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Luke 6—Hunger

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Luke 5—Heal

Luke 5—Heal

us want to know more. God allows us to “rattle the gi ” to give us a hint of joy and excitement. Ask yourself, Where am I in this story? and He will begin to give you clues of unimaginable gi s to which all the other gi s under the tree cannot compare!


1. In what part of your life do you feel dark or alone? 2. Can you imagine light pouring in? 3. Ask God to give you the gi of hope and expectation this



Dear God, You are the Light of the World. Please remind me that when I’m in a relationship with You, I also can more brightly shine by re ecting You.


“He who is mightier than I is coming.” (Luke 3:16)

December 2

Luke 2—Receive

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

—Luke 2:11

e time had come. e day of all days had arrived. Joseph, a descendant of King David, and Mary, his ancée, had returned to Bethlehem as required by the Roman emperor to register for the census. Likely exhausted a er their long journey and unable to nd lodging, they settled in with the animals and prepared for the birth of their baby. And then, nally, the Holy One arrived—a human, and yet as prophesied, the Son of God.

Mary wrapped Him in strips of cloth and laid Him in a manger, a feeding trough for the animals. And there He lay before them—a light in the darkness, the Savior, the Messiah, the Lord.

A host of angels appeared to the shepherds, praising God and proclaiming, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased” (Luke 2:14).

In addition to the birth of Christ, peace is a predominant message of Christmas. e angels were the rst to announce that Jesus’s arrival would o er a great gi —the gi of peace. e people of the world desire peace, but what does this mean to us? Peace is an inner sense of calm regardless of the outer circumstances and con icts of life. is explains why beauty pageant contestants o en answer “world peace” when asked what is the biggest need our world cur-

rently faces. Most agree that if someone o ered us the gi of complete peace, of course, we would immediately accept.

Luke 2 also presents a number of characters entering the story of Jesus’s birth in Bethlehem. What did they all have in common? ey were human and longed for a Savior. As we peer into the story, we can learn from each individual’s response. e rst people who came in contact with Jesus were ready to receive their Lord. Let’s look at how they reacted to the good news:

• e angels rejoiced and proclaimed glory to God. • Mary pondered the birth of Jesus and watched the response of the people as they met her son, God’s Son. • Mary and Joseph presented and dedicated Him to the

Lord. • e shepherds glori ed and praised God. • Simeon, a righteous and devout man, proclaimed that salvation for the world had come through Jesus. • Anna, a prophetess, gave thanks and told many. • e teachers in the temple were amazed at Him.

Gi s are given at di erent times in the lives of individuals: birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events. But many think of Christmas as the most signi cant time for gi giving. It’s the one time of year that those who celebrate simultaneously give and receive gi s. I remember as a young girl on Christmas morning, one of the most exciting parts of receiving gi s was sharing the excitement with my friends. “What did you get?” I would ask, and we would celebrate together.

On the night Jesus was born, the world received the greatest gi ever given—the gi of a Savior who would deliver them and bring them peace. e people had nally received what they so

desired. What about you? Have you received our Savior and the peace He provides? Do you have the inner calm gi ed to those who believe and receive Him? If so, let us share the good news with others.


1. How might you personally receive the gi of Jesus this year during the Christmas season? 2. If you could picture a gi that God might give you, what do you see as you open it? 3. What is one thing you can do to nd a calm spirit today?


Jesus, may I not only receive You but also look to You daily as my Savior. I long for the inner calm gi ed to those who believe. ank You for providing this sense of peace that is always available to me. Give me a spirit of tranquility and harmony today.


“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)

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