31V Hope Sample

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Published by SL Resources, Inc. A Division of Student Life © 2009 SL Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Student Life Resources, Inc. Address all correspondence to: Student Life Attn: Ministry Resources 2183 Parkway Lake Drive Birmingham, AL 35226 Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. ISBN-10: 1935040162 ISBN-13: 978-1-935040-16-3 31 Verses Every Teenager Should Know™ www.studentlife.com www.31verses.com Printed in the United States of America


Introduction How To Use


Verse 1: Verse 2: Verse 3: Verse 4: Verse 5: Verse 6: Verse 7: Verse 8: Verse 9: Verse 10: Verse 11: Verse 12: Verse 13: Verse 14: Verse 15: Verse 16: Verse 17: Verse 18: Verse 19: Verse 20: Verse 21: Verse 22: Verse 23: Verse 24: Verse 25: Verse 26: Verse 27: Verse 28: Verse 29: Verse 30: Verse 31:

2Timothy 1:9 2 Timothy 1:14 1 Chronicles 22:19a Matthew 16:15 2 Corinthians 5:7 1 Peter 2:2 Mark 8:36 Psalm 79:9 James 4:8a Romans 12:10 Luke 2:52 Hebrews 13:7 Colossians 4:2 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Psalm 5:3 Psalm 139:23 Psalm 51:10 1 Corinthians 6:20 1 Peter 5:8 1 Timothy 4:13 Psalm 119:11 Colossians 3:23 Matthew 7:21 1 John 4:1 Hebrews 10:25 Titus 3:14 James 1:26 Deuteronomy 7:9 Psalm 68:5 Micah 6:8 Psalm 86:2

Closing Acknowledgments

i ii 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 64 66

INTRO What are you devoted to? Everybody is passionate and committed to something. What you are devoted to is more defining than anything else about you. Think about it. No matter how much money you have, where you come from, what color your skin is, what language you speak, or even your gender, nothing shapes your identity and creates a common bond with different people like passions and commitments. Or perhaps better put, obsessions. There are things that you just can’t get enough of. Things you love. Things you dream about and talk about. Things that help define you as a person, influence how you spend your time and money, and factor into everything from the clothes you wear to the people you hang out with. So, what is worthy of this level of life-defining devotion?

Now that you own this incredible little book, you may be wondering, “What do I do with it?” Glad you asked. The great thing about this book is that you can use it just about any way you want. It’s not a system. It’s a resource that can be used in ways that are as unique and varied as you are. A few suggestions . . .

The One Month Plan

On this plan, you’ll read one devotional each day for a month. This is a great way to immerse yourself in the Bible for a month-long period. (OK, we realize that every month doesn’t have 31 days. But 28 or 30 is close enough to 31, right?) The idea is to cover a lot of information in a short amount of time.

Now, I know you don’t like people telling you what to do or trying to put labels on you. You don’t want to be put into a box, backed into a corner, or painted with a broad brush. I also know that you want your life to count. And if the Bible is true and if Jesus is who He says He is, then it is a matter of eternal life and death to not only figure out what you believe, but to live it out as well. In that case, being devoted to Him is the only way that life ultimately matters.

The idea behind this plan is to memorize the verse for each day’s devotional; you don’t move on to the next devotional until you’ve memorized the Scripture you’re on. If you’re like most people, this might take you more than one day per devotional. So this plan takes a slower approach.

This book is full of carefully chosen verses that describe characteristics of a life devoted to Christ. But this isn’t a “be a better person” checklist. This is an eye-opening, life-giving injection of passion into your veins, straight from the Word of God. He’s crazy about you. He gave His life for you. So, what are you doing with your life? Use your passions, talents, and God-given abilities to make known the amazing fact that you can be devoted to a God who is also devoted to you.

Don’t like to write or journal? This plan is for you. . . . Listen, not everyone expresses themselves the same way. If you don’t like to express yourself through writing, that’s OK. Simply read the devotional for each verse, then read the questions. Think about them. Pray through them. But don’t feel as if you have to journal if you don’t want to.

