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Birmingham, Alabama



once heard John Maxwell say something like, “A self-made man certainly never makes much.” That statement has never been more true concerning this book. This achievement has been accomplished by a team. Thank you to John Herring and the entire staff at Iron Stream Media. John is the epitome of a true professional. Thank you to Kim Beverage, my assistant, who provided the blocks in the schedule for this to be possible. She is my right arm (and left) in getting so many things accomplished in ministry. A personal thank you to Amber Hardy, my research assistant, who did most of the work for this book. Amber is a bright, rising leader in ministry. She does not know the word can’t and will work tirelessly to reach every deadline. Amber, thank you! This forty-day journey has been made profoundly better by every individual writer that contributed. These devotionals are written from multiple unique perspectives, including youth pastors, ministry staff members, former interns, spouses, and volunteers at our conferences. This book is also fortunate to include a student contributor, ix



who submitted her writing in faith during our student writing competition. Thank you, Lindsey Wood, for your contribution! To all of our contributors, I would like to thank you for giving this project your time and prayer. Thank you for being faithful enough to proclaim the life-changing words of the Bible and vulnerable enough to share how these words have impacted you personally. Finally, thank you, Tarra. She is rock solid and my perfect helpmate. I am so thankful the Lord brought us together. To Christ and Him alone be all glory and praise for what He has done!




A 40-Day Journey of Knowing Christ and Making Him Known


t is truly a holy paradox, the idea that each of us tries to hide from God. However, Scripture teaches us we cannot hide from God. If I dig a pit, He is there. Since the Garden of Eden, humankind has tried to hide. For thousands of years, nothing has really ever changed. When faced with the shame of our sin, we hide from God. The paradox is that someone can actually be hidden in Christ. Paul says, in Colossians 3:3, “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.� Think about it like this: when you come to know Christ, He engulfs you. He surrounds you. Sustains you. Empowers you. As God sees you, He sees you in Christ, perfect. It is no longer attempting to hide from God but to be in right relationship with Him. There is no longer shame but rather forgiveness. Shame is the end result of being lost in sin. Of knowing




out how to make it right. Let’s face it. We are guilty. No doubt about it. No one forces us to sin; it just comes naturally. However, Christ makes us complete. He forgives and cleanses. First John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (emphasis added). To be hidden in Christ means no more shame for the covered and uncovered sin in my life! When we are hidden in Christ we are no longer hiding in sin but rather walking in the power of the Spirit. Have thing to get out of it, only to make it worse? Then you keep doing things to make the situation worse and worse until, makes us do things that damage us more than we can imagine. In Christ, we are able to walk in victory. Again, please do not think Christ doesn’t have power over sin. He does. So many Christians want to justify their sin while excusing it and indulging it. Don’t do that! Christ has victory over the grave. Sin has no dominion over a follower of Christ! When we are hidden in Christ, we are no longer diswalking into the room thinking you are better than everyone but walking into a room and not comparing yourself to anyone. If ever we needed a generation of bold believers— it is now. The most insecure people I have met hide it in a form of arrogance. There is a major difference between

Introduction to Hidden


who you are. What would it be like in your life if you lived by these three stark differences—to have forgiveness, walk in power, and live in a Holy boldness? Think about this opportunity over this forty-day journey. This is your opportunity to experience a true transformation. These days will bring inspiration, challenge, and opportunities. Everyone is hidden—it only depends where you place your trust. In yourself or in Christ. Now, come on . . . let’s get started!

Day 1 InTroduCTIon




o many Christians have misunderstood the Christian walk as one that does not seek after God. If you went to a restaurant for a meal and never got seated, never was waited on, and had no one attending to your needs, would you have ever eaten? No. Our relationship with God is similar. When we do not seek Him and search for His wisdom, we miss out on the opportunity to know the Almighty God. How can we know him better? By seeking His will and serving His purposes. Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV) says, “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.” The word for renew can be best translated, “exchange.” Did you catch that? If we wait upon the Lord, just like a waitress or waiter in a restaurant, we will exchange our strength for God’s strength. His joy for ours. Does God have enough strength? Wisdom? Joy? As we seek after Him, we realize He provides all we have ever needed. teousness, and all these things will given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). What does that mean to you? Quite simply, pursue Him. Live life in light of eternity. I am not 3



suggesting you quit sports, forget studying, or never get married. Rather you should submit everything else to His authority. It will make life so much better. Trust me. To borrow the Westminster Shorter Catechism, “A man’s chief end is to glorify God, and enjoy Him forever.” ply will never satisfy. Don’t become one of those perilous pursuit people. Discover purpose. This happens when Are you seeking after the true God in order to serve Him, or are you creating a God that serves your sinful purposes? This may mean you will need to rearrange some priorities or your schedule, and in your pursuit, discover the purpose of life!

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