Becoming Student Book Preview

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changedbyChrist When people encounter Christ, they are never the same. Take for instance Phil Robertson a.k.a The Duck Commander. He and his family started out with nothing but have made millions selling duck calls. He and his family are also known for their famous cable TV show, Duck Dynasty. When Phil was younger, He attended Louisiana Tech University where he became starting quarterback on the football team. His popularity led him to attend team parties, begin drinking, and doing drugs. This fast and loose lifestyle soon caused his world to spin out of control. Phil’s partying and drinking made his wife Kay very unhappy. She described his conduct as angry and distant and she suspected that he was being unfaithful to him. Later Phil took over the management of a bar. His inclination towards drinking and wild living were continuing to put a strain on his marriage and his relationship with his young children. One day a man with a Bible walked into Phil’s bar and attempted to witness to him. Phil initially ran the man off but after a scrape with the law that forced Phil to have to hide out in the woods for a while, Phil met with the man again. This time the man was able to tell him how Christ had died on the cross for his sins and that through Christ, he could be forgiven and restored. Phil accepted Christ, and was later baptized while his wife and three boys looked on in joy and amazement. Instead of restlessness and anger Phil’s heart was filled with the love of Christ. He began to study the Bible, pray, and show grace to those with whom he used to fight and get into trouble with. Since his conversion, Phil has gone on to use his platform with Duck Commander and Duck Dynasty to share how he was changed by the powerful love of Christ.


lesson1 What color are your eyes? brown blue green What color is your hair? brown blonde






Would you consider yourself... short average tall Are you... left-handed


What size shoe do you wear? ______________________________________________________ Name your three favorite styles of music. ___________________________________________________________________________________ If your life story were a movie, which actor or actress would play you? ___________________________________________________________________________________ What is your favorite extracurricular activity? ___________________________________________________________________________________ Name one person who has had a major influence on your life. ___________________________________________________________________________________ What would your closest friends say is your biggest strength? ___________________________________________________________________________________ What would your closest friends say is your biggest weakness? ___________________________________________________________________________________ Name one moment in your life that made you extremely happy. ___________________________________________________________________________________


Name one thing about you that makes you different from anyone else in the room. ___________________________________________________________________________________


Name one thing about your life that says to the world, “I am a follower of Jesus.” ___________________________________________________________________________________ IDENTITY __________________________________________________________________________

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How well do you know your pop culture?

Match the defining moments with their descriptions.



1. Teenage girls begin to choose between team Edward and team Jacob. 2. A device that brings a whole new meaning to the word smartphone. 3. A caped crime fighter is forced to make a very hard choice.

A. On June 12, 2010, Toy Story 3 is released and grosses over a billion dollars worldwide. B. On July 18, 2008, Batman, The Dark Knight, is released. C. On October 5th, 2005, Stephanie Meyer publishes her first book in the Twilight series

4. A wedding fit for a king

D. On June 29, 2007, the first iPhone® debuts exceeding sales expectations.

5. Andy grows up and parts ways with his old pal Woody.

E. On April 29, 2011, Prince William and Catherine Middleton tie the knot.

Read Acts 9:3–6. List any words or phrases that stand out as important or meaningful. ________________________________________________________________ Read Acts 9:7–8. What were the results of Paul’s encounter with Jesus? ________________________________________________________________

Read Acts 9:15–16. List any words or phrases that stand out as important or significant. ________________________________________________________________


Read Acts 9:9–14. Why was Ananias afraid? ________________________________________________________________



achangeinidentity Follow along with your leader by filling in the blanks. Use the space provided to take notes.

1. Before encountering Christ, Paul was an _________ ____ _______ (Acts 7:51–8:3).


2. Paul experienced ________________ when he encountered Christ (Acts 9:1–9).


3. After encountering Christ, Paul became a messenger of _________ _________ (Acts 9:10–16).



JESUS IS BOTH FULLY GOD AND FULLY HUMAN. He is Christ, the Son of God. Born of a virgin, He lived a sinless life and performed many miracles. He died on the cross to provide people forgiveness of sin and eternal salvation. Jesus rose from the dead, ascended to the right hand of the Father, and will return in power and glory.



flashlight scripture search Are you up for a challenge?

Verse 1: _______________________________ Verse 2: _______________________________ Verse 3: _______________________________ Verse 4: _______________________________


Turn off the lights, and grab a flashlight. See if you can find the five Scripture references hidden in the margins of this book. Be the first to find them and write them in the blanks provided.



Verse 5: _______________________________ What do these verses all have in common? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

1 Timothy 1:12–13 _____________________________ Acts 14:21–22 ________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Acts 22:4–5 ___________________________________ Acts 28:7–9 ___________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

What about you? ____________________________ What about you? ____________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________


Acts 22:19–20 _________________________________ 2 Timothy 4:12 ________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________




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What do you reflect to the world? Write a prayer to God expressing your desire to be a reflection of Christ.


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