Exhaust fumes from a rattle-trap pickup forced her to cover her nose and mouth. Crazy drivers. And it’s only going to get worse. Emily spotted an opening in the traffic and dashed across Main Street. She breathed deeply and moved on to Hayes General Store. The bell jangling over the door mingled with the antique player piano’s rousing rendition of “Chattanooga Choo Choo.” Emily set her basket on the soda fountain bar stretched along the sidewall between the front window and the check-out counter and climbed onto a stool. Gertie—one of the town’s favorite senior citizens, dressed in a nineteenthcentury dress with a high collar—greeted a family and promised to deliver the best milkshakes in Georgia. Emily’s husband, Scott, settled beside her. He brushed a strawberryblonde curl away from her cheek. “Still concerned about Rachel?” One more worry souring Emily’s mood. “I wish she’d talk to me.” “Maybe you’re overreacting.”

Starstruck in Willow Falls Emily shook her head. “My twin has lived with us for the past year. Believe me, I recognize her moods.” “Amazing.” Scott propped his elbow on the bar and rested his chin on his fist. “For thirty years you and Rachel had no idea the other existed. Now, even though she was raised in the city and you’re a country girl, you two are so much alike folks who don’t know would swear you grew up in the same family. Two peas in a pod.” “The miracle of matching DNA.” Emily forced a smile, skimming her fingertips over her husband’s dimple. “Looks like another busy day.” “Best month yet. Thanks in part to Gertie and her famous chocolate sodas.” He pointed to the picnic basket. “Did you bring cookies?” “Fresh-baked.” He opened the lid, releasing brown-sugar and vanilla scents. “Yumm. Oatmeal raisin, your mom’s recipe.” Scott stood and reached for the basket. “We have time for a quiet lunch in my office before your shipment arrives.” The ancient wood floor creaked and moaned as they passed barrels, antique cabinets, and wooden shelves displaying old-fashion tools, housewares, and country-style accessories. Emily breathed in the lavender scent of old-fashioned soap bars. They made their way through the back room to Scott’s office. He plunked the basket on a worktable and removed his black frock coat, one of three he wore to signify the store’s history. “Are you ready for your big book signing?” “You know when our paper hits the street tomorrow morning, my event will turn into instant old news.” Emily removed two chicken salad sandwiches from the basket and handed one to Scott. “I’m not convinced the town council made the right decision to meet in private and keep everything a secret.” “Remember how residents reacted when they learned the Atlanta TV station wanted to shoot a segment about our town?” Emily groaned. “Yeah. They nearly drove us crazy with questions we couldn’t answer.” “Which is exactly why we didn’t hold a public meeting and start a dispute that would stretch way past the decision deadline.” He unwrapped


Pat Nichols his sandwich. “If we had turned the offer down, we’d get our butts kicked all the way to South Carolina.” Emily fiddled with the wrapping on her sandwich. “At least half the population would give you the boot. The other half is still complaining about crowds and traffic.” Scott took a bite, then reached for his drink. “Everyone will come around when they discover the benefits.” Willow Falls’ number one mail carrier and purveyor of gossip swooped in carrying a stack of mail. “What benefits?” Emily flinched and turned at Mirabelle Paine’s voice. “Do you have my shipment?” “Two big boxes. I need Scott’s help to bring them in.” “Yes, ma’am,” he said to Mirabelle, then winked at his wife. “I’ll be right back with the goods.” Emily released a long breath, relieved Mirabelle didn’t press for an explanation. She wiped her damp palms on her jeans as the year-long journey from rejection to published author played in her head. Unlike Rachel’s dream, hers had taken a giant leap forward. Scott returned and deposited a box on the table. “Personal delivery for Georgia’s soon-to-be-famous author.” Emily’s heart pounded. Mirabelle plopped down the second box and propped her hands on her ample hips. “Well, what are you waiting for? I don’t have all day.” “To do what?” Mirabelle gestured toward one of the boxes. “Buy a book.” “You know you have to wait ’til Saturday.” Emily placed a protective hand on one of the boxes. Mirabelle looked from Scott to Emily and frowned. “Why can’t I buy one right now?” “And have you upstage my book-signing event? Not a chance.” “My wife is one smart lady.” Scott whipped out his pocketknife and sliced through the tape. “At least you’ll see it up close before all your neighbors.” Emily lifted the flaps and reached for a book. Her heart soared as she traced the artist’s rendition of a horse-drawn carriage in front of the


Starstruck in Willow Falls family store. She touched the title. Percy’s Legacy. She could hardly believe it was finally here. Scott removed his phone from his belt clip. “Hold it up, honey, so you can share this occasion on social media.” “Wait a minute.” Emily pulled lipstick from her purse and reapplied color. She held up the book and smiled at her husband. “Okay, I’m ready.” “You look gorgeous.” He snapped a series of photos. Mirabelle reached over and removed a book from the box. “Great cover, and your name is big.” “My name on a book.” Emily pressed the novel to her chest. “It’s surreal.” “I still want to buy one today.” “Like I said, you have to wait.” She snatched the book from Mirabelle’s hand. “What’s with the attitude?” Emily softened her tone. “Sorry, I don’t mean to seem ungrateful.” Mirabelle huffed. “I can’t imagine why you won’t give one of the town’s star performers first dibs.” Scott closed the box. “Try to understand what a big deal this is for Emily. As a compromise, I bet she’s willing to reserve the first spot in line for you.” “That’s a great idea, Scott.” Emily touched Mirabelle’s arm. “I promise to sell you the first signed copy.” “Okay. That’s better than nothing.” She sniffed and ambled to the door. With her hand on the knob, she glanced over her shoulder. “Sadie told me the Mirabelle suite is booked all the way through the end of the year. That means lots of Willow Inn visitors will read my story and know I’m a Willow Falls VIP. See you guys Saturday.” Emily waited to hear the click of the door closing. “At least she didn’t press us for the latest scoop.” “Give her time. The day’s not over yet.” Scott reopened the box, lifted a book, and touched the photo gracing the back cover. “You look like a successful author.” “A published book doesn’t automatically lead to a profitable writing career. I need to rack up sales. Starting with all these copies.” 10

Pat Nichols Scott grinned at her. “And I thought managing this store was a tough business.” Emily placed the book in the box and imagined standing at a crossroad. “I’ve made a decision about my next project.” “Should I alert the media?” Scott slammed his palm against his forehead. “Oh, wait. As the Willow Post editor, you are the town’s media.” “Very funny.” She studied the book cover. “Instead of writing a sequel to Percy’s Legacy, I plan to write a contemporary novel about Willow Falls’ transformation, with a different name for the town and fictional characters of course. A multi-book series, filled with fun and drama.” “Uh-huh, and what happens when the book is published, and half the people in town swear the story is about them?” “I haven’t figured that part out yet.” She pinched her chin. “If I start writing next week, I can finish a first draft by January and pitch it to my publisher by the end of March.” “You’re forgetting one big issue. After your sister marries Charlie and moves out of our house, she won’t be around to help you take care of our twins.” “Hmmm. Good point.” Emily sat at Scott’s desk and removed paper and pen from the drawer. “Are you planning to write chapter one now?” She shook her head. “I’m making a list of everything I need to accomplish before the wedding.” Scott moved closer and placed his hands on Emily’s shoulders. “I don’t want you take on too much. Again.” “Don’t worry. I won’t commit to anything I can’t handle.” “I’ll believe that when I see it.”


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