Gideon: Self-Doubter Biblical Passages: Judges 6:11–16; 7:1–8 Supporting Passages: Judges 2:6–19; Hebrews 11:32; Acts 1:8 Memory Verses: Judges 6:15–16 Biblical Truth: God chose Gideon, an insecure and selfdoubting man, and supplied the security and assurance Gideon needed to accomplish His purposes.
Consider . . . Have you wondered what strengths you possess that God could possibly use? Or, does everything about you feel like a weakness? Do you live in doubt, fear, and insecurity, thinking God has not noticed you? Gideon wondered the same thing. He saw himself as weak, small, fearful, and insignificant . . . how could God possibly use him for anything?
and dens. Israel cried out to God. In response, God sent a judge to remind the people of His past provision, His command to fear only Him, and their disobedience. Gideon concluded that God had delivered the Israelites into the hand of the Midianites. His assumption that God had abandoned them was wrong. He saw no relationship between Israel’s dependence on other gods and the dire circumstances in which he and his neighbors found themselves. Despite Gideon’s lack of perception and his fear of the Midianites, the “angel of the Lord” addressed Gideon as a “mighty warrior.” God saw judges (shaphat) Gideon not only for what he was, From the time of Joshua’s but for what he could become. death until the reign of
King Saul, Israel was a loose
Reread verses 12 and 14. Notice the relationship between what God reveals about Himself and the valor and might He ascribed to Gideon. What did God want Gideon to understand?
confederation with no central governing body. The people of Israel tended to rebel
against God and received oppression from foreign
nations as punishment. When they called out to God for
deliverance, God employed
judges as His agents. Judges
God, in order to show His glory, chooses weak, insignificant people to accomplish His purposes. He calls us in the midst of doubt, fear, and unbelief to go forth in His strength as mighty men and women of valor. The story of Gideon shows that God holds the future. God is sufficient to carry out His plan in spite of the insufficiencies of the one He chooses to carry out His plan.
were a diverse and charismatic group of leaders who rallied
their nation to defeat the
foreign nations (Judg. 2:6–23).
_________________________ Midianites
The Midianites were a nomadic people who
descended from Midian, the
God Calls Us for What We Will Become (Judg. 6:11–14).
God Promises to Be with Us (Judg. 6:15–16).
Because the Israelites had placed their trust in false gods instead of the one, true God, the Lord gave the Midianites power over Israel. The Midianites made raiding trips into the Israelites’ lands and stole their crops and livestock. The raids forced the Israelites to retreat to mountain caves
Gideon was accustomed to hiding in a cave, trying to feed his family while not getting killed. He saw himself as the weakest member of the weakest clan in Israel. Gideon’s
son of Abraham and Keturah. They lived in the desert
fringes of Moab and Edom
near the Sinai Peninsula and were known for the wide-
spread use of camels as a new combat tool.
description of himself as weak and insignificant was no news to God. He knew Gideon well—including his doubts and insecurities. But once again, God assured Gideon, “I will be with you.” The Lord knew His presence and hope of future victory would transform Gideon.
God revealed the reason for reducing the size of Israel’s army: He did not want Israel to boast a victory, saying that the nation was saved by its “own strength.” God demanded full credit for Israel’s future salvation. As He had promised, He was with Gideon and the army.
Reread verses 15–16. Gideon mistakenly thought the Lord was asking him to save Israel in his own strength. How has God saved you? How does hope in God’s future promises sustain you?
Reread verses 3 and 7. Why was it necessary for the people to place their total trust in God rather than in their own effort? ______________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
In what ways do you depend on your own efforts for salvation? ___________________________________________
God Demands Our Total Reliance on Him (Judg. 7:1–8). Convinced of God’s presence with him, Gideon raised up an army ( Judg. 6:34–35). Even though Gideon’s army numbered in the thousands, his men were still outnumbered by more than four to one. Yet fully aware of the size of the enemy camp, God dramatically reduced the Israelite army by putting the soldiers through two tests. After the first test, 22,000 soldiers were sent home. After the second test, God kept a tiny army of only 300 Israelites to face the Midianites. The Midianites and their allies had such a large army that they were compared to locusts in abundance ( Judg. 6:5–6). Their camels were described as too many to count—like “the sand on the seashore” ( Judg. 7:12). In fact, the Midianites had learned to use camels as tools of war. They were a formidable enemy.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Because People are God’s Treasure, God chose to work angel of the Lord through Gideon, a man who The angel of the Lord, a could not see his own potential. messenger of God, is someDespite Gideon’s fearful reactimes described as the Lord tion to his circumstances, God Himself. The messenger addressed him as a “mighty conveyed revelation or instrucwarrior” or a “mighty man of tion to people. valour” (KJV). God knew the man that Gideon would become once his trust in God was restored. God also sees the person you will become as you see more of His glory and your faith increases.
Daily Bible Readings Day 1 — God’s Faithfulness Read Judges 2:10–19 and 6:1–10. Time and time again Israel was unfaithful to God. What began as a lack of knowledge in God and His ways resulted in a cycle that continued as follows: Israel renounced God and started depending on other gods; God grew angry; God punished Israel; God provided a means of salvation; and then stubborn Israel returned to evil ways. As you journal below, write about a time you were caught in a cycle of unfaithfulness to God. Include how the cycle began. Describe God’s faithfulness despite your cycle of sin.
Pause to Pray: Thank God that He is forever faithful in His love and mercy for you. Ask Him to forgive you for not fully trusting in Him alone.