Your life matters. Today. Tomorrow. And for eternity. What will you do with it?



Jeremy Maxfield Editor

The Scripture Memory Plan

The “I’m No William Shakespeare” Plan

The Strength in Numbers Plan

God designed humans for interaction. We’re social creatures. How cool would it be if you could go through 31: Christ with your friends? Get a group of friends together. Consider agreeing to read five verses each week, then meeting to talk about them. Pretty simple, right? Choose a plan. Or make up your own. But get started already. What are you waiting for?




“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

JaShaun Agosto is just your typical 12-year-old. Except for the fact that he’s one of the best basketball players in the country. A YouTube star by the age of nine, JaShaun has already basically been recruited by UCLA. His basketball team is so good that they play two levels above their grade and still win. And he holds the world record for fastest mile (4:50) for someone in his age group. After being on almost every talk show you can imagine, you would think JaShaun would start to believe his own hype. Wrong. This kid plays basketball with his dad for four hours a day, has a workout regimen of 200 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, and 250 squats, and caps it all off with running two miles. JaShaun says the key to his success is “practice.” Read 1 Chronicles 22:19. Here, David is setting up the kingdom with a list of rules and regulations. He’s imploring his people to devote themselves to seeking God. And seeking God isn’t just something that you fall into. It follows the same principle as everything else in life – if you’re going to be devoted to it, you have to give your time, your energy, and your resources. Living intentionally doesn’t just happen. JaShaun doesn’t just happen to find his way to the gym everyday after school, he doesn’t just happen to do ball drills with his dad, he doesn’t just happen to be good. Sure, he’s got some talent there. But if he didn’t intentionally hone it, he’d be just another middle-school basketball player. In the same way, you can’t just say that you’re committing to know Christ better and think it will automatically happen for you. It takes discipline. It takes encouragement from others. And it takes whole-hearted devotion to seeking God.


1. In your own words, explain the gospel and why it is so valuable.

2. Describe the ways you’ve experienced the life-changing gift of the gospel through faith, godly people, and the Holy Spirit.

3. How can the Holy Spirit help you remain devoted to the gospel? In what ways might the world try to hijack or distort the truth of the gospel if it is not carefully guarded?




To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27

Have you seen the show “Teen Cribs” on MTV? A camera crew follows rich teenagers as they give tours of their mansions. They show off their home theaters and tennis courts, but most of these teens didn’t buy that stuff. They didn’t earn the expensive cars or work for the Olympic-sized swimming pools, yet they have the privilege of showing them to the world. Similarly, salvation and holiness aren’t results of our achievements, but by God’s grace they are ours to show the world. Read 2 Timothy 1:8-12. Paul wrote 2 Timothy to—you guessed it—Timothy. He wrote from a cold prison awaiting his execution, yet he proclaimed God’s grace and salvation! When Paul met Christ on the road to Damascus (That story is in Acts 9:1-6) his life became a reaction to God’s grace. It’s important to note that Paul’s story did not end on that road. On the day he met Jesus the story of Saul the persecutor ended, but the life of Paul the Apostle began. In Paul we see what it looks like to live a holy life in honor of Christ. Too often people treat salvation as the finish line or the end of their story with Christ. That’s like saying: “I’m forgiven of my sins; now back to life as usual.” But, before we were born God had a plan for us—and pumping the brakes at salvation isn’t what He had in mind. Looking at the life of Paul we see that God’s forgiveness isn’t the end of the story. God’s grace and salvation are the beginnings of a life devoted to the cause of Christ and the glory of God. If God has saved you, then He has also called you to a life of holiness. This isn’t because of your strengths or achievements. Both the gift of salvation and the calling to holiness are given according to God’s purpose and accomplished by His grace in us.


1. Paul’s life transformed dramatically upon meeting Christ. Your testimony may not be as dramatic, but every testimony involves life change. How has your life changed since you received God’s grace?

2. “Holy” can be a familiar, yet mysterious word. We hear it often but may not know what it means. Take time and study this word. Look it up in the dictionary and the concordance of your Bible. Read verses that use the word “holy” or “holiness”. These exercises will help you gain a better understanding of the term.

