3 minute read

John 3 New, Part 1


I hear tiny feet pitter-patter across a polished wooden oor. It’s Easter morning and the sun is rising. “ ere’s another one!” my three-year-old son exclaims with delight, racing toward a babyblue egg hidden in a corner of the room. His eyes widen as he opens the plastic egg, revealing a small piece of candy, a treasure. He tastes the sugary treat and a smile lights up his face. A moment later, his chubby hands clutch the handle of a basket lled with eggs, and my precious boy is o again, eagerly searching the room for more.

Easter. What a monumental day. is is the day we celebrate the resurrection of God’s Son. On this day, we have reason to proclaim our new identity in Him, because of what He did for us. When He rose from the dead, everything changed. Beginning with this single moment in time, our new life was made possible.

Jesus’s resurrection con rmed and a rmed an identity in us that cannot be shaken.

As we dig into the Easter story and its astonishing conclusion, you might nd it hard to believe. Or you might believe the story, but it has become overly familiar. Or maybe you’ve never before heard the story. Regardless, what we will discover about Jesus is intense. It’s horrible and it’s wonderful. But most importantly, it opens the possibility for a new identity—one based upon how God sees us rather than how we might see ourselves. Our imperfections are replaced by His perfection, our sin by His righteousness. As we dive deep into the life of Jesus according to John, we will begin to understand what He has done for us. In each

chapter we will nd treasures—messages of love, notes of care, validations of security. We will recognize our status as children of the King. We will rest with assurance in new and powerful ways because Jesus’s tender message de nes us not only on Easter but also on every day of every year. e narrative about Jesus found in the book of John enables us to turn our eyes toward Him and focus on His birth, His life, and His resurrection. John paints a picture of how Jesus interacted with the people surrounding Him during His time on earth, giving us insight into how He relates to and loves us. Because of who we are as children of God, we are privileged to “draw near” to Him, and in turn, He promises to “draw near” to us (James 4:8). As we get to know Jesus in the book of John, we will begin to have a clearer understanding of who He created us to be. e journey ahead will give you a new perspective. You might nd it di cult to see yourself as God sees you. Perhaps you are considering believing in Him for the very rst time. Or possibly you have always believed in God but never truly experienced a relationship with Him. You may be a seasoned believer who desires a renewed sense of joy during the Easter celebration. Whichever is true, this beautiful and profound book of John is for you.

As we read through John’s account of Jesus’s life, we will be searching for and discovering new treasures every day. Like my young son on Easter morning, we will be lled with delight as these new treasures and truths unfold before us. In each chapter we will come face-to-face with Jesus, who came to make us complete. We invite you to join us on this forty-three-day journey as we prayerfully read through the book of John. You might be

surprised or even disturbed by some of the events, but ultimately, what you nd will be sweet and lovely and comforting.

Understanding and belief in the riches of God’s love for us will provide the opportunity for a new life in Christ, lled with both security and freedom. is opportunity will nurture our souls and condition us for the most important celebration of the year: the celebration of His resurrection. Just as the earth shook and the stone rolled away on that glorious resurrection day, let’s pray together that the stones of our doubt will also roll away. As we explore why Easter really does matter, we will discover amazing treasures that reveal how the resurrection of Jesus changes everything.

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