Day 2 — God’s Provision Read Judges 6:11–16, Exodus 4:10–12, and Acts 1:8. In God’s mercy, and while the Israelites continued sinning, God chose fearful, doubting Gideon to be His man. Gideon, like Moses, had excuses. Even though God had promised Gideon He would be with Him, Gideon did not comprehend what God meant. As you journal below, write about a time you made excuses to God because you did not understand His expectation for you to depend on Him to accomplish His will.
Pause to Pray: Praise God for faithfully providing everything you need to do what He commands. Thank Him that He does not expect you to do anything in your own strength.
Day 3 — God’s Command Read Judges 7:1–6. God wanted Israel to know for certain that He alone saves. As a result, God took extreme measures to make sure Israel would not credit its upcoming victory to strength it possessed apart from Him. As you journal below, write about a time you took credit for God’s work on your behalf. Explain who received glory and who was dishonored due to your attitude.
Pause to Pray: Thank God for always supplying what is best for you, even when you do not understand His reasons. Ask God to forgive you for taking the credit yourself rather than giving Him the glory.
Day 4 — God’s Plan Read Judges 7:7–18. God gave Gideon His plan: “With the three hundred men that lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands.” Then He showed Gideon the army he was up against. Rather than removing Gideon’s fear and doubt, God acknowledged both and provided a way for Gideon to overcome. As you journal below, write about a time God gave you strength to accomplish His purposes when you had doubt and fear.
Pause to Pray: Thank God for His victory over evil in your life despite your shortcomings. Ask Him to empower you to become His conqueror.
Day 5 — God’s Victory Read Judges 7:19–22. Through Gideon, God increased the entire army’s faith to the point that they were willing to face this great army with odd equipment and an eccentric plan rather than with typical battle weapons and a proven military strategy. Gideon’s army was able to stand their ground while God secured the victory. As you journal below, write about a time God removed your doubt and gave you an incredible victory.
Pause to Pray: Thank God for equipping you with unique gifts, His Word, and the Holy Spirit. Thank God that through Jesus Christ your victory is secure.
Lesson 2: Gideon: Self-Doubter Biblical Passages: Judges 6:11–16, 7:1–8 Memory Verses: “But Lord,” Gideon asked, “how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.” The Lord answered, “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midian- ites together.” Judges 6:15–16 Table Talk Question: Is it ever right to test God or bargain with Him?
1. God reminds us of His presence when we are feeling ___________ and ___________ ( Judg. 6:11–16).
2. God protects us from ___________ and ___________ ___________ by reminding us that He is the One who works in and through us to accomplish His will ( Judg. 7:1–3).
3. God ___________ people according to His specific plans to ___________ things far greater than themselves ( Judg. 7:4–8).
QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER • What situation or relationship always makes you feel like an insecure adolescent again? • Do Christians or non-Christians struggle more with doubt? Why? • At what point does insecurity and doubt become a sin? • In what way has God separated the good from the best in your life? What method did He use to do so? • In what specific area of your life do you lack confidence or feel insufficient to be used by God?
“Our doubts are traitors, / And make us lose the good we oft might win / By fearing to attempt.” —William Shakespeare, “Measure for Measure”
Answers: 1. alone, insecure; 2. self-sufficiency, false security; 3. qualifies, accomplish.
FITTING THE BILL Consider the following passages and compare God’s callings for Gideon, Moses, David, and Simon and Andrew. Fill in the blank next to each passage.
1. Gideon (Judges 6:7, 11–12)
Judges 6:7—The Lord ____________________________________. Judges 6:11—Gideon was __________________________________. Judges 6:12—The Lord ___________________________________.
2. Moses (Exodus 2:23–25; 3:1–2)
Exodus 2:23–25—The Lord ____________________________________. Exodus 3:1—Moses was ____________________________________. Exodus 3:2—The Lord ____________________________________.
3. David (1 Samuel 16:1, 11–12)
1 Samuel 16:1—The Lord ____________________________________. 1 Samuel 16:11—David was ____________________________________. 1 Samuel 16:12—The Lord ____________________________________.
4. Simon and Andrew (Mark 1:16–17)
Mark 1:16—The Lord ____________________________________. Mark 1:16—Simon and Andrew were ______________________________. Mark 1:17—The Lord ____________________________________.
The Pattern
1. The Lord ____________________________________. 2. Someone is simply ____________________________________. 3. The Lord ____________________________________.
No Doubts We cannot always see in ourselves what God sees in us. In the first column list things about yourself that you doubt God could ever use. In the second column list a specific way that God could help you conquer each doubt so that it would no longer stand in the way of Him using you. Things about me God could never use:
Ways God could conquer each doubt:
5. --------
WHOM I BELIEVE “I Know Whom I Have Believed� Text: Daniel W. Whittle Music: James McGranahan Gospel Hymns No. 4, 1883 (Public Domain)
I know not why God's wondrous grace To me He hath made known, Nor why, unworthy, Christ in love Redeemed me for His own.
3. I know not how the Spirit moves, Convincing us of sin, Revealing Jesus through the Word, Creating faith in Him. (Refrain)
But I know Whom I have believed, And am persuaded that He is able To keep that which I've committed Unto Him against that day.
4. I know not when my Lord may come, At night or noonday fair, Nor if I walk the vale with Him, Or meet Him in the air. (Refrain)
2. I know not how this saving faith To me He did impart, Nor how believing in His Word Wrought peace within my heart. (Refrain)