3. If God has saved you and called you to a life of holiness, how will you devote yourself to a life that honors Christ? What in your life needs to change? What should stay the same?




For you have been my hope, O Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth. Psalms 71:5

JaShaun Agosto is just your typical 12-year-old. Except for the fact that he’s one of the best basketball players in the country. A YouTube star by the age of nine, JaShaun has already basically been recruited by UCLA. His basketball team is so good that they play two levels above their grade and still win. And he holds the world record for fastest mile (4:50) for someone in his age group. After being on almost every talk show you can imagine, you would think JaShaun would start to believe his own hype. Wrong. This kid plays basketball with his dad for four hours a day, has a workout regimen of 200 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, and 250 squats, and caps it all off with running two miles. JaShaun says the key to his success is “practice.” Read 1 Chronicles 22:19. Here, David is setting up the kingdom with a list of rules and regulations. He’s imploring his people to devote themselves to seeking God. And seeking God isn’t just something that you fall into. It follows the same principle as everything else in life – if you’re going to be devoted to it, you have to give your time, your energy, and your resources. Living intentionally doesn’t just happen. JaShaun doesn’t just happen to find his way to the gym everyday after school, he doesn’t just happen to do ball drills with his dad, he doesn’t just happen to be good. Sure, he’s got some talent there. But if he didn’t intentionally hone it, he’d be just another middle-school basketball player. In the same way, you can’t just say that you’re committing to know Christ better and think it will automatically happen for you. It takes discipline. It takes encouragement from others. And it takes whole-hearted devotion to seeking God.


REFLECT 1. Paul’s life transformed dramatically upon meeting Christ. Your testimony may not be as dramatic, but every testimony involves life change. How has your life changed since you received God’s grace?

2. “Holy” can be a familiar, yet mysterious word. We hear it often but may not know what it means. Take time and study this word. Look it up in the dictionary and the concordance of your Bible. Read verses that use the word “holy” or “holiness”. These exercises will help you gain a better understanding of the term.

3. If God has saved you and called you to a life of holiness, how will you devote yourself to a life that honors Christ? What in your life needs to change? What should stay the same?




I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word. Psalms 119:147

Apples to apples. That’s what the cliché says makes a fair comparison. But not all apples like being compared. Did you know that Apple Inc. (iPod) and Apple Corps. (The Beatles) have been fighting since the 70’s? First, the rock icons accused the computer company of hijacking the popular “Apple” name and logo from their records. Then they sued Apple for making computers with musical abilities. Then they sued Apple again for introducing an online music store. The computer company eventually bought the rights to control the name. It wasn’t until 2010 that you could finally buy The Beatles on iTunes. Apple and Apple were finally playing nice. Both sides felt that what they had was too valuable to give up and would protect it at any cost. Fortunately for us, they worked out their differences! Grab your Bible. (Or open a Bible app on your iPhone… See? Apple is everywhere!) Now read 2 Timothy 1:1-14. Remember, Paul is writing this letter to his young friend Timothy. These opening verses remind Timothy that he has received an invaluable gift, being raised in a godly family and mentored by Paul. What was this gift? The gospel. He knew and believed that faith in Jesus changed everything about life (and the afterlife). Following Christ wouldn’t always be easy. In fact, Paul was in prison for His faith. But the Spirit empowered Timothy to be bold in remaining true to the gospel and living for God’s purposes. Did you know that you have the same Spirit inside of you? Literally. God’s Spirit helps you remain devoted to the truth of the gospel and have boldness in living it out. You’re not alone in this “Christian thing.” The Holy Spirit is your devoted Helper. He is always with you, helping you in what is most valuable. Never compromise this priceless gift that has been passed on to you in the name of Jesus. There’s nothing else like it!


1. In your own words, explain the gospel and why it is so valuable.

2. Describe the ways you’ve experienced the life-changing gift of the gospel through faith, godly people, and the Holy Spirit.

3. How can the Holy Spirit help you remain devoted to the gospel? In what ways might the world try to hijack or distort the truth of the gospel if it is not carefully guarded?